The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The party of doom, gloom and hate

John Murtha: The currently anointed liberal Democrat attack dog from the house has made himself judge, jury, prosecuting attorney and jailer of several young marines on the basis of accusations from our enemies. These marines are now spending at least part of their time in shackles and chains at Camp Pendleton. I thought liberal Democrats always espoused treating the accused as “innocent until found guilty.” Ignoring even the word, “alleged,” Murtha speaks as if they have been proven guilty and, in effect, accuses the entire Marine Corps of being terrorists. Apparently anything immoral, extralegal or evil, is perfectly acceptable when it promotes the anti-American agenda of liberal Democrats. Of course, he proudly announces he was a Marine. Big deal! So was Lee Harvey Oswald.

The hate America crowd: Murtha has joined the cadre of liberal Democrats who will deliberately say and do anything that will cause damage to our country if there is the remotest possibility it can be used to discredit Republicans. Liberal Democrats and their leftist media lackeys are the best allies Al Queda has. The reason is quite obvious. Al Queda and liberal Democrats have the same agenda for America, destruction and defeat. If we succeed in Iraq it will sink the Democrats who have bet their whole political capital on our defeat there. Virtually everything they say or do works against our success and gives aid and comfort to one of the vilest enemies we have ever faced. The war in Iraq is their centerpiece and must be lost. They want another Viet Nam debacle and are doing everything they can to bring it about. Why else would they promote withdrawal with such vehemence.

Silence about the economy: They have finally, and for obvious reasons, grown mostly silent in their constant harangue about “the worst economy since 1930." There are numerous other truly needed and promising Republican efforts they are doing everything possible to block and scuttle. This includes proposals on taxes, health care, the military, immigration and border protection among many others. They denounce and work constantly to obstruct and destroy any of these proposals. They are so consumed with regaining power, they want no Republican proposals to pass that might benefit the nation and conceivably put the Republicans in a good light. They don’t give a damn about the nation or the people. Their singular and focused attention is on regaining power by any means possible, no matter how their efforts damage the American people. I can’t believe the American people will support the politicians of this party which has become the party of hate and animosity.

On the petroleum issue: The United States is the only oil producing nation in the world that has not increased its production of petroleum in recent years. Virtually every other nation on earth with petroleum reserves has increased production from 5% to 20%. On the other hand, our production of petroleum is steadily shrinking. Soon Cuba will be drilling for oil off our southern coast precisely where American oil companies are prohibited from drilling. I wonder why???

Monday, June 12, 2006

Memorial Day - a Different Meaning

Monday our quartet, The Willows, sang at the Leesburg Memorial day services at the cemetery after the annual parade. It was something our quartet has done for many years. It was a very teary day for me for several reasons. Barbara sang with us the first few times we were in the service and May twenty-ninth this year was our thirteenth anniversary. One more emotional milestone. We sang “I’m Proud to be an American,” a very inspirational and patriotic song.

CAUTION! This paragraph is not politically correct! The parade, the memorial service and our song reminded me I am still very proud to be an American. This in spite of all the anti-American rhetoric from the main-stream media and the political left with their messages of hate created to attempt to divide us and degrade our image in the world. This effort is all because of their insatiable appetite for money and power. That small town parade and Memorial service is what America is to me. Fly over country is where the real Americans are who are willing to work for freedom for all people. The elitists of the left look down their upturned noses at these Americans and their “misguided attitudes" and "right-wing religious dogma.” With their “holy” dogma and corruption of our Constitution, they cannot understand the heart and soul of the increasing numbers of real Americans who are starting to take our nation back for real freedom and prosperity. They can’t stand it that our economy is doing so well and that we are fighting for real freedom. They are doing everything in their power to scuttle and destroy our economy and our efforts for freedom no matter how damaging those efforts are to the nation. They’ve lost on the economy so their only hope to regain power is for us to fail in Afghanistan and Iraq. Should our efforts there result in successful democratic governments, they will lose a great deal of political capital and be out of power for a long time to come. For this reason they have become defacto supporters of our enemies, working and hoping for our defeat and humiliation in the middle east. I call that treason!

I’ve never figured it out - are those politicians from the liberal left pawns of the leftist main-stream media, or are the main stream media simply the voices of the liberal left? Maybe they are all merely the property of George Soros. Now, down from my soap box.