The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mexican Drug dealer's house full of American cash.

It must be seen!

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Below are pictures taken after a raid on a drug dealer's house in Mexico. Are you ready for this???

Aren't we glad that we have an open border policy between us? Just look at how well its paying off........

I think allowing Mexican truckers in the U.S. is a great idea!!! just take a look at the millions of reasons why.........

See how well these truckers are doing? What the @#@%*@ are we thinking??? Notice that nearly 100% of this money is U.S. Currency!!! Do you now wonder why the cost of living has catapulted in our country??? I don't...... Some of the illegal aliens we're letting in can afford anything at any cost!!! And for the ones who cannot........ We'll give it to them anyway!!!

And we have two border patrol agents in prison for shooting and wounding a well documented Mexican drug dealer! Who, by the way, was armed and also happens to be a convicted (by Mexico ) murderer.

Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it??? Automatics, silencers...... they're all having a nice laugh about this stuff at our expense!!!

And we want to give illegal aliens amnesty and not build the border fence because of funding!?!?!? Send this to everyone, including your local representatives in Congress. Our country is bleeding from the outside in! !! Don't you think it's time we take back what we have sacrificed for over 140 years for??? I do. Build the fence higher and deeper, tighten border control, and send EVERY illegal alien home!!!

HoJo’s comments:

I think you’re dreaming. What good would it do to write to a bunch of idiots many of whom are probably heavy on the take as it is. I’ll wager that a large portion of that cash in Mexico was scheduled to go to US Representatives and Senators either as campaign contributions or direct input into their pockets. How do you think so many of them suddenly become very wealthy after being in office for a while. I wonder how much money from similar sources found its way into the millions the Clintons have accumulated since he first gained a political office. What do you really think was the original source of all those millions in payments for speeches by our former philanderer in chief? Think about it!

I have a viable solution that will stop the illegal drug industry in its tracks, for good. Unfortunately, our Congress would never enact it because the illegal drug industry pays for so many politicians’ homes, trips and elections. Why is it people refuse to believe the most obvious? Hmmmmmm?

To read about my comprehensive, solution to the drug problem that would

1. immediately make the illegal drug trade unprofitable,

2. immediately stop all the illegal activities of drug dealers,

3. immediately stop all criminal activity by users trying to get money to buy drugs,

4. immediately stop the actvity enticing people to use drugs.

5. immediately destroy the entire illegal drug industry in the U.S.

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