The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It is impossible for liberal media and politicians to tell the truth

Liberals probably won’t want to read this because these indisputable facts indicate some basic truths that don’t agree with their la la land agenda of non ideas. But, hey! Mr. and Ms. Liberal, you can’t counter the truth by ignoring it.

Liberal politicians and the liberal media are flat-out lying to the public about the effects of taxes and how their tax policy differs from the conservatives. Here are some facts right out of the US Government. After Bill Clinton increased income taxes in 2002, the wealthiest half of taxpayers, the top fifty percent, paid 84% of the income taxes. That meant the bottom half, those with lower incomes paid 16%, right? Liberals and the media kept saying Bush’s tax cuts were “Tax cuts for the wealthy.” Since the Bush tax cuts took effect, guess what! The wealthiest 50% have paid 86% of the income taxes meaning the lower earners, the bottom 50% paid only 14%. And those percentages were of a much larger federal revenue because lowering taxes gave business the incentive to invest in expansion and create jobs. That sure puts the lie to the liberal's mantra, "Tax cuts for the wealthy." According to my math that meant the wealthiest taxpayers had an increase in taxes of 2% while the poorer tax payers paid 2% less. That sure doesn’t sound like “Tax cuts for the wealthy” to me.

The truth is—and you will never hear this from Democrats or the main stream media—lowering taxes and especially capital gains taxes, always generates more jobs, lowers taxes more on the poor than on the wealthy, and increases tax revenue totals. Raising taxes always does the opposite. It makes me wonder, did any liberal ever take basic math in grade school? Does any liberal understand that10 % of $100,000 is a lot more than 20% of $20,000? Does any liberal understand that doubling the capital gains tax will stop a lot of business expansion, cost many jobs, and send more business offshore resulting in major damage to our economy? If the idiot you are trying to put in the Whitehouse gets what he promises, the Jimmy Carter years will look like a bonanza. Of course, who ever accused a liberal of rational thinking or action.

There’s another proposal being pushed in Washington that scares me. It’s called, “The Fairness Doctrine.” Sounds really nice, doesn’t it? Good old fairness. It’s actually a free speech suppression doctrine right out of NAZI Germany in the 1930s. It is designed to silence talk radio, the single strongest voice of dissent against an oppressive and dictatorial American government. Hey you idiot voters! If you don’t like talk radio, TURN IT OFF! No one is forcing you to listen. Of course the left would like to muzzle talk radio. They want to turn it off for everyone permanently since it tells the truth about them. The next thing these NAZI liberals will be doing is burning all the books that disagree with their agenda.

There was an interesting broad spectrum survey of more than a thousand Americans taken about a year ago and one of the questions was something like, “What percentage of Americans do you think are having a hard time financially, are worse off than they were six years previously?” This cross spectrum of Americans answered on average 47%. Remember that number. Another question asked in the survey was are you personally better off, about the same, or worse off than you were six years ago? 55% said they were better off, 30% said they were about the same, and 15% said they were worse off. Think about that! Their perception was that 47% of others were worse off while the reality was only 15% considered themselves worse off. The other interesting question was about job security. The survey showed a whopping 67% thought the average worker was afraid they were going to lose their jobs while only 8% of those questioned thought they were in danger of losing theirs. That is amazing. I think it really demonstrates how the doom and gloom media distorts reality in the minds of the average American. Of course, that’s how they make their money.

People want to hear and see about murders, accidents, disasters, famine, pestilence and all other kinds of human and creature misery. Did you ever see one of those ads soliciting donations to charity showing happy, healthy, well clothed children? Of course not. There might be millions of those, but photographers seek out the sick, starving, disease ridden, dying, little ones to try to get your sympathies and open your wallets. Misery like sex, sells. It’s the stock-in-trade of Hollywood and the entire entertainment world including the news media and the ad writers. That’s in spite of the fact that it portrays a grossly distorted view of virtually everything. Throw in a whole lot class envy and hatred for business and those who provide the vast majority of jobs and you have a real case of making the worst out of a good situation.

I see many of these distortions every day. One murder in a city of millions. What about the 999,999 who made it through the day without getting murdered? Five and a half percent unemployment. That means that 94.5 out of every 100 people that could work actually have a job. Sounds like 94.5% employment to me. With all the media hype about recession and supposed bad economic times it’s a wonder the economy continues to grow. We’ve yet to have a quarter of negative economic growth in spite of all the doom, gloom, and constant recession talk in the media. Looks to me like those imbeciles actually want a recession. At least they are doing a powerful job of selling the idea to the unsuspecting public. I wonder why they didn’t do this when things really were worse during the Clinton years and certainly during the Carter fiasco. Hmmmmm!

And oh yea! Attention all you anti-war people. Did you know there is a war going on right here in America that is rapidly overtaking Iraq and Afghanistan in violence and death? Why aren't you up in arms and protesting this war? Do you even know the war I'm speaking of? Add up the killings and mayhem along our southern border with that in most American cities and you'll find a death toll that is higher than that in both Middle Eatsern wars together, and that toll is rising. Yes, it's a drug war, not a war on drugs. The drug cartels virtually own our neighbor to the south. At least they are able to operate in relative impunity and have complete control of many areas along our border. I'm sure they are waiting impatiently for the opening of the border for Mexican truckers so they can move their operations north into the US. Take a look at one of their drug banks in Mexico. It's shown in my earlier rant of January 14 2008. Scroll down to the rant on that date and see the photos.

I wonder what will happen if the liberals and their champion of unidentified change do end up controlling our government. Well, I can tell you one thing. It will no longer be our government. It will quickly become their government. Government of the people, by the elite, and for the elite. That will give us a real recession or depression which they will promptly blame on the Republicans and George Bush just like every other calamity they have engineered. I have found there was one president who, during his administration, drew more blatant hatred and animosity even than George Bush. So George, don’t sweat the idiots that spew hate at you. You are definitely in pretty great company. The president I mentioned who was hated even more than GW? Abraham Lincoln.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Some disturbing observations

Here are a few facts and opinions I have collected from many sources. Quite a few were gleaned during my research for my book, A Convenient Solution, on the future of fuels and energy in the US. Please note that my comments about the negative press given business, profits, capitalism and especially “Big” oil by no means indicate these are all pure, honest and blameless. It’s just that their negative aspects are grossly distorted while their positive are completely ignored. It’s one hell of a lot easier and popular for those with limited knowledge of business and industry to condemn and vilify than to take the time to learn and understand the truth. Those who would destroy us know and use this to incite hatred among the masses for those institutions that have been instrumental in creating the greatness that has been America, including the highest standard of living and the broadest distribution of wealth among its people of any nation.

Consider these facts:

1. One of the biggest problems among America’s “poor” is obesity.

2. Millions of people from all over the world are trying to come here.

3. With the exception of the oil-rich dictatorships, the cost of motor fuels to the consumer in the US is lower than in any other country, even if you remove the taxes.

4. We still have the best health-care in the world and the most productive pharmaceutical industries.

5. Home ownership is much higher here than anywhere else in the world.


These are just a few of the many positive observations. But now read about a few troubling observations and realities. Keep in mind my comments in the opening paragraph.

The success of Al Gore’s book, movie and his receiving the Nobel prize.

The complete, unquestioning stance of the media about global warming, its cause, and the extreme danger it poses for humanity. The unwavering political correctness of human caused global warming and the suppression of any doubts, negative information, or commentary regarding global warming.

21,000 scientists have signed a petition saying human caused global warming is bunk. One of these, the President of the Czech Republic, offered to debate global warming with Al Gore. The Pied Piper of the global warming crowd refused as he has refused to debate any other of these scientists.

Virtual any dissent from the holy tenet of global warming is greeted with ridicule and disdain by the politically correct. Rarely is supporting evidence provided.

Global warming even accepting it as true and under its worst possible reality, is not nearly as dangerous or threatening a menace as several other problems we are virtually ignoring. The rising cost of energy, the associated transfer of trillions of dollars from our economy to those of nations, mostly Islamic and socialist dictatorships that urge our destruction, and the active prevention of our use of all but a tiny portion of possible new and available energy and fuel sources are all far more immediate and dangerous facts than global warming at its worst.

The introduction of the cap and trade bill in Congress, a bill that promises huge, unprecedented increases in fuel costs, taxes, and debt in our country.

The idiocy that is our handling of our borders and the invasion of millions of illegal aliens from all over the world. This includes the invasion of criminals and the many murders and other crimes now committed by illegals especially along the border. The facts, deliberately hidden by the media and government officials, about the war going on near our border with Mexico and even inside our country that has now become far deadlier than the war in Iraq.

The prohibition of our drilling for oil in Anwar, along our coasts and virtually every domestic source of crude.

The complete silence of the media about the huge oil field in North Dakota, a field that has as much as 400 billion gallons of recoverable sweet crude. That’s enough to supply all of our domestic need for at least the next fifty years. Drilling is now underway, but it will be several years before the field can produce significant amounts of crude. I would not at all be surprised to see efforts mounted to block drilling in this area as well.

The completely unfounded and distorted accusations and threats made by liberal politicians against our oil companies and the constant reporting of this in the media.

The continuing harangue against American oil companies as the main cause fuel prices are so high by liberals and the media. This in spite of the fact that government takes a minimum of twelve times as much money from fuel prices as do the oil companies.

The blocking of construction of any new refineries for 32 years.

The blocking of construction of any Nuclear power plants for the last thirty years.

The ongoing prohibitions against needed coal-fired power plants.

The efforts being made to shut down some major hydroelectric plants and remove their dams and water impoundments.

The constant hate filled harangues against “Big” business, capitalism, entrepreneurship, and free enterprise by liberals and the media. This includes the successful convolution of the word, “profit” as an evil thing. This is sophisticated use of class or economic envy to incite anger against those very institutions that built the nation and economy that has provided the highest standard of living for the most people the world has ever known. Hell! The biggest problem our poorest people face is obesity.

Taxes - Is it conceivable that the ordinary citizens of this country hold so much class hatred for the wealthy that they will sacrifice their own well-being in order to inflict a little financial punishment on the “wealthy?” Do those same citizens realize the dirty little fact that they are paying about 25% in hidden federal taxes for every dollar they spend from the very first dollar they earn? Do they realize those hidden taxes amount to more than the total of all income taxes? Do they realize the wealthy do not have to pay that much on a large portion of their income. Do they realize that every dollar paid by corporations is one less dollar those corporations have available to invest in expansion and new jobs? Do they realize how wantonly their elected represented spend their tax dollars on getting themselves reelected using earmarks and pork barrel projects? Do they wonder how much of that money finds its way into the politician’s pockets by devious, untraceable routes? Do they remember how a thousand dollars magically grew into a hundred thousand dollars in cattle futures? Do they ever wonder who the lobbyists and contractors are that benefit from those give aways? Do they ever wonder how many of them are related to the one who instigated the project? Just ask Harry Reid.

The people of Ireland finally realized the folly of massive taxes and controls on business and reversed their tax policy, controls on and attitude toward business. In less than thirty years they have gone from virtually a third world country where no foreign capital and little of their own was available to the single most dynamic national economy in Europe with thousands of major investors pouring money into the fastest growing business-driven economy, maybe in the entire world. The Irish finally got it!. Their low taxes and business friendly environment has moved them from dirt streets, outside plumbing and horse drawn carriages in just thirty years to manicured concrete city streets and neighborhoods, modern bathrooms, more jobs than the populace can fill, and a shortage of BMWs and Porsches. I’ve been there and I’ve seen it.

The rise to Presidential candidate of a virtually unknown man with few significant accomplishments other than compelling oratory.

The most significant call of Obama’s oratory is change with absolutely no words about what that change might be. The hints he’s made about what he will do if elected do not bode well for our economic survival as a nation.

The only significant proposals hinted at by Obama are deliberate defeat and withdrawal from Iraq, the cancellation of the Bush tax cuts and the imposition of massive new additional taxes.

The newly revealed hate filled racist rants of The Reverend Right and Father Michael Pflager. Add to these, the long standing hate rhetoric from their close friend Louis Farakahn.

The ridiculous false positive comments of Nancy Pelosi regarding Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s actions in Iraq.

The constant efforts of the left to bring about our defeat in Iraq.

The efforts of our media to describe our troops in Iraq in the worst possible light while describing the Islamic terrorists as insurrectionists or even freedom fighters.

The constant implication that our forces in Iraq are torturing Iraqis in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The complete absence of any media reports about the overwhelming support and appreciation our forces are receiving from ordinary citizens in Iraq. Contrast this with the frequent portrayals of the terrorists hate for Americans as being that of the majority of Iraqis.


There are many more observations from all over the world, but those listed are enough to make one wonder. It would be impossible for anyone to devise a better, more effective, or more complete plan for the destruction of America than the efforts covered in this list. I cannot believe this is not being done by plan. There is just too much that does not make sense for it not to be deliberate and directed. I believe there are many individuals in politics, in the media, in the entertainment world and in other venues that are actively promoting the complete destruction of our economy and nation. I cannot conceive of at least some of the liberal Democrats in Congress, in the states, and in the judiciary not being fully aware that their actions as noted in the above observations are going to destroy us. I also cannot conceive of the main stream media being duped by these people. They can’t be that stupid. They have to be involved. I am sure there are a large number of well meaning Americans that are aiding and abetting this cabal unwittingly.

I wish to cite one simple political example. Every member of our Congress has to know the following facts: A reduction in taxes has almost always resulted in increased federal revenue. Movement in the capital gains tax rate has always resulted in associated counter movement in total tax revenue. When the rate is raised, tax revenue goes down. When the rate is reduced, tax revenue goes up. In spite of this fact having been proven time and time again, Liberals are now promising huge tax increases. Those people just can’t possibly be that stupid so the only rational conclusion is that they are making every deliberate effort to destroy our economy. The only rational explanation for that is that they either plan to build a socialist state on the ashes of the old US or that they want to force us into some sort of new world socialist state. I cannot conceive of another option except possibly the efforts of Islam to destroy us. I see China as an unlikely instigator since we have become their cash cow, at least for the present.

There are similar situations related to virtually all of the listed observations. For instance, global warming has become a cash cow for many people and organizations worldwide. (There are at least a hundred websites asking for donations to support their talking about global warming.) It has become a multi billion dollar part of the economy. Proponents have just proposed one of the most costly bills which will be a drag on our economy and will generate a huge bureaucracy whose cost and controls will have an even larger cost effect on our economy. Add all these costs to the obvious drain from purchase of foreign oil and it is plain to see that our economy is under major if not deadly attack. And it is backed, supported and even driven by the radical socialists and Marxists that have taken control of the Democrat party and most of the media.

Intoxicated by incited class envy and the opportunity to “get” those hated “business” wealthy, bosses, and imagined “masters,” the sheep in the Democrat fold and other misguided members of the voting public are about to blindly “cut off their noses to spite their face. By the time they realize their error it will be too late.

Monday, June 02, 2008

A few thoughts for early June

A hodge-podge of ideas, thoughts, and observations:

Using insects as a source of oil and protein, a huge untapped renewable source, possibly far more oil than all the petroleum we have ever had.

Dubai is investing in power systems for electric vehicles and complete electric vehicles and PHEVs. It looks like they are planning for when their oil runs out.

Great Late news: The US Geological survey has just announced a huge new field of sweet (low sulfur) crude has just been surveyed in North Dakota. The Bakken Formation is larger even than the Saudi Arabian field and could be twice its size making it the largest oil field ever discovered. It has been known since 1951. The USGS did an initial study back in 1999 that estimated 400 billion recoverable barrels were present but with prices bottoming out at $10 a barrel back then the report was dismissed because of the higher cost of horizontal drilling techniques that would be needed, estimated at $20-$40 a barrel. With oil above $100 a barrel, this field can now be processed economically. It could supply all the crude America will need for as long as 70 years.

Before you start dancing in the streets, let’s see how quickly the environmentalists can get Congress to outlaw drilling there. Of course, the price of fuel posted on so many street corners, infuriated motorists and truckers could mount such a force that those environmental special interests in Washington might not be able to have their way. With the current flavor of the election rhetoric against “Big oil,” the new federal government could see this as an opportunity to advance socialism and put the government into the oil business to mine and distribute this oil. Considering the gross inefficiency of government in any endeavor that will probably double the end cost of that crude to refiners. I wonder who the government will hire to drill for the oil and operate the business end? China perhaps?

This brings me to another proposal for oil. Let’s charge a 30% tax on all oil imports and exports with a minimum of $50 a barrel while leaving domestic oil that stays in the country tax free. We should do everything in our power to keep that money out of the hands of the politicians or bureaucrats. It should be placed in a fund in a bank and distributed in total to companies who produce useable, non fossil fuel at the rate of $.75 per gallon produced. As the volume of non fossil fuels increases past the point where the payout from the fund is greater than the input, reduce the payout to the point where input equals output. Make this adjustment on a monthly basis. This will stimulate the domestic oil industry, discourage oil imports and exports and stimulate a domestic alternative fuel industry. Nobody gets a payoff. No earmarks are used. There are no pork barrel projects involved keeping political hands out of the cookie jar. I know no legislator would propose such legislation. They would fear the fury of their lobbyists and that would injure their cash cows.
How about converting all that fat from liposuction to fuel? Centia is a new process that converts animal fats to useable fuels.

China is drilling in our backyard while we look to increase our energy costs by imposing a cap and trade system. The rest of the world must be laughing at the stupidity of the Lieberman-Warner cap and trade bill which will probably add as much as $1.50 to the price of a gallon of fuel and make many things and especially fuel so expensive we have to curtail its use or stop using it all together (unless we are very wealthy or are members of the bureaucracy or hold political office.

While we debate this ridiculous and expensive (to Mr Average American) cap and trade bill, slant drilling is enabling China and India to drill for oil that lies under our Continental shelf immediately off the Florida coast. If you want to blame anyone, blame the liberal environmentalists who have effectively driven the price of fuel through the roof by preventing American oil companies from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and most other places with proven oil deposits. They want us all to be riding bicycles or walking to satisfy their warped sense of necessity. Of course the politicians will still be motoring and jetting around using fuel they don’t have to pay for just as they do now. All of that expensive fuel will be paid for by your money.

Think about American oil companies being forbidden to drill for proven oil deposits around Florida to protect shoreline ecosystems. Sounds great, doesn’t it, protecting the environment. Now that we are not drilling in these fields, the world’s largest oil company, PetroChina in cooperation with Cuba is now drilling not far from Key West where American companies are forbidden to drill. Using slant drilling, they can take the oil from underneath us and, yet, we're not doing a damn thing about it. Ask any liberal what they plan to do about that. I pray none of their undersea wells blows. (as they have in a few other areas) If they do have a blowout, the Florida keys and Everglades will be irreparably damaged. PetroChina has none of the environmental controls on drilling and drilling techniques required of American oil companies. So much for our politicians protecting the environment along our shores. As far as “big oil” is concerned, last year, PetroChina overtook Exxon as the world's largest publicly traded oil company. There goes all that potential profit and billions in taxes from our shores to China. The Chinese are laughing at our stupidity all the way to their banks. Real smart move, that. An enemy bent on destroying our economy could hardly have accomplished more.

Father Michael Pfleger received $225,000 in grants to his church from a Barack Obama earmark. This is the priest who said, “America is the greatest sin against God.” and “racism is as natural as the air we breathe.” Make no mistake this is all extreme racism being used to stir up blacks against white America.

This Catholic priest and the Reverend Right have made many remarks that have opened my eyes to the hatred for America being preached in some black churches. I have heard Farakahn and didn’t realize how many followers of this man’s hate campaign there were in the black community. This hatred is so much like the hatred being taught in Muslim madrassa schools. It makes me wonder if we haven’t pushed ourselves into a very dangerous corner from which there may be no escape. I can only imagine the violent anger that will come from the inflamed black community should Hillary manage somehow to wrest the nomination from Barack at the convention. If not, there is then the general election. No matter what he says or does, McCain will be painted as a rabid racist by blacks and most of the extreme left. Any charge he levels against Barack will be called racist no matter how accurate or unrelated to race. I wonder what kind of sermons will be preached at Trinity during the campaign. I believe this will be one of the most hate filled elections America has ever seen. I have no doubt that any close finish with the decision unclear will result in a violent reaction should McCain win. I think it quite possible that it will trigger home grown terrorism and black vs white violence. If it happens you can thank those so called holy men who are inflaming their congregations precisely as the mullahs have inflamed their followers. What these so called men of God say is certainly the opposite of all Christian principals of any Christian church I have known of previously.

Interesting information on Barack Obama’s background.

Father Michael Pfleger quote, “Hillary thinks, ‘I'm white! I'm entitled!’” I agree she thinks she’s entitled, but it has nothing at all to do with her race. Of course, the father and apparently the ministers at Trinity United Church have to know their words will probably lead to violence in the streets. Their goal appears to be the complete destruction of the nation Father Pfleger describes with the words, “America is the greatest sin against God.” Either he firmly believes that and is acting on it, or is deliberately lying to promote his own agenda. In either case he is wrong

Barack Obama said Saturday he has resigned his 20-year membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago "with some sadness" in the aftermath of inflammatory remarks by his longtime pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and more recent fiery remarks at the church by a visiting priest. As far as I am concerned, this changes nothing. He has demonstrated who he is by how he has lived, how he voted, who his friends are, who his associates are, and what he has accomplished.

I am pleasantly surprised at the number of blacks I hear who describe Barack Obama as a black revolutionary and will refuse to vote for him. These are thoughtful individuals like Gale from Kentucky who said this primary battle alone has inflamed racial tensions and set back the existing black progress into main stream America at least twenty years. She says if Obama is the Democrat candidate, all this has made her to decide to vote for a Republican for the first time in her life. She also described the activist ministers as black racists.

“Recognizing the Race hustlers: There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs - partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T. Washington, 1911.

Nancy Pelosi announced that it wasn’t the surge that brought about the recent successes in Iraq. It was due to Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s help the Iranians have given us in Iraq. Can you believe any American could make such a statement? I find it amazing and reprehensible that a member of our Congress would make such a clearly untrue statement and praise the man and nation that is supplying the terrorists with weapons and men who are daily killing Americans. Her blatant lies make those of our former Philanderer in chief almost palatable. Now it looks as though the latest efforts of our combined military forces, the surge, is having great results, and that Iraqi forces are taking over more of the burden of protecting Iraq and routing terrorists. Nancy and friends will do whatever they can to discredit or distort these facts about our nation’s efforts. A victory for Iraq and expulsion of foreign terrorists is happening. For the first time ever, combined forces have retaken the port of Basra and driven the militias out of Sadr City. An Amarican/Iraqi success and complete victory would be a disaster for these leftists, and now it looks to be possible if we can finish before the left can snatch defeat out of the clutches of certain victory.

Oh yes, did you know that Barack Obama voted against a Senate resolution calling the Iraq Revolutionary Guard an Iranian creation? This in spite of the fact that they are mostly Iranians and carry arms made in or obtained from Iran and are proven to be trained and directed by the Iranian military.

I wonder if Ms. Pelosi heard her friend Mahmoud say there are no homosexuals in Iran? That’s true, and the reason is they are hanged. You don’t have to wonder, it is done publicly and the Iranians including Nancy’s friend Mahmoud brag about it.

I love Governor Schweitzer of Montana who said, “we're not going to lose our gun rights in Montana. You can bet on that, but I can assure you of this: Montana will continue to take the lead to make America energy independent. We're not going to allow dictators to push us around anymore. We have an infinite supply of energy in this country. We just have a finite supply of resolve to get it right. We're already giving $2 a gallon to dictators who are trying to destroy our way of life. Look, I support the concerns that people of the world have with carbon dioxide but we have the technology right now to produce all of our energy domestically, to drive all of your cars, run of all trains and plains, light all of your light bulbs without importing oil from them and we can sequester our CO2. Right here in Montana.” And he’s a Democrat.

21,000 scientists have signed a petition saying human caused global warming is bunk. One of these, the President of the Czech Republic, offered to debate global warming with Al Gore. The Pied Piper of the global warming crowd refused as he has refused to debate any other of these scientists. I wonder why?

Oh yes, when we were in Glacier bay in Alaska a few weeks ago I learned that most of the glaciers that are flowing into Glacier Bay have stopped receding and are now advancing. To my knowledge, no one in the main stream media has ever reported that fact. I also learned that in 1767 the entire bay was filled with a glacier being fed by the dozen or so that remained. Most of the recession of that glacier happened between 1767 and 1850 after which it slowed and finally the feeder glaciers, all that were left, stopped around 1990 and have since been advancing. I also learned that the local natives, the Chiklit people, once lived far up in Galcier Bay. Their legends say they were driven south out of their land by a rapidly advancing glacier that advanced, "as fast as a running dog." It advanced so fast they were unable to take many of their belongings and had to abandon them and run for their lives. There are no historical records, but this probably happened When the glacier receded, they visited their former lands and found them scoured clean and not a place they could live. This probably corresponded with the time of the “little ice age” which wiped out the Norse settlement on Greenland after five hundred years of farming and raising cattle successfully during the medieval warm period. During this little ice age there was much starvation and crop failures in Europe. This also brought about the historically recorded migration of many Norse as well as Normans to the shores of the Mediterranean.

In Glacier Bay, several Park Rangers came aboard the ship to explain the glaciers for us. I met and talked with one of these Ranger, a young woman, who invited us to ask questions. I asked her why the glaciers had been advancing for almost twenty years in the face of global warming. Her reply was very interesting. She said that even though the terminus of most of the glaciers were advancing they were still shrinking by getting thinner. When I pointed out that according to recent measurements, all of the midpoints of the advancing glaciers were at least thirty to forty feet higher than they were in 1990, she didn’t have an answer. That certainly doesn’t indicate they are getting thinner. I don’t think she knew that. Then when I commented about the black cover of the American Glacier and that the black cover must accelerate melting she said it didn’t and that it was so thick it acted as an insulator. When I said that was contrary to the very well established heat transfer effect of black body radiation and pointed out that the darker sections had quite obviously melted more than the lighter, she again had no answer. Then she said that’s what they taught her in her training. I said that no matter what she had been taught, the laws of physics and energy transfer are constant and immutable. I smiled, apologized for making her uncomfortable and suggested that I might not be the only on these visiting cruise ships who knew what I knew. I also suggested that she confirm what I said with her superiors.

Human caused global warming menace is a convenient myth that serves the agenda of those who hate America, hate capitalism, hate everyone who has more than they and like Howard Dean, "Hate Republicans, hate conservatives and hate Rush Limbaugh." Even accepting that global warming is as supposed and at its worst, it does not pose nearly the danger as do numerous other menaces we rarely even talk about. The destruction of tropical and temperate rain forest, overgrazing of pastures, salination of crop lands, shortage of fresh water, all of these pose much more serious clear and present danger than global warming at its worst. Of course, the threat of Islamic terrorism and imposition of Sharia law is a much bigger menace to the world than any of the others. Unfortunately, these are not politically correct, nor do they provide grist for the mills of those who would crush America as does global warming. The Lilliputians in Congress would rather joust at windmills, fill their pockets, revel in their power, and curse the things that made America great.

Quite frequently I have heard liberal friends and family members say they never listen to talk radio because its all extreme right wing lies and propaganda. Lately I have begun asking them if they had ever heard any of the conservatives on talk radio. What amazed me was that all but one of them told me they had never listened to talk radio and wouldn’t ever even consider doing so. I asked them how they could pronounce judgement on those they had never heard. The answers were quite revealing. The most frequent response was that their words were all lies and hate rhetoric. When I asked them if they ever heard the words and tone of the rants of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Howard Dean and the like, they usually replied saying something like they’re just politicians, that’s what they do. That was a revelation to me. These liberals firmly believed that members of their own party spoke lies and hate rhetoric—that all politicians do. They also accused the media of being biased toward the right. That makes me howl with laughter and helps me to understand why factual arguments have no affect on the sheep in the liberal fold. Suffice to say that time and time again analysis of the big three in TV has shown they all repeat negatives about Republicans many times more than similar negatives about Democrats and frequently ignore serious Democrat misconduct entirely. In interviews, they will repeatedly ask soft ball questions of Democrats while hurling high fast curved balls at Republicans. This is not just my opinion but has been confirmed by several media watch dog groups. The difference between the main stream, left wing media including the New York Times and conservative talk radio is that talk radio hosts loudly proclaim their bias while the main stream, or “drive by” media as Rush calls them, claim objectivity when they are at least as much in the liberal camp as talk radio is in the conservative one.

Oh yes, liberals have even become so brazen as to speak openly about using the so called, “Fairness Doctrine” to destroy talk radio and so silence most of the few voices of dissent. One of the major steps in developing a socialist dictatorship is to silence dissent. Hitler did it, Stalin did it, in fact all Communists nations did it as soon as they came to power. Venezuela’s fat little dictator did it just recently. This brings to mind an old saying I really think is so on the monet, “Judge them by what they do and with whom they associate.”

Liberals have long and often compared Nixon to Hitler, Reagan to Hitler and Bush to Hitler. Now they have decided it is wrong to make comparisons to Hitler to one leader: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That makes you wonder why, doesn’t it? Speaking of Hitler, I remember listening to some of his speeches when I was in school. One didn’t need to understand German to feel the hate in the character and delivery of his words, the non verbal message. Communication experts say that a major part of all verbal communication is non-verbal. To me, Hitler’s speeches and those of Ahmadinejad sound the same. Both are in a language unknown to me yet the non verbal message is exactly the same, hate and anger. I hear precisely the same non verbal message of hate in recent rants from many on the left including Howard Dean, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Sylvia Mckinney and the latest from the reverend Jeremiah Right and father Michael Pfleger. It is clear to me these are all similar communications of hatred intended to arouse and inflame to action. That action being precisely the same as the words the instigators of lynch mobs use to incite those mobs to perform their lawless violence. These are certainly not the speeches of those who would like a reasonable discussion to resolve a conflict. These are the speeches of those who want violent action of retribution for grievances often blown far out of proportion, that are imagined, or that serve the purposes of the speaker.

It seems to me that liberal democrats with the aid of the media and supporters like George Soros hate capitalism and are planning to turn America into a secular socialist state. The old axiom “government of the people, by the people and for the people” will be changed to “government of the people by the government and for the government.” Using class hatred and wealth envy to incite anger and even violence against the people who provide the jobs, create the wealth, and guide and generate the thousands of independent corporations and individual entrepreneurs that put most Americans to work. While China and other socialist nations are moving into capitalism and growing their economies at fantastic rates because of it, our country is poised to descend into the socialist misery pit. It will probably take a decade or two, but we are headed to becoming like the China of thirty years ago where one ponderous, inefficient monopoly operated everything “collectively.” We are headed into the socialist gray morass where everyone is equal in poverty. Except, of course, as the pig said, “Some of us are more equal than others.” It will be the sad end to an experiment in democracy which created the most free nation and the widest distribution of wealth among its citizens, of any nation, ever. Or maybe we’ll become a state like our neighbor to the south, Mexico where there is no middle class only the very wealthy and the dirt poor, ruled by a government riddled with corruption and inefficiency. I wonder where our poor will be able to emigrate?

LIBERAL DEMOCRAT COWS are all multi-colored. Most are multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi lingual, and/or multi-national. 10% are homosexual, won’t have calves and so never give milk. 25% are too busy going to peace rallies to have calves or give milk. 35% are on strike and refuse to give milk - The 2% Hollywood cows won’t have calves because they’re afraid it will ruin their career if they produce milk - 38% are feminist activists who hate bulls - 72% believe all Republicans are white bulls. The 25% who do have calves and produce milk place most of it in their family coffers and share very little with the less fortunate cows. All believe the government should guarantee them free barns, free hay and free veterinary services.

CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN COWS are many-colored, like bulls and believe having calves and producing milk is their main purpose in life - 85% organize into cooperative dairies and create dairy conglomerates - their cooperatives produce a milk surplus which they keep for a “rainy day” - soon 10% of the cows control 95% of the milk - they resent being forced to provide increasing amounts of their milk to non-producing cows - 72% believe all Democrats are anti-bull cows who are doing to them what the bulls usually do but without the benefits - 90% believe Democrat cows should start having calves and producing milk - 38% believe all forests should be cut down and converted to pastures - 2% control the cooperatives and are buying up all pastures to provide for themselves.

CENTRIST COWS are all pale greyish brown, don’t know if they like bulls or not, and are neutral about having calves and producing milk - they are distressed by the huge dairy conglomerates, but won’t do anything about them - they think all liberal Democrat and conservative Republican cows are, “out to get them” - 34% put off having calves until it’s too late because they just, “can’t make up their minds” - those that do have calves haven’t a clue what to do with the milk they produce, but know they won’t put it in the hands of the cooperatives - 97% will firmly position themselves straddling every fence with their mooer on one side and their udder on the other, “Mooudders?” - nearly all have not the slightest idea of whether they are coming or going.