The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The truth about health care, several views

From, an Internet mouthpiece for the far left, with a little corrective information, the real truth.

Top Five Health Care Reform Lies—and How to Fight Back

Lie #1: President Obama wants to euthanize your grandma!!!

The truth: These accusations—of "death panels" and forced euthanasia—are, of course, flatly untrue. As an article from the Associated Press puts it: "No 'death panel' in health care bill." What's the real deal? Reform legislation includes a provision, supported by the AARP, to offer senior citizens access to a professional medical counselor who will provide them with information on preparing a living will and other issues facing older Americans.

The real truth: “Death panels” and forced euthanasia are only the worst possible result of medical decisions being made by bureaucrats when they run out of money which they certainly will. Look at what’s already happening in some European nations under similar circumstances. Let the camel’s nose in the tent and before long it fills your tent and you are forced out.

Lie #2: Democrats are going to outlaw private insurance and force you into a government plan!!!

The truth: With reform, choices will increase, not decrease. Obama's reform plans will create a health insurance exchange, a one-stop shopping marketplace for affordable, high-quality insurance options. Included in the exchange is the public health insurance option—a nationwide plan with a broad network of providers—that will operate alongside private insurance companies, injecting competition into the market to drive quality up and costs down.7

If you're happy with your coverage and doctors, you can keep them.8 But the new public plan will expand choices to millions of businesses or individuals who choose to opt into it, including many who simply can't afford health care now.

The real truth: Apparently the writer of the above has not read the only health care plan in the Democrats’ arsenal. (If Obama has a plan, where is it?) The only existing Democrat plan specifically states that changes in plans or in the supplier of the plan will not be permitted. The only point of that section of their plan is to drive private health care insurance out of the business.

Lie #3: President Obama wants to implement Soviet-style rationing!!!

The truth: Health care reform will expand access to high-quality health insurance, and give individuals, families, and businesses more choices for coverage. Right now, big corporations decide whether to give you coverage, what doctors you get to see, and whether a particular procedure or medicine is covered—that is rationed care. And a big part of reform is to stop that.

Health care reform will do away with some of the most nefarious aspects of this rationing: discrimination for pre-existing conditions, insurers that cancel coverage when you get sick, gender discrimination, and lifetime and yearly limits on coverage. And outside of that, as noted above, reform will increase insurance options, not force anyone into a rationed situation.

The real truth: Obama’s non existing plan, if it follows the house Democrats’ plan, will result in weeks, months, or even years of waiting as demands for care will far outpace the medical profession’s ability to supply it. Just look at Canada, Scandinavia, or England, and the realities there.

Lie #4: Obama is secretly plotting to cut senior citizens' Medicare benefits!!!

The truth: Health care reform plans will not reduce Medicare benefits. Reform includes savings from Medicare that are unrelated to patient care—in fact, the savings comes from cutting billions of dollars in overpayments to insurance companies and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse.

The real truth: There is no government run system ever created that has come close to competing with private operations. The truth is waste, fraud, and abuse are the hallmarks of government bureaucracies because employees call most of the shots and are notoriously inefficient. Compared to private organizations they have never been able to effectively compete on anything close to a level playing field without massive subsidies. UPS, FedEx, USPS, the perfect example. I rest my case. Oh yes, have you ever heard of any government cost estimates that have been even close to the final cost. Usually the final costs are five to ten times the original estimates, and that’s conservative.

Lie #5: Obama's health care plan will bankrupt America!!!

The truth: We need health care reform now in order to prevent bankruptcy—to control spiraling costs that affect individuals, families, small businesses, and the American economy.

Right now, we spend more than $2 trillion dollars a year on health care. The average family premium is projected to rise to over $22,000 in the next decade—and each year, nearly a million people face bankruptcy because of medical expenses. Reform, with an affordable, high-quality public option that can spur competition, is necessary to bring down skyrocketing costs. Also, President Obama's reform plans would be fully paid for over 10 years and not add a penny to the deficit.

We're closer to real health care reform than we've ever been—and the next few weeks will decide whether it happens. We need to make sure the truth about health care reform is spread far and wide to combat right wing lies.

The real truth: If you speak only of health care insurance, most people without it are without it by choice (they don’t want to spend the money) or are illegal aliens. If you are speaking of health care, since 1968 it has been illegal by federal law to deny medical care to anyone in need This includes those without insurance, or the money to pay for services, including illegals. So, anyone needing health care in America will get it. There is no health care crises other than the excess of demand over supply. We don’t have enough health care professionals available to serve the demand. Any federal health care insurance system will not even address this problem, and will certainly make it much worse. What we really need is a massive program of growth in education of health care workers at all levels. We need acceptance of new medical intermediates to do many of the simple services that now must be done by doctors. These could include many examination, diagnostic and treatment procedures that could be handled by professionals with much less time and money consuming education. There is a growing shortage of physicians and trained nurses. What is needed are training systems for professionals at several levels between nurses aides and nurses and between technicians and physicians.

We're closer to the major desolation of the best health care system in the world than we've ever been. This so called reform proposal is a recipe for the destruction of that incomparable health care service.

Currently, all levels of health care professionals are entering the US in substantial numbers from all manner of education systems from all over the world. They are staffing our hospitals, clinics, and all manner of health care facilities in steadily increasing numbers. Why is it our schools and colleges are not turning out enough graduates? That is indeed the biggest problem and it is not even mentioned in the Democrats’ only proposal.

Another thing that would reduce costs considerably would be limits on the fees trial lawyers could collect from suits against members of the health professions and health organizations.

These statements are the real truth about our situation with health care. They may not be as emotionally stimulating from either political standpoint as they are not fightin’ words, just realty that must be dealt with.

Monday, August 03, 2009

A collage of tasty bits of information

All you leftists should be ecstatic with the Obama administration and Democrat Congress. They are systematically destroying or nationalizing private business. Banks and Auto companies fell first, the insurance industry is next and the oil business will soon follow. I wonder where it will stop? Probably not before the government owns and runs all industry and business. They’re well on their way as it is. I wonder what you have to say about the following short bits of info?
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The deliberate action of the federal government brought on the mortgage collapse. They succeeded in cutting 35% to 60% of the value of personally held real estate, most of which was mortgaged an average of around 55%. In a single action, government destroyed more than 90% of personal equity in real estate. Banks ( like Goldman Sachs, loved and rewarded by Obama) now own more than 90% of privately owned real estate. Isn’t that great that we have soaked those evil wealthy people that own their homes.

The “governmentalists” in Washington are doing everything they can to destroy private enterprise and replace it with inept government workers.
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Reporting from Orange County and Washington — Regulators took on the mortgage industry's best-known figure Thursday, accusing former Countrywide Financial Corp. Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo of hiding his alarm about risky loans the company was making at the height of the housing boom while he was reaping nearly $140 million in profits on stock sales.

In a fraud and insider-trading lawsuit against Mozilo, the Securities and Exchange Commission
quotes e-mails in which the executive derided certain Countrywide loan products as "toxic" and "poison" more than three years ago -- well before "toxic debt" entered the popular lexicon as the cause of the housing crash and the resulting global financial crisis and deep recession.
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I wonder why so many Goldman Sachs executives are in the government? Read:
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Re: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac:
Fannie Mae executive Franklin Raines reaped 90 million in bonuses while Fannie Mae collapsed due to bad loans. Barney Frank was reporting, “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are sound financially.” even after they were already bankrupt. He then denied he said it in spite of TV recordings of his speech.

As I understand it, the common and preferred shareholders are basically being wiped out, but the government is backing Fannie and Freddie's existing debt, the value of which therefore rose. So here's my question: if Fannie and Freddie were heading for bankruptcy but for the government's intervention, why didn't the Treasury Department bargain hard with major holders of their existing debt (such as the Chinese government), and threaten to let Fannie and Freddie go bankrupt unless the debtholders agreed to write down the value of the debt? After all, there was no explicit guarantee of such debt, and Treasury still could have agreed to explicitly guarantee FUTURE Fannie and Freddie debt.

The way the bailout is structured, it seems that Fannie and Freddie shareholders, and the American taxpayer, are paying the price, but holders of the GSE's debt get made whole at the latter's expense. Why?

The Country Wide debacle went right along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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Acorn real estate deals in Ft Wayne:
Some time ago I heard on local radio in Ft Wayne about a real estate loan scam that was conducted in that city. Three local banks charged a number of people (5 or 6 were members of Acorn by the way) with conspiracy to defraud the banks with loans made based on fraudulent appraisals. I checked the website they sighted and copied the following information about how they did it:

They bought up low value inner city homes in Ft Wayne for between $20,000 and $40,000. Then they did some cosmetic improvements that cost between $3,000 and $6,000. Next they had appraisals made for 3 or four times their cost by their appraisers. (I wonder how much of a kick back those appraisers received.) Then they found local people to buy these houses securing loans from these banks backed by Fannie Mae for 100% of the purchase price. They paid these people $15,000 to $30,000 from the loan proceeds and pocketed the remainder. When the buyers realized they could not keep up the payments they walked away. When the banks finally foreclosed they were left holding mortgages three or four times the value of the homes. In many cases strippers moved in soon after the house was vacated and stripped everything of value including copper piping and wiring that was sold as scrap. These stripped houses lost their entire value as repair costs were prohibitive. The losses to the mortgage holders were substantial. Recently I went back on the Internet to get links for this paper and, lo and behold, they were gone without a trace. I searched under every name and title I could think of and nothing turned up. I wonder how that happened?

For more info on Acorn goto:
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The Obama Government paid healthcare bill is not about healthcare. It is principally an effort to destroy private insurance companies and replace them with government bureaucracies. It includes the eventual replacement of all private insurance with single payer government run healthcare. It also includes euthanasia and withholding services from the elderly, and rationing. It has never worked in any nation that tried it. Ask the French, Britons and Canadiens.
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The entire Democrat campaign is based on class warfare with hate for the wealthy. Apparently Obama’s method of leveling the playing field for income is based on reducing the income of all productive, middle class and wealthy individuals to that of the poor. They have sure got a good start on doing just that. It doesn’t help the poor one little bit but it sure does punish those evil wealthy people. Wouldn’t it be better to help bring those on low incomes up rather than tearing the rich down? I guess Democrats are so filled with hate they would rather hurt successful people and punish them for being successful than try to raise the incomes of the poor and enable them to be more productive .
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Obama’s promise of no tax increases for those earning less than $250,000.00 per year were absolutely useless. Now he says that even the poor will be taxed. I wonder, did he forget that everyone including the poor already pay 20% to 25% of every dollar they spend in hidden taxes on virtually everything.
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The promise of a max of 8% unemployment after the stimulus was pure fiction. It is already above 9.5% and heading higher.

This unemployment is a direct result of the expected reduction of business profits as increases in taxes prompt business executives to cut employment and plans for growth which must be paid for out of profits.
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The Obama administration’s predictions of the results of their actions have all been terrible failures.
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Government bureaucracies cost at least twice as much as private businesses doing the same things. They are also much less efficient.
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Tax cheat Timothy Geitner promises massive tax increases. Michael Rozbruch, a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist says, “Unfortunately, the Obama Administration may be sending the wrong message to the American taxpaying public by apparently condoning the behavior of Tim Geitner and Tom Daschle. Although Daschle withdrew his name as a nominee for the Health and Human Services Secretary is still leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths. And I am positive that if he weren’t named as a nominee he would still owe the IRS $120,000 + today.”
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Raising taxes above 15% on business profits will always result in lower revenue receipts. Lowering taxes on business profits down to 15% has always resulted in higher tax revenues.
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The Chinese who hold most of our debt are about to cut off our credit line.
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Income tax receipts down 22 %, business tax receipts are down 28% from a year ago. That’s the biggest drop since the great depression. Nice going, Obama!
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A few Obamaisms:

“If you are a family with income of less than $250,000 my plan will not raise your taxes one iota.” Obama. - Ha!

“If you are a family with income of less than $200,000 my plan will give you a reduction in your taxes.” Obama. - Ha!

“My health care plan will let you keep your present insurance.” Obama. The truth is just the opposite.

“We will not be running the Auto companies.” Obama.
Hey Pres! Firing the president and ordering the main offices moved from Warren to downtown Detroit is running the company. Try doing anything the government doesn’t approve and you’ll see who’s running the company.
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The Post Office is hemorrhaging money at such a rate they are considering closing as many as 1,500 post offices (and releasing 10,000 employees). I thought government employees couldn’t be fired or cut.
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Democrats plan on repealing the 22nd amendment. I wonder why?