The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

That Wonderful Health Care Bill

In 2001 I finished writing a book titled “The Feudals” in which I compared the America that the liberal agenda was working to create to Europe under the feudal system of the middle ages. In that book I made the following prediction:

The United States will be a socialist/marxist/communist/fascist/feudal dictatorship by 2030. At this time those leftist activists will happily extol the joys of socialism as they are being carted off to the salt mines by the brown shirted storm troopers of the new America.
—HJ, 2001

I am afraid I was wrong. It has already happened. The reality is we are now an oligarchy ruled by an elite who have circumvented our Constitution, lied to us about virtually everything they are doing, and made law by a dictatorial process against the overwhelming demands of the American public. Here’s what they have already done to gain and consolidate their complete control of our nation and its people by flaunting total disregard for our laws and Constitution:

1) They have deliberately destroyed more than half of the wealth of our middle class by manipulating the mortgage system. The next step will be to destroy the remaining wealth of the middle class and make them totally dependent on government..

2) They have nationalized two of our major auto manufacturers. Which of our major corporations will suffer the same fate during the next round of economic collapse? The coming collapse is of course being engineered by the despots who are working to control our country.

3) They have nationalized several banks, insurance companies, and who knows what else. Isn’t it interesting that so many officers and executives of Goldman Sachs are now in powerful positions within the Obama administration? Isn’t it also interesting that all of them received a special presidential exemption to the federal law that states such individuals had to divest themselves of all stock in the banks they formerly worked for. Hmmmm?

4) Somehow, they have taken complete control of much of the media, principally TV networks and newspapers making them virtual propaganda machines of the administration.)

5) They are now in the process of illegally passing a so called “health care” bill that is aimed directly at destroying the best health care system in the world. Most of this was done in defiance of the law in secret meetings held by the administration and liberal Democrat leaders. Health care is to be placed under the complete control and operation of the same bureaucratic idiots who have done such a marvelous job of running the Postal Service, Amtrak, and all the other failing government systems.

6) Their same destructive economic policies that have virtually bankrupted our nation, have also bankrupted a number states under the same liberal Democrat control. New York, Michigan, and California are the worst with several others close behind.

The amazing thing to me is how completely blind most Americans are to what is happening. Our nation in its history has indeed taken those fateful steps and moved from bondage to spiritual faith to courage to liberty to abundance to selfishness to apathy to dependency, and is now on the verge of taking the last step into bondage once more. Our freedoms are being eliminated at a steadily accelerating rate in the name of security. The ultimate security is of course slavery and that is where we are rapidly headed.

So here is my opinion of you liberal Democrats who voted for and are supporting this madness. You will fall into one or more of these sorry groups of people:

1) You are a completely emotional ideologue with out a rational thought in your head who thinks using a phrase like, “We should all just love each other” will solve everything. You do little or nothing productive.

2) You are an idealist, also under emotional control, who actually believes there are no evil, power hungry liberal Democrat politicians, or people for that matter. You also do little or nothing productive.

3) You are a government employee who can’t be fired and who’s main job is to make more work for other government employees in order to expand your department and create more government jobs. That’s the government’s main job creation program. You vote Democrat to ensure your job. You do nothing productive.

4) You work for a giant corporation and your job depends on your company getting more of those lucrative government financed programs. You also do nothing productive

5) You work for GM, Chrysler, AIG, or Goldman Sachs. You also do nothing productive.

6) You are a member of, ACORN, SEIU, UAW, or some other labor union. You also do nothing productive.

7) You are on welfare and probably wouldn’t work if given the opportunity. You also do nothing productive.

8) You work for federally funded schools. You also do nothing productive.

9) You work in academia at the university level. You also do nothing productive.

10) You are a trial lawyer. You also do nothing productive.

11) You are an entertainer, a media or sports personality, or some other celebrity. You also do nothing productive.

12) You are a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who would vote that way even if the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Che Guevera, or Osama bin Laden were on the ticket. There is a very slight chance you could do something productive.

13) You are a typical politician with your hand in everyone’s pocket spending tons of other people’s money on your election campaign while syphoning much of it off into your own family’s pockets. You also do nothing productive.

12) You are a multi million or billion dollar executive of one of the companies in bed with government officials and bureaucrats. You also do nothing productive.

13) You are a college or university professor accepting government grant money to do research providing results designed to satisfy the government’s needs. You also do nothing productive.

20) You are employed by one of the thousands of organizations aboard the global warming tax bandwagon. You only extol things that support AGW and all this carbon footprint crap. You also do nothing productive.

21) You have never been gainfully employed because the world owes you a living. You live on other people’s money. You also do nothing productive.

22) You are a criminal, an illegal alien, or a foreign terrorist, but I repeat myself. You also do nothing productive.

23) You are one of the stupid, ignorant, lazy, criminals, gang members, or just plain ne’er-do-wells that wander about in our nation looking for something to steal or someone to mug. You also do nothing productive.

For those very few decent human beings in any of these categories, my apologies. You are just inherently out of it or totally ignorant. I suggest you take a remedial math course where you will learn that 6 is not the same as 10 and 1 minus 3 does not equal 2.

I suggest the math course because of today’s revelation by the CBO about the health care destruction bill. The CBO reort said, “The $940 billion health bill would help cut deficit over 10 years.” Of course, the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is staffed and run by liberal Democrats. If that alone or combined with all the previous errors in CBO and other government reports about costs (they average out to be less than half of the actual costs) doesn’t convince you this is a fairy tale, you are dumber than I thought. Here’s an example of typical liberal Democrat math. The CBO used estimated tax revenue from the bill over the next ten years compared with estimated costs over the next ten years. Sounds rational doesn’t it? What they are very careful to keep from you is that while the tax revenue is for ten years, the cost estimate is for only six of those years. This is a typical Democrat ploy about costs and taxes.

Don’t believe me? Well read this and weep. The tax increases start right away while the benefits (costs) do not start until 2014. That makes the cost period for the next ten years only for the last six years while the income (taxes) are being used for the entire ten years. If we take the CBO at their word a quick calculation would reveal costs from 2014 to 2020 would be $940 billion while tax revenue would be $564 billion, a deficit for the program of $376 million. And that’s using the CBO’s own gloriously optimistic figures. If past experience is any indication the real deficit should be somewhere around a trillion dollars. That’s trillion with a T.

I can absolutely guarantee that no media person will explain that to the American public. They lie through their teeth. I often wonder why. What payoff are they getting from our new dictatorship? Maybe their lives have been threatened or those of their families. It is a complete mystery to me.

There is one more bit of information that it is important to know. If you average out the errors the CBO has made in all of its cost projections for the last twenty years you come up with a factor of 3.7 times. That means that on average, actual costs of programs turn out to be 3.7 times the CBO estimates. In other words, CBO estimates have averaged to be only about 27% of the actual costs. That demonstrates the sorry state and unreliability of the CBO. Actually, they have been fairly consistent in their errors so to get a real estimate just multiply whatever they provide by 3.7. For example, take the $940 billion CBO estimate for the Obama care bill, multiply it by 3.7 and you get a far more accurate estimate of $3478 billion or $3.478 trillion. That's trillion with a "T." Do you suppose the Chinese will actually be stupid enough to underwrite such an increase in our debt?

Another prediction made in my book, "The Feudals" was about the specific process and the exact moment when our republic dies and is replaced by a "feudal" dictatorship. Here is that quote:

“At some point in time the powers commanding the feudal horde will realize or believe they have pushed America too far and fear a major backlash in a coming election and the loss of their power. At this point in time a major civil disturbance, possibly a reaction to a rapidly sinking economy or some other artificial catastrophe will bring out a secret army who, like Hitler's brown shirts, will enforce the new America laws. As part of the effort to quell these disturbances this “secret army” will suddenly become known and will enforce martial law on the entire nation. It is only one small step from there to the suspensions of elections, shutting down the legislature and the Supreme Court, and ruling by decree.”
—HJ, 2001

For info on Obama’s own “brown shirts,” goto:

This is precisely what Obama was referring to when he stated in a speech last year, “We need a National Civilian Security Force, an organization as big and well-funded as the U.S. military.” What other purpose would such an organization serve other than to enforce the laws after just such a coup. I believe we already have such a force in ACORN, the SEIU, and several other militant groups that have been organizing since Saul Alinsky started in motion his plan to destroy free America. At this moment we are perched on the brink of a revolutionary change from a representative republic to a dictatorship. Make no mistake, the fine print in Obama’s undefined health care bill will deal the final death blow to the republic and to freedom in America. It will be over before most of the public know what is happening. They will know the reality when Social Security checks begin to bounce, food riots erupt and Obama’s “Brown Shirts” come marching down Main Street USA. This last sentence is not a prediction yet, just a gnawing fear in my heart and mind.

It looks like the road to serfdom has finally led America there. The Road to Serfdom is a book written by Friedrich von Hayek (recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1974) Welcome all to the serfdom of Feudal America, right out of the European middle ages.

If it doesn’t happen, there are some growing benefits and new industries coming because of the health care bill. Should it pass, I am predicting a huge increase in such operations. Private hospitals are growing in Costa Rica as are associated services. Because trial lawyers don’t have a strangle hold on doctors or insurance companies in Costa Rica, fees are much lower, a fraction of fees for the same services in the US. Plastic surgery and orthopedic replacements are at the top of the list as a growing number of Americans opt to go there for expensive surgery. With rapidly expanding and state of the art health care facilities staffed with experienced, well trained staff, even picky Americans are already flocking there for surgery and other treatments. A few insurance companies are testing the water about offering catastrophic care insurance for treatment there.

One could ask, “Doesn’t Costa Rica have socialized health care?” but they also have a private system catering to those able to pay from not only the US but from elsewhere in the world as well. It has been estimated that the Obama health care bill will bring about a huge boom in Costa Rica as both patients and medical professionals from the US are disrupted by the realities of Obama care. Coming from the US and elsewhere, immigrants will fill the rapidly growing need for medical professionals in their rapidly expanding system. A side effect has been a small real estate boom supplying housing for those that have already moved there. A huge boom is predicted to start should Obama care become a reality.

This brings me to another thought. The administration controlled media have been ridiculing and talking down talk radio for years. They have recently stepped up their attacks to an unprecedented level with constant lies and distortions about what this host or that has said. They and their lackeys, even Democrat politicians, use only vituperative language and name calling against any of the major talk radio hosts. Time and time again these hosts have challenged those individuals to debate or to prove what they say was not true. Not a single word of denial of facts has ever been uttered by any of the left leaning media. They will simply not engage in a factual, substantive, honest debate because they know they will lose. In stead they use partial quotes, misleading innuendos, outright lies, and common ridicule in order to besmirch anyone who speaks out against the left. While the power of talk radio, the Internet, and other alternative information sources is growing and the influence of the main stream TV and leftist propaganda papers like the New York Times is waning, most Americans still get most of their “news” from the highly biased “Main stream” media. What amazes and encourages me is the growing realization by the public of this reality. I am fully expecting our totalitarian leftist government to find a political way to silence talk radio.

Another encouraging movement from grass roots America is the tea parties. These protest meetings are drawing more attendees than any type of protest meetings ever yet the media plays them down and refuses to show video of them because they are so huge. I’ve been to several and they are peaceful and very well attended. They are also ridiculed and have their attendance grossly under reported by the media. In fact, media reporters and cameramen will not attend and I am sure they are ordered not to do so by their news organizations. Recently there was a gay protest meeting in I believe Denver, where about 75 protesters marched about some obscure complaint. The pictures shown on national TV of the marchers concentrated their shots so the screen was filled with protesters. I don’t remember exactly what was said but it was claimed to have been a crowd of hundreds. The number 75 came from a news photo of the entire group that was printed in the paper. At the same time this was going on there was a tea party in he same city where about a thousand showed up. This was of course deemed “not newsworthy” by the press and no reporters or cameramen covered it. That certainly demonstrates the extreme bias and agenda of the news media. They are obviously propagandists for the left and not news people at all.

I have just one more little commentary. We have a wonderful, adorable, loving little dog named Charlie. He really has a great life for a dog. He is loved, petted and treated with kindness all day every day. All his needs are cared for. He has all the food he wants and gets occasional treats. He has numerous toys he loves to play with. He has a warm comfortable bed in which to sleep. If he gets sick we take him to the vet. When we travel in our motor home he sits in the window and watched everything. We cleanup after him and bathe him when he gets dirty, one activity he doesn’t particularly care for. We let him out, on his rope when he wants and let him in when he wants. His greatest joy is when we go out and take him with us on our four wheeled pedal car. When he knows we are going, and he frequently asks us to take him, he bounces around with great excitement. But as happy as he is, he is not free. On those rare occasions when he does get loose he is often gone for hours who knows where, but so far he has always come back because he is completely dependent on us. When we travel, Charlie goes to “camp” at his vet’s kennel. He has no say in the matter. As a matter of fact he has little say about anything he does. We control where he goes, what, when and where he eats and sleeps, what toys he has, in fact, everything he does is very much under our control and direction. Then, when he gets up in years and we determine it’s time, we will have him euthanized, one more thing we decide with out any input from him. Charlie lives in the ideal socialist state. But what happens if this ideal state goes bankrupt? Then Charlie would be on his own. He would either struggle aga inst all the world throws at him until he starves to death or he gets adopted into the same kind of slavery by another person (state).

Isn’t that precisely how a socialist state works in the real world? It’s cradle to grave security, but of course everything you do or have is determined by the state. The Obama health care destruction bill is one more giant step into the dull gray abyss of socialism, marxism, communism, fascism, feudalism. I use all five, as they are each merely a slight variation of totalitarianism. We are all being forced to be like Charlie, totally dependent on our masters for everything. If you think state determined euthanasia isn’t in the package you don’t know what is happening in all states with socialized medicine. That includes Canada and Norway. You are now much closer to being pups like Charlie with the Washington elite as your masters.

Enjoy your leashes and just say woof!