The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I have an ugly observation to make and share.

Never is there as much display of artificial breasts, lip puffs, male enhancements, vulgarly expensive clothes and jewelry as in the endless parade of award shows constantly being trotted out by the entertainment world. In addition to the five "big" award shows: Oscar, Grammy, Emmy, Tony and Golden Globe, the air waves are pummeled by numerous other "lesser" award shows. These include seven for music, five more for Hollywood, at least nine cable awards shows and countless other even smaller award shows. This is according to an article titled, "Utterly Meaningless Award Shows," by Coury Turczyn in Pop Cult Magazine. Coury goes on to say, "Some of these aforementioned programs are so spirit-crushingly awful that you would think there could not possibly be any worse ones. But leave it to corporate executives to devise award shows that are blatantly void of meaning, yet still believe they're legitimate enterprises that actually matter." And these people expect us to take their social and political activism seriously?

Ordinarily I don’t agree much with Chris Rock, but in an Entertainment Weekly interview. Rock said he had rarely watched the Oscars, and called award shows "idiotic." "Come on, it’s a fashion show," Rock told the magazine. "What straight black man sits there and watches the Oscars? Show me one. And they don’t recognize comedy."

For your information, Chris, very few straight white guys watch either. Thank goodness I have not seen an award show in many years. I have long had my own opinion about these shows which I define as:

Group social masturbation by narcissists permanently frozen at the emotional and intellectual age of fourteen with far too much money and time on their hands and far too little respect for anyone or anything. I take great comfort in the news that these shows are drawing smaller audiences each year indicating that the number of entertainment world "groupies" similarly frozen at age fourteen is actually decreasing. I take even greater comfort when I happen to hear the names of the award winners and realize I don’t recognize a single name and haven’t the foggiest idea who they are. Of course, nearly all of the names from the entertainment world I do remember are dead!

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