The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The reality of Liberalism

It is my very firm belief that power hungry, dictatorial, leaders of the liberals and of the liberal Democrats are doing everything they can to destroy the economy, integrity, freedom, military power, religion, and even the holy “civil rights” of our nation. The really sad thing is that good, decent, well intentioned Americans with liberal leanings are supporting these truly evil men who spout hatred for all who oppose them. These would be dictators are endorsed by a media that mostly says nothing good about America and current American policies, yet waxes eloquent in defense and support of all of our enemies. Unbelievably, they ally with all of our enemies in virtually every venue of communication and rhetoric. This has been going on for a long time.

The only possible conclusion that any reasonable, rational being could come to is that these self-serving individuals believe that they will be triumphant only if America were reduced to economic, political and physical rubble where they could rise from the ashes and “save” the country. The following is but one example of a great multitude that clearly illustrate the method and intent of these true enemies of America no matter how unknowingly they act.

It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration. There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by a senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"

Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?"

"No, sir," continued Ollie.

"No? And why not?" the senator asked.

"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."

"Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.

"By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.

"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"

"His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. “Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.

"Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered.

"And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.

"Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

By the way, that senator was Al Gore!


Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners."

However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands, The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released.

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center. This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified.

It was censored in the US from all later reports. Why are valid and important news stories such as this almost always kept from the public? Who is it that wields such power over our "independent" news sources that they can squelch these stories selectively? Who is it that controls the news media so completely that only stories that harm America’s image come out of Iraq, while positive and success stories that point out all the good we are doing, never see the light of day. Hmmmm?

Just who are those that would want to do this and why do they act as they do? To believe the mantra, “We must protect the civil rights of all. We must only act after the fact. We must provide all manner of legal (according to American law) protections to each individual terrorist or enemy combatant. If we do not, we have thwarted the intentions of our founding fathers.” These men are either complete fools or very much in bed with our enemies. There is no other viable conclusion. Their only possible purpose is to so destroy America that they will be able to come to power over the devastated corpse of formerly free America and the American people.

Is this passion to destroy America and its successful capitalism and the unbelievable benefits of our free enterprise system a throwback to the battle with the robber barons of the late eighteen hundreds and early twentieth century? Wake up and look at reality, the capitalism of today is a very far cry from that of a hundred years ago. It has resulted in the highest standard of living for the most ordinary citizens in the entire world. Certainly, it is not perfect, just better by far than any other system. In the face of huge tax loads, terribly invasive and counterproductive government controls, constant streams of hatred, misinformation and outright lies from media who promote class and culture hatred against successful business people, business still survives. It also continues to pay virtually all the taxes to our government and is solely responsible for the vast majority of jobs for working Americans and continues to make profits. An evil word for liberals, profits would be abolished by liberals if they could. Should they succeed, where would the government satisfy its constantly growing appetite for cash? Hmmmmm!

With over-bloated and terribly inefficient governments taking in excess of forty percent of our GNP it amazes me that free enterprise capitalism has survived. That it has, is a testimonial to the marvelous and overpowering excellence of individual human enterprise for profit over any operations of governments. Knowledge and understanding of this fact is increasingly changing government policies and is bringing about a major economic revolution in a China long swamped with government bureaucracy. Will China soon replace the US as the nation most driven by individual freedom and free enterprise capitalism? Will liberals destroy the excellence that has been American free enterprise to third world status as they already have accomplished with American public education?

One of the characteristics of liberals that truly mystifies me is the complete absence of accepting or even listening to any words or thoughts that differ from the mantras handed to them from on high. Why is it that so many liberals didn’t even know anyone who voted Republican. From the halls of academia to the offices of media writers to the meeting places of feminist supporters to their own clubs and homes, these people almost never interact with anyone who doesn’t hate George bush, Republicans, business people, conservatives, corporate executives, talk radio, (especially Rush Limbaugh) etc. etc. They are so closed minded, so intellectually inbred, so completely controlled by the narrow, unyielding emotional confines of liberalism that there is no way they will permit even the exposure of their pure intellect to disturbing influences that question their veracity. Should anyone dare to communicate heretical (to liberals) thoughts or ideas they will be accused of being ignorant or stupid, but certainly far beneath the intellectual level of those lofty liberal concepts and holy beliefs. Their definition of truth seems to be anything liberal royalty says is truth and anything they disagree with is not true. Of course, by definition, anything a conservative or Republican says is a lie. The fact of this is so overpowering as to be laughable if it were not so very sad.

I pose a single example of the very different way liberals and conservatives react and believe, a real example.

The first amendment: Most Americans have no real knowledge and little understand of the first amendment. Because of so much media hype, most Americans believe the words, “separation of church and state” is part of the wording of this document. This is absolutely untrue. The ACLU and the out-of-control federal judges are dead wrong! Not only are they dead wrong, but they have grossly warped the meaning of the first amendment into precisely the opposite of what it clearly states and I can prove it. All anyone has to do is to read the exact words of the first amendment. That amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” That is the sum total of what it says - no more, no less. Between the ACLU, corrupt judges and wannabe Athiest dictators they have twisted those simple words to mean precisely the opposite of what they so clearly state. So, I ask you: Has the United States become an Atheocracy?

A•the•oc•ra•cy (ā’thi·ok’rà·si), n., pl. -ceis 1. government in which there is no God as the supreme being and ruler and where no law or morality is immutable. 2. government by atheists. 3. country or nation ruled by an atheocracy. [new word Gk. atheos without a god + kratos rule]
atheocratic ( ā’thi·o·krat’ik), atheocratical, adj. —atheocratically, adv.

The removal and abolishment of anything remotely resembling religion or religious beliefs from all public places has become the current focus of the Atheist left. Plain and simply they are establishing “Atheism” or “Secular Humanism” as the state religion of the US in direct defiance of the First Amendment to our Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” Any removal or prohibition of religious symbols - Christmas - Hanukkah - God - Christ - Islam - Buddha - from public places is also in defiance of the first amendment, “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....” Isn’t it about time we fought back against these clearly illegal actions? Let’s fight the ACLU and those corrupt judges and call them what they are. Without a higher power, they have no moral or even ethical basis for their words. They can say whatever they want with no consequence unless someone can legally prove they broke the law. They can lie, cheat, steal, even murder with complete confidence they will not be punished. Just ask Teddy Kennedy. I say, let’s prove who and what the ACLU really is. Let’s impeach every judge who ruled against religion and religious symbols and especially the ninth district court.

The First Amendment states clearly, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...” These words are the sum total of those referring to religion, no more, no less.

The first part clearly states the Federal Congress shall make no law which establishes a religion. That includes only the United States Senate and House of Representatives. No mention is made of any state, county or municipality. In other words, the first amendment says any federal law which establishes a religion as the official, federal religion is constitutionally illegal. States are therefore able to determine whether any such clause appears in their state constitution. For this reason, all prohibitions against any religious expression or symbol of any kind in any state, county or city government property including schools is excluded as they are not federal property.

Clearly, conservatives and liberals differ substantially in this matter. Factually, legally and possibly, there is no question that the liberal position is in direct opposition to the true and actual meanings of the first amendment as described. Their gross and erroneous expansion and near reversal of the most basic meaning of this amendment is but a microcosm of their entire philosophy of politics and of government. The following is a gross generalization, but hits at the heart of the differences. Liberals seem to love government and hate corporations. Conservatives seem to love corporations and hate government. I would far rather have a fortune 500 with so many independent, self sustaining, groups of free individuals controlling 500 different entities who must make a profit to survive than a single government entity with no profit incentive whose only inducement for excellence is to expand by base line budgeting. Our government is indeed a hydra, producing little of value and totally dependent on the private sector including the fortune 500 companies for its financial support. I repeat: There is absolutely nothing government does or could do that could not be or is not done better, with less cost, safer, more efficiently, and with superior environmental and social effect by private, independent, profit making organizations and corporations. Besides this, they would be paying completely for whatever part of government remains. No socialist nation can match the excellence and benefit to so many of its citizens. Why is it that so many people risk life and property just to get to the US. How many take the same risks to get to Cuba, Spain or even Sweden?

To contact the author for any reason, Click Here!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Musings on the new Medicare Rx benefit?

Forward from Nancy Grimm 1-23-2006

Just in case you all were wondering about the new Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, here it is from the horse’s mouth.

You might want to share this with your folks. It will help to clear up the confusion around the new Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

Subject: Bush Explains Medicare Drug Bill
Bush Explains Medicare Drug Bill -- Verbatim Quote
Submitted on 2005-12-13 16:35:14

WOMAN IN AUDIENCE: 'I don't really understand. How is it the new plan going to fix the problem?'

Verbatim response (PRESIDENT BUSH):
'Because the -- all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculated, for example, is on the table. Whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those -- changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be -- or closer delivered to that has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the -- like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate -- the benefits will rise based upon inflation, supposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those -- if that growth is affected, it will help on the red.'

Forward this to others -- so they, too, can understand.

Ho’s reply:

Which end of the horse did you say this came from? This so called plan is no more than a blatant vote-buying instrument, completely idiotic, that probably creates more problems for more people than it solves and will cost infinitely more than the actual net amount of any real benefits. Like so much of the self-serving legislation that has come out of Washington for at least the past sixty years, its main beneficiaries are Washington bureaucrats, with Congress and the drug industry following far behind in decreasing order of value. I’ll give you an actual example from my own experience that could probably be echoed by millions of seniors all over the country.

Most of the major drug companies have had wonderful and very efficient programs to provide free drugs to seniors on low incomes like Social Security. During Barbara’s last year we benefitted with an average of $1300.00 per month of her drugs provided absolutely free by drug company programs. (All but one of the drug companies announced they would discontinue their free drug plans once the new law took effect, and I can’t really blame them.) The drugs and over-the-counters for her we had to pay for out-of-pocket amounted to nearly $1000.00 per month. My benefit was much less at about $120.00 per month. I calculated the lowest costs to us under the new plan. Because her costs were so high, she qualified for the maximum out-of-pocket expense so our total costs, including premiums for part D would have been over $4,000.00. annually, a savings of $8,000.00 on paper. The problem was that because many of her drugs as well as both of mine are not yet available in generic form, they are only partially covered by the plan and would add between $3,000.00 and $4,000.00 to our annual costs. It’s very difficult to calculate accurately the actual difference.

Under the new law, the total cost for my drugs added to the premium cost for the insurance I must buy, will be in excess of $155.00 per month. If I buy the same drugs under the discount program of the privately insured supplement program I already have and pay for, my cost will be only $80.00 per month. (Provided I don’t need additional new drugs) That is still $80.00 a month more than I was paying under the old system. Actually, since one of the drugs I take is from Pfizer my cost per month will only be $40.00. Amazingly, Pfizer alone among the major drug companies is continuing their free drug program for low income seniors, at least for the present.

This is terribly expensive legislation, even if measured by implementation, education, administration and policing costs alone. There is no question in my mind about who benefits the most from this program. Number one, the ravenous federal bureaucracy that must grow to administer and police the plan. Number two, Members of Congress.(supposedly pays for votes) Number three, the drug companies who are able to cancel their free drug programs. You’ll notice I didn’t mention seniors on medicare because they will gain the least if anything.

This is your government in action–Democrat, Republican, Independent–makes no difference. They’re all made mostly of the same cloth. If I sound PO'd, I am! Oh yes, all you younger people please remember who is going to pay for this fiasco as well as all that other are!


Reply from Nancy:

Availability of reasonably priced prescription medication is a real issue, Uncle Mike, I know. Sorry that I touched a nerve. The attempt at levity was to point to our president’s complete inability to get across a single point. Or maybe, more sinisterly, it’s real obfuscation. I think the fundamental issue is that we should talk care of people when they are hurting or in need. That is consistent with our basic values and if we hold to those values, then we enact laws concerning health care and drug benefits that target those in need of health care, not those in need (supposed) of even greater profit.

Unfortunately, these are NOT the values of the people in power at the moment, which is why we continue to find ourselves in situations where we wonder, WHAT HAS HAPPENED? How is it that the republicans have succeeded in convincing us that we need tax “relief” as if paying for programs that help those in need is some sort of disease or afflication? How is it that ever greater numbers of our citizens cannot afford even basic health care? How can it be that we still have a significant poverty problem in this richest of all nations? I am afraid it is because all of us have bought into the notion that the cons have been selling for decades – that if everyone worked as hard as the conservatives purport to do (notwithstanding that much of their wealth is NOT earned), everyone would be able to take care of themselves; that if we reward the rich for their “hard work” somehow the poor will magically be pulled up….

OK I am rambling. Anyway, Uncle Mike I am sorry if what I thought was a sadly funny commentary on our leadership made you upset.

Love to all, nbg

Ho's reply:

Au contraire! Your words were but a trigger. I've been upset about the idiocy in Washington for many many years. I thought your commentary to be on the mark. I don't always agree with you, but I certainly do listen to what you say and value your opinion. You may even be surprised at how much of what ideas come from the liberal side of humanity I agree with. I see either side of the aisle as having a paucity of really creative ideas to deal with the multitudinous threats-- no-- menaces we now face with certainty. Mostly they deftly avoid even acknowledging these true menaces exist. In most things we may disagree on the method, and even on the reality of the situation, but are certainly close to congruent on the desired end results.

Ho goes on:

I reread your email and it triggered a more thoughtful response with some disagreement. I see little actual difference between the intentions or values of those now in power and their opposition. I have little respect for all but a very few members of our government including our elected representatives, aspiring or sitting executives, judges, et al regardless of their party affiliation. I have little real respect for many famous members of the entertainment industry including media, sports, TV, movie and music stars either. So many are active narcissists who are paid far too much money, get far too much attention, and have far too much influence over many Americans, particularly with respect to their true human value. I suppose, but don’t specifically know, there are probably many in the world of business who would fall under the same category. Unfortunately, they don’t usually get as much press as the others, Ken Lay and friends excepted.

Some months back I started writing a book, “Monkey Kings, Monkey People” to describe the interactions between those who control our society and those who are the subjects (or victims) of that control. Why, like pack animals, we have this social/political structural “worship” of heros, royalty, the famous, the beautiful, even the wealthy (“kings”) never ceases to befuddle me. Is it so prevalent among we humans that it must be genetically controlled? Is the political struggle for power between the left and right a human aping (how about that little dual meaning) of the well know troop conflict structures of many primates including monkeys, baboons and apes? Once I got into it I became so infuriated with what I discovered that I shelved the project for later.

Republican versus Democrat, Liberal versus Conservative, black versus white, religious versus atheist, you name it, all dichotomies of this type are never about or for the vast majority of the people, but are about who of the elevated, the leaders, the “kings” have the most power over those ignorant peasants. Each caters to their own political power. Historically, Democrats and liberals cater to the powerful in labor, government, entertainment and education. Republicans and conservatives cater to the powerful in business, religion and the military. Democrats purportedly love the downtrodden, the disenfranchised, the failures in life while Republicans treat the successful, wealthy and powerful with equal ardor.

The truth is that with very few exceptions, neither party gives a whit about the little guy on either side of the political fence. Their only concern (of most, not all) is money and power. The money to get and stay in office and the power to control the government. Literally all the conflicts are between the very powerful to see who can tell enough lies well enough and promise enough pork to get elected.

The thing that disappointed me so much was that the stupid Republicans, once they got in power, seemingly decided to do to the nation what the Democrats had been doing for the previous forty years. That is, write increasingly complex and intrusive laws to extract money from the general populace for their own very special interests. To me, the Democrats became masters of deception and duplicity by vastly expanding their power base, the government bureaucracy, at the expense of the real people of the country. They were buying their way into power using taxpayer dollars.

When the Republicans came into power I thought things would change, but they didn’t. These idiots seemed to think it was their turn to do the same thing the Democrats had been doing for so long. That damnable Rx Drug law is a classic example. The only difference between that and a Democrat version for the same purpose would be which group of power brokers got the money and the power.

Liberals, Republicans, conservatives, Democrats, by and large they’re all the same hateful, power hungry, self-serving, pseudo criminals wearing different colors and speaking different languages. This is such an abomination as to bewilder the mind of any logical, reasonable, pragmatic individual. Most certainly realize that the vast majority of political speech in this country is completely void of the real truth and couched, like a lawyer’s argument, strictly to make the desired point. I have found that there are real, practical, workable, creative systems out there, available from many intelligent, well-intentioned sources that could solve so many of our problems in ways so ingenious as to dazzle the mind. I have seen some and have written about others myself. Following is a small sample of what I am referring to.

For an in-depth overview of "The Tribrid Vehicle"- formerly titled, "The SUPER Hydrogen Economy" Click here!

”The Johnson Tax Code” - a revolutionary proposal that most politicians would be against since it is simple, would cost much less to administer and would help keep their hands out of the till. - Click here! for more information

”A New Solution to the Drug Problem” - an effective method for completely removing the financial incentive for illegal drug sales and the industry that flourishes in spite of “The War on Drugs.” - Click here! for more information

”A Solution to the Identity/Security Problem We can Live With” - one way to solve all kinds of identity problems that would satisfy Constitutional constraints and not force people to comply. - Click here! for more information

”Job Growth Indiana” How Indiana (Or any other state) can attract many new businesses, greatly increase job growth, and vastly increase state revenue without new taxes. - Click here! for more information

”The Antiquated Minimum Wage” - a proposal to correct the problems that costs jobs, drives industries out of the country, creates labor voids in some areas and doesn’t do what it is supposed to do in most of the country. - CLICK here to read HJ’s commentary about the negatives in the minimum wage law.

Case in point, taxes. It is a firmly established and proven fact that judiciously lowering taxes, far from reducing government revenue, actually increases revenue because of increased economic activity. Yet the left steadfastly curses Republicans for lowering taxes. On the other side and in spite of increasing damage to our environment, Republicans refuse to promote proven environmental issues even when the economics favor them. Both are merely playing the political music their bases want to hear. Neither seem to recognize or care about the facts or the nation for that matter, but only for their own political bank roll. Or, can it be they are too ignorant to understand the situation?

Instead of real concern, we now have a liberal Democrat party willing to do anything including the destruction of our nation to regain the power they have lost. There is no longer any doubt in my mind but that given the same situation, Republicans would be just as evilly stupid. This hunger for power totally destroys or prevents any use of real reform to make things better.

There is one thing I know that bears on this problem. It is a fact proven over and over again to reasonable people. That is: no matter what the project or problem, private, individual and group effort will provide a solution better, faster, cheaper, cleaner, and more effective overall than any government. If you doubt that, look at China today. After languishing in the throes of depression for decades because of endless and futile government collective farms, their farm economy took off when the government noted that the people were producing more needed agricultural output than the huge collective farms on tiny, individual plots worked and harvested by individuals and small groups for their own profit. By changing to farm ownership and encouraging individual entrepreneurship, China began an economic growth spurt that is just now reaching momentous proportions. To some extent the Chinese government realized that relaxing control and encouraging individual enterprise had exactly the opposite effect predicted by the Maoists.

China is moving toward less control on individuals while our people are facing staggering increases in controls, reporting requirements, and disincentives for success. Indeed, we now seem bent on challenging and even despising excellence and success in many areas of our social/political structure, especially in our education system. There is no such anti-excellence attitude in China. Is it any wonder we seem headed for third-world mediocrity?

Yes, China is still burdened with a huge, corrupt bureaucracy, but at least they are moving slowly away from it while we seem doomed to move rapidly into it. Has our huge, overgrown bureaucracy reached the point where neither political party can afford to rein it in? Is government of the people by the government and for the government our future fate? Or are we already there?

To contact the author for any reason, Click Here!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Something you won't hear about on main stream TV

This is an email forward I want to share.

I sat in my seat of the Boeing 767 waiting for everyone to hurry and stow their carry-ons and grab a seat so we could start what I was sure to be a long, uneventful flight home.

With the huge capacity and slow moving people taking their time to stuff luggage far too big for the overhead and never paying much attention to holding up the growing line behind them, I simply shook my head knowing that this flight was not starting out very well. I was anxious to get home to see my loved ones so I was focused on my issues and just felt like standing up and yelling for some of these clowns to get their act together.

I knew I couldn't say a word so I just thumbed thru the "Sky Mall" magazine from the seat pocket in front of me. You know it's really getting rough when you resort to the over priced, useless sky mall crap to break the monotony. With everyone finally seated, we just sat there with the cabin door open and no one in any hurry to get us going although we were well past the scheduled take off time. No wonder the airline industry is in trouble I told myself.

Just then, the attendant came on the intercom to inform us all that we were being delayed. The entire plane let out a collective groan. She resumed speaking to say "We are holding the aircraft for some very special people who are on their way to the plane and the delay shouldn't be more than 5 minutes.

The word came after waiting six times as long as we were promised that I was finally going to be on my way home. Why the hoopla over "these" folks?

I was expecting some celebrity or sport figure to be the reason for the hold up. Just get their butts in a seat and let's hit the gas I thought.

The attendant came back on the speaker to announce in a loud and excited voice that we were being joined by several U.S. Marines returning home from Iraq !!!

Just as they walked on board, the entire plane erupted into applause. The men were a bit taken by surprise by the 340 people cheering for them as they searched for their seats. They were having their hands shook and touched by almost everyone who was within an arm's distance of them as they passed down the aisle. One elderly woman kissed the hand of one of the Marines as he passed by her. The applause, whistles and cheering didn't stop for a long time.

When we were finally airborne, I was not the only civilian checking his conscience as to the delays in "me" getting home, finding my easy chair, a cold beverage and the remote in my hand. These men had done for all of us and I had been complaining silently about "me" and "my" issues I took for granted the everyday freedoms I enjoy and the conveniences of the American way of life. I took for granted that others had paid the price for my ability to moan and complain about a few minutes delay to "me" while those Heroes were going home to their loved ones.

I attempted to get my selfish outlook back in order and minutes before we landed, I suggested to the attendant that she announce over the speaker a request for everyone to remain in their seats until our heroes were allowed to gather their things and be first off the plane. The cheers and applause continued until the last Marine stepped off and we all rose to go about our too often taken for granted everyday freedoms. I felt proud of them.

I felt it an honor and a privilege to be among the first to welcome them home and say "Thank You for a job well done." I vowed that I will never forget that flight nor the lesson learned. I can't say it enough, THANK YOU to those Veterans and active servicemen and women who may read this and a prayer for those who cannot because they are no longer with us.


A HoJo comment:

I was reminded of the contrast to a scene I witnessed on TV some years back when a group of soldiers were marching through a crowd of jeering, cursing, screaming young people in shabby garb holding hate filled signs and raising fists and middle fingers at our soldiers. I wondered, was it the difference in the wars, the difference in the public opinion, the difference in the soldiers, the difference in the locale or the difference in the particular audience? My guess is that the difference was between an organized, politically motivated group of demonstrators playing to the main stream media who strongly favor the group’s hate-filled agenda and a spontaneous, grateful, thankful group of successful Americans reacting to their deep, genuine appreciation and playing to no one but themselves.

There is no doubt in my mind that a great many of the casualties on both sides and in both wars would be alive and in good health and the world would be far closer to general peace if those who work so diligently and emotionally against both wars by providing comfort, encouragement, emotional support and thus direct aid to our enemies, would instead, spend the same energy helping in the physical and political rebuilding of Iraq and Afghanistan. The biggest beneficiaries of the efforts of these so-called, “anti-war”activists include terrorists who visit wholesale murder on their own people even more than on our troops. That their objective, far from solving the problems of despotism and the totalitarian oppression of people, is instead quite obviously the degradation and defeat of America strictly for political gain of their own, selfish, self-serving agenda.

These politically motivated groups care little for the lives or suffering of those we would rescue from tyranny or for our own people. No price in misery is too high for others to pay to aid them in their striving for political power. Power and control are their real goals. Government control over everyone with them in control of that government is their desired end.

Freedom–political, economic, religious, literary, you name it–individual freedom of virtually any kind is their sworn enemy. If you doubt this, just try to speak against any of their pet agendas at any place where they control a group of their “protesters.” Example: conservative speakers at virtually any college campus in the country. Why is it so important for liberal cause groups to silence any opposing voices? Could it be their arguments are so weak as to be unable to withstand criticism. This happens so often as to be considered the normal course of things. Why is there never any comparable oppression of liberal voices by conservatives?

The answer is that conservatives generally encourage open well mannered discussions while liberals usually encourage only discussions that agree with their agenda and will often shout down any dissenting opinion. Relatively speaking, conservatives have open minds while liberals have minds closed to opinions that disagree with their mantras.

Liberal Democrats, lead by Howard Dean, who heads up the DNC, are almost apoplectic in their loud, angry expressions of hatred for Republicans. Hate has become the mantra of the Democrat party. Led by Dean and aped by Democrats, Kennedy, Byrd, Pelosi, McKinney and a host of others, liberal democrats mouth a constant stream of epithets of hate at Republicans, indeed, at any who do not agree with them. It seems to be a genetic condition of liberals. Totally bereft of even a hint of positive programs to solve any of the country’s problems, all they can do is scream insults like frustrated schoolboys unable to get their way. They are so against practically everything, how can we expect them to spend any effort at practical solutions to anything? All we hear are epithets, slogans and mantras, all seemingly dutifully repeated after being disseminated from someone, somewhere–maybe Michael Moore, or What is the real motive of these people who scream with so much hatred for America?

Real Americans would like to know.

To return to the links to all of Howard Johnson’s sites Click here

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

HJ response to the Message from The Fellowship of Reconciliation titled, "Finding Dr. King's Moral Compass in an Age of Deceit."

I have the utmost respect for the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a great champion for his people and his efforts on their behalf was instrumental in the huge gains they have made in jobs, income, acceptance and respect. But I also know he contrived his words to convey meanings to fit his own agenda. In the mentioned quote from April 1967, "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." The implication is in direct opposition to the actual facts. To make it accurate the word "nation" must be replaced by "government." In America these two terms mean very different things. Indeed the "government" did in 1967 and in 2004 and probably during all the years in between, spend more on defense than on social programs. If, however, you use the word, "nation" you must include all individual and corporate spending on social programs along with government. In this case, social spending of the "nation" far exceeds military spending. Fortunately, in America, the government is not the only socially active entity unlike most of the socialist nations of the world.

Regarding the "immoral" war, should Dr King’s position on war been in effect during the period of WW II there is no doubt in my mind that Hitler would have won the war and Europe would now be under German domination. Japan would probably now control the western US and maybe the whole continent if Germany did not control the eastern half.

It is ridiculous to speak of the deaths in Iraq without mentioning the more than twenty times as many young Americans who are murder victims right here in the supposedly "at peace" US than die from enemy action in Iraq. Isn’t it about time we addressed our own, home grown terrorists that murdered about 700 civilians in Chicago alone last year? Most of those, victims and perpetrators alike, were black. The so called disaster in Iraq pales in comparison to the disaster on our streets right here at home that vocal critics of the war completely ignore. I wonder what the real motive is for their anti-Iraq war stance? Hmmmmmm! I wonder why they were not active against the immoral war in Cosevo? Hmmmmmm!

I seriously doubt the truth of the statement "a massive increase in hunger, with 36 million people, or 13% of the "U.S. population, experiencing food shortages in the past year," when all government statistics indicate the biggest health problem for America’s poor is obesity.

The final paragraphs starting with, "But the journey to "spiritual death" encompasses..." merely reports the cultural moral degradation of our nation spearheaded by fifty years of efforts by the liberal left to secularize our nation, destroy religion and the American family in order to promote their own peculiar form of morality. Never have I seen more blatant and evil expressions of intense hatred and violence than from liberal Democrat politicians and in so called peace marches. Indeed the head of the Democrat National Committee, Dr. Howard Dean himself, screamed his hatred of all Republicans several times. Does that not mean he holds passionate hatred for at least half of all Americans: those who merely disagree with his politics?

Should the ACLU succeed in their massive efforts to make atheism or secular humanism the defacto state religion of our nation (in direct defiance of the first amendment,) will they destroy all of the government buildings like the supreme court building which have religious symbols? After all, these are definitely Judeo-Christian symbols at that.

As usual, these liberal, anti-everything individuals and organizations are completely bereft of any substantive positive programs of any kind. All they seem able to do is mouth meaningless slogan mantras and scream epithets and hatred at those in power. They angrily denounced the economic programs of this administration until it became so obvious the economy was growing exactly the opposite from their pronouncements that even the dullest individuals could see it. Then, they shut up about the economy and have shifted totally to the war in Iraq. Together with their puppets in the media they paint an extremely negative picture of Iraq in direct contrast to all truly factual reports. Their encouragement of the anti-American and anti-Iraqi terrorists is doubtless the reason for the continuing murder of Americans and Iraqis by foreign terrorists. With all the negative comments about Iraq, I wonder why the Democrat leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has come out in such a belligerent manner after Iran’s atomic power announcements. Are the Democrats about to go to war with Iran? A curious American would like to know.

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