The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

HJ response to the Message from The Fellowship of Reconciliation titled, "Finding Dr. King's Moral Compass in an Age of Deceit."

I have the utmost respect for the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a great champion for his people and his efforts on their behalf was instrumental in the huge gains they have made in jobs, income, acceptance and respect. But I also know he contrived his words to convey meanings to fit his own agenda. In the mentioned quote from April 1967, "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." The implication is in direct opposition to the actual facts. To make it accurate the word "nation" must be replaced by "government." In America these two terms mean very different things. Indeed the "government" did in 1967 and in 2004 and probably during all the years in between, spend more on defense than on social programs. If, however, you use the word, "nation" you must include all individual and corporate spending on social programs along with government. In this case, social spending of the "nation" far exceeds military spending. Fortunately, in America, the government is not the only socially active entity unlike most of the socialist nations of the world.

Regarding the "immoral" war, should Dr King’s position on war been in effect during the period of WW II there is no doubt in my mind that Hitler would have won the war and Europe would now be under German domination. Japan would probably now control the western US and maybe the whole continent if Germany did not control the eastern half.

It is ridiculous to speak of the deaths in Iraq without mentioning the more than twenty times as many young Americans who are murder victims right here in the supposedly "at peace" US than die from enemy action in Iraq. Isn’t it about time we addressed our own, home grown terrorists that murdered about 700 civilians in Chicago alone last year? Most of those, victims and perpetrators alike, were black. The so called disaster in Iraq pales in comparison to the disaster on our streets right here at home that vocal critics of the war completely ignore. I wonder what the real motive is for their anti-Iraq war stance? Hmmmmmm! I wonder why they were not active against the immoral war in Cosevo? Hmmmmmm!

I seriously doubt the truth of the statement "a massive increase in hunger, with 36 million people, or 13% of the "U.S. population, experiencing food shortages in the past year," when all government statistics indicate the biggest health problem for America’s poor is obesity.

The final paragraphs starting with, "But the journey to "spiritual death" encompasses..." merely reports the cultural moral degradation of our nation spearheaded by fifty years of efforts by the liberal left to secularize our nation, destroy religion and the American family in order to promote their own peculiar form of morality. Never have I seen more blatant and evil expressions of intense hatred and violence than from liberal Democrat politicians and in so called peace marches. Indeed the head of the Democrat National Committee, Dr. Howard Dean himself, screamed his hatred of all Republicans several times. Does that not mean he holds passionate hatred for at least half of all Americans: those who merely disagree with his politics?

Should the ACLU succeed in their massive efforts to make atheism or secular humanism the defacto state religion of our nation (in direct defiance of the first amendment,) will they destroy all of the government buildings like the supreme court building which have religious symbols? After all, these are definitely Judeo-Christian symbols at that.

As usual, these liberal, anti-everything individuals and organizations are completely bereft of any substantive positive programs of any kind. All they seem able to do is mouth meaningless slogan mantras and scream epithets and hatred at those in power. They angrily denounced the economic programs of this administration until it became so obvious the economy was growing exactly the opposite from their pronouncements that even the dullest individuals could see it. Then, they shut up about the economy and have shifted totally to the war in Iraq. Together with their puppets in the media they paint an extremely negative picture of Iraq in direct contrast to all truly factual reports. Their encouragement of the anti-American and anti-Iraqi terrorists is doubtless the reason for the continuing murder of Americans and Iraqis by foreign terrorists. With all the negative comments about Iraq, I wonder why the Democrat leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has come out in such a belligerent manner after Iran’s atomic power announcements. Are the Democrats about to go to war with Iran? A curious American would like to know.

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