The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In God We Trust???

I recently received the following forwarded email:

"NBC this morning had a poll on this question. They had the highest Number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls, and the Percentage was the same as this: 86% to keep the words, IN God We Trust and God in the Pledge of Allegiance 14% against

That is a pretty 'commanding' public response. Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such A mess about having "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance!

Why are we catering to this 14%?"

Ho’s comments:

We cater to the small minority because of the elitist Politically Correct crowd in the media (entertainment world). They guide and control the thoughts and opinions of the sheep and America haters among our citizens to serve their beliefs and agenda. They have those citizens who follow and support them out of habit, out of ignorance, out of class envy, out of belief systems, and out of self service.

Not to worry! If this bunch succeeds in their "hate Bush, hate conservatives, hate Republicans and hate America" campaign, the resulting aid and support for Islamic fascists and terrorists will solve that for us. They will soon replace the word "God" in the pledge with "Allah" and "In God we trust" on our coins with, "It's Allah or lose your head." I wonder how the feminists will respond to Sharia law? We’ll probably see this in Europe before it gets here so if you plan to visit Europe you’d better do it soon before the Islamic fascists take over. Remember, they like to behead Americans. They've been murdering all they encounter who won't join them for a millenium and a half. Why would anyone expect them to change.


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