The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Facts, opinions and brainwashing

I recently had a response to one of my political emails from one of the more liberal members of my extended family. Their words are brief—a typical liberal sound byte—aimed at just a few words, “America’s enemies” and “brainwashed,” among the several paragraphs of thoughtful commentary. I will list the resulting exchange in oldest first order.

Hi all:

I’ll bet you don’t know I’m a member of Well, why not? That way I can know what America’s enemies are saying and planning. It also tells me what line the news media and liberal Democrat politicians are going to use before they use it. Recently I received an email right up my alley since it talks about oil, drilling and alternative energy. I can’t believe people actually believe this stuff. Here’s the email along with my commentary in italics.

Dear MoveOn member,

Last month, conservatives led by Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh sent over a million messages to Congress calling for offshore oil drilling. Then John McCain joined the push for drilling. Now he's running ads saying Obama's responsible for high gas prices, because Obama's energy plan focuses on alternative energy not drilling.

That’s mostly true except for the twist at the end. Obama’s energy plan focuses on preventing as much drilling, pumping, refining and delivery of domestic petroleum and petroleum products as possible in order to force us into alternative energy regardless of the cost to Americans and to our economy. His plan just incidently includes unspecified alternative energy, but mostly calls for cut backs in energy use—conservation he calls it. McCain's plan provides for price relief at the pump while encouraging the private sector to develop practical and cost effective alternative energy. This is a positive, creative approach compared with Obama's regressive one.

It's a scam. Offshore drilling won't save any money at the pumps for years (although it will boost oil company profits). But some senior Democrats are showing signs of caving under all this pressure and polls show McCain's attacks may be hurting Obama.

The scam is Obama’s and’s foolish statements like that one. The mere threat of offshore drilling after Bush signed the executive order resulted in a rapid drop in world petroleum prices to around $120 a barrel and a corresponding drop in gas prices at the pump of more than thirty cents a gallon in just a few weeks. That reality sure puts the lie to their words. Americans are still able to read the prices at their local filling stations and actually know this is happening.

Here's the truth: Right now, progressives are losing this argument. (Naturally! Because it’s false!) We all need to fight back. If we don't, we could end up losing the election AND the fight for clean energy. Substitute the word “expensive” for their “clean” and their statement is true.

We've got a simple, powerful new ad that tells the truth about the Republicans' drilling scam. Will you check it out, and chip in $25 to help get it on the air right away?

Go ahead and watch the ad. Then take a look at the gas prices at your local gas station and see if they’re telling the truth. No amount of lies can change an every-day reality we can all see. Mostly this web site is a plea for money. Not much real information.

McCain is so focused on drilling because he knows people are anxious enough about energy costs to make this the issue of the 2008 elections. When you're worried about how you're going to afford the drive to work, or how you're going to get your kids to school, and you have no other short-term options you'll be open to anything that might help. McCain is preying on that anxiety by offering offshore drilling as a quick fix. That last sentence should read, “McCain is answering that anxiety by offering offshore drilling as a shot in the arm to ease our pain at the pump while encouraging alternative energy research and development for the long range. It’s certainly no quick fix.

Offshore drilling won't fix gas prices or our dependence on foreign oil. There simply isn't enough oil offshore or in the Arctic, and it will take up to a decade to get what little is there. Even then, we would only save 3 or 4 cents a gallon! That’s a pathetically untrue statement when we can all see that just the threat of renewed off shore drilling by American oil companies has already resulted in a 30 cents per gallon savings. Who are they trying to fool? I know that few Americans understand commodity futures markets, but those geniuses certainly should. That price drop was fully predictable in the futures world where oil prices and thus gasoline are determined. They just can’t be so stupid they don’t understand that.

Offshore drilling is a gimmick but it will be the gimmick that works for John McCain if we don't push back now. Our new ad has a regular-looking guy telling the truth straight into the camera. Isn't that the best thing for people to hear right now? That “regular looking” guy has to be kidding! Maybe he just has been cooped up so long with his moveon buddies he hasn’t seen what’s already happening to gas prices at the pump.

If you can, contribute to help get the ad up in more cities so more people see McCain's drilling gimmick for what it is:

The only gimmick I see is that foolish little charade on Youtube. I suppose there are some who are so brainwashed with the left’s propaganda they believe it lock, stock, and barrel in spite of all the actual realities to the contrary.

Thank you for all you do.

Noah, Ilyse, Laura, Andrea and the rest of the team


"Will More Drilling Mean Cheaper Gas?", Time Magazine, June 18, 2008

No wonder their information is so far from the facts, look at their sources. Liberal leftist propaganda magazines like Time are not about to publish anything but pro Obama and anti oil articles. And their other source, themselves, how arrogant can you get? You can’t use your own words to prove your own words. But of course, how else could confirm anything they say?


One liberal reply:

How can you claim to be a fair, objective commentator when you use such phrases as "America's enemies?" I'm pretty convinced by your tirades - convinced that you are the one who is brainwashed (your label for anyone who doesn't agree w you).

My response:

Did I ever say I was a fair, objective commentator? In all honesty I don’t believe there is a single “fair, objective” commentator in the world in spite of those who claim to be. We all have our opinions and prejudices and particularly so as relates to the political arena. Politics is a completely emotional purview with less rationality than anything except possibly religion. Nothing makes the blood boil more than an opposing political or religious opinion. The driving force in both is almost pure peer pressure, a very powerful influence. Birds of a feather. . . .

America’s enemies: I should have elaborated on that phrase you objected to. I see America as an entrpreneurial, capitalist, free market nation. I believe that is what made us the large nation with the broadest spread of wealth for the widest range of common people. Poor in America generally have far more than in most other nations of the world. There probably are a few small nations with a more equal distribution of wealth, but I don’t know for certain which ones, maybe Switzerland? I believe having the power, control, and driving force of our economy in the hands of literally thousands of corporations, cooperatives and individuals as being infinitely superior to a single corporate entity, government. As I understand the politics of the left, liberals etc, they consider just the opposite to be the superior system and despise capitalism, free enterprise, and even the word, profits. Therefore, I consider those individuals and organizations who propose European style atheistic socialism as the style of government for America as America’s enemies. Certainly they are in opposition to the America I see.

I believe American capitalism with all its obvious faults far superior to socialism (see the latest two articles in for more of my opinions on this. The current economic blossoming of Ireland, China, India, and other similar nations is a direct result of free enterprise capitalism exploding when the chains of socialistic governments are removed. If that doesn’t make socialism the enemy of capitalism it certainly places them in opposition to each other. I realize that it is not a completely black and white issue and there are many variations in the application of laws and rules in the nations mentioned, but there is no question about free enterprise capitalism beating the pants off of socialism in virtually every respect. Maybe what we really have is a battle between big, expensive, bureaucratic, all intrusive, and all powerful government with liberal socialists in control of everything (your side) versus a much smaller monitoring and law making and enforcing government that guides and helps entrpreneurial entities of all sizes achieve success, wealth, and yes, profits, (my side).

Oh yes, read the comments on the June 28th article in hojo2rants for an example of a more typical, earthy liberal response. There is not a single rational comment in that entire response.

I also believe strongly in our Constitution and Republic. I believe our Constitution and its Bill of Rights to be a fabulous protection of individuals from an intrusive and controlling government as the founders intended it to be. I certainly would not want any kind of theocratic government and that includes atheocratic. See my blogs, and for more on this. I know you and many on the left disagree with my opinions expressed in these blogs, but reading it might just do you good—at least cause you to think outside your normal box.

Ah, brainwashed, a much abused catchall phrase for lumping all who disagree with one’s belief systems. Later on in this BLOG I’ll give you some examples of how I have been “brainwashed” into my "tirades." Still, I should know better than to use such an overused and misunderstood phrase. Just one question: what do you call it when one is brainwashed with actual facts?

I belong to an active discussion group who meets in St Augustine every Monday at one in the afternoon to discuss virtually anything from global warming to city government to the price of fuel. The “Socrates discussion group” includes a wide variety of seniors with diverse backgrounds and opinions. From far-left atheists to far-right Christian fundamentalists, this group is an amazing collection of great minds that somehow manage to have civil discussions on the most sensitive of subjects. Two members in particular have become really good friends in spite of our opinion differences. Bob is a far right wing Roman Catholic and Abe is a far left atheist. I find myself in opposition to some of the statements of each in about equal measure. I tend to have friendlier arguments with Abe than with Bob. Believe it or not I have become the defacto arbiter of the group, often refereeing passionate arguments and getting us back to the point of the discussion. I sorely miss those wonderful gatherings of such diverse minds when I’m not in St Augustine.

The fact is, I love diverse opinions and the deep thinking they bring about. I listen, make my own points and learn many new viewpoints. Maybe I am being “brainwashed” by all these diverse opinions. Abe paid me what I consider a fine compliment at our last meeting when he expressed how he enjoyed our discussions. He said, “Howard, you are the only person I consider a conservative with whom I can have rational discussions. I’ll miss your comments while you’re away.” That from one who is at least as far left politically as most of the Grimm clan.

I have never let differences of opinion get in the way of the love and respect I have for family and friends and especially the entire Grimm clan. I have had several meaningful (mostly friendly) exchanges with you and a few other Grimms over the years. Incidently, I find it far easier to make a point with my brother-in-law than with my sister. I think she still reverts back to those heated dinner table discussions from the late 30s and early 40s where we were always at each other’s throats and neither would give an inch. We argued constantly, but our deep love for each other was never in question.

I’m always pleased to word joust with you. Unlike some who take issue and simply curse at me and my opinions without saying anything of consequence, your replies are usually intelligent opinions. I really appreciate that. Of course, there’s not much rebuttal in your latest terse response, but you didn’t use pointless vulgarities and that’s a plus. About the "brainwashing." Au contrair, mon cheri! To me being brainwashed is believing in and espousing things in direct contradiction of the facts even when the facts, not opinions, are simple, obvious and provable.

Current example: Obama promises that if elected he plans to more than double the capital gains tax. Sounds great, doesn't it. Soak the rich. Get more tax income. The historic facts show just the opposite. Without exception, every time the capital gains tax has been raised, revenue from this tax has gone down. Every time the capital gains tax has been lowered, revenue from this tax has gone up. There are lots of valid reasons for this phenomenon but basically investment money goes where it earns the best return. Capital gains taxes directly affect income on investment money (capital). You wouldn't pay fifty bucks for an item if you could get the same thing elsewhere for twenty bucks, would you? In a world economy, the really big money (like the bankrolls of the oil sheiks) goes where it earns the best return. Doubling the capital gains tax in effect doubles the cost of investment in America and will drive billions in capital out of the US and into places like Ireland, China, India and other nations without such punitive taxes. Those billions will no longer be available for American business expansion—read that as good jobs and economic success, prosperity. So, go ahead, soak the rich with increases in capital gains and other taxes, and watch our economy take a real nosedive while unemployment skyrockets. It will be the American worker who will get punished. The wealthy individuals and businesses will merely move their capital to places other than America where they receive a better net return.

Just like the threat of American oil companies being permitted to drill on the continental shelf offshore has had a major affect on the price of petroleum fuel, the mere threat of massive tax increases is already driving capital out of the US. You idiots! WE NO LONGER DRIVE THE WORLD’S ECONOMY! WE’RE NOW JUST ANOTHER COG IN THE GEARS!

Some years back when Boeing was laying off thousands and Seattle was taking a serious economic nosedive there was a sign erected on one of the main roads out of town. The sign read, “Would the last person to leave Seattle please turn off the lights?” Well, let me assure you that if Obama is elected with a liberal majority in both houses of Congress, and if he implements the programs he is promising, all you hard-working Americans can kiss prosperity and the good life goodbye as investment capital and expansion will flee our shores far faster than manufacturing jobs did forty years ago. The resulting crash will make the early thirties look like the good years. The new sign on the New Jersey Turnpike will read, “Will the last person to leave the US please turn off the lights?” I ask all you class hatred types, what are you going to do when there are no companies left to hate—or to work for? How will you get health care then?

Sure, lots of what I said in the preceding three paragraphs represents my opinions, particularly the projections of disaster. Unfortunately there are substantial historic facts to back those opinions. I’d like to hear some really rational rebuttal. How about explaining to me how and why Obama's planned tax increases will not result in what I said it would. How it won't deprive the poorest Americans of their jobs while the wealthy move their money making investments overseas. And don't tell me it's illegal. Just consider the oil sheiks, George Soros and Marc Rich. Also, explain why petroleum prices dropped so precipitously after the Bush announcement. I wonder, do liberals ever offer factual, rational arguments to anything?

Brainwashing: I did mention earlier I would say more about that, so here it is, at least an example of how I have been “brainwashed.” wrote: “It's a scam. Offshore drilling won't save any money at the pumps for years (although it will boost oil company profits).”

BRAINWASH #1: And those profits will benefit American workers with jobs, American stockholders with income, American investment with a good return and yes, even pay more taxes to the American government. Not to mention that it would mean less money for oil sheiks to ship their Lambhorginis by air all the way to England for a proper oil change. Wouldn’t that be a shame. Apparently is against new jobs, new investment opportunities, and new prosperity for Americans. (The last sentence was an opinion, not necessarily a fact).

BRAINWASH #2: Monday, July 14, 2008 - George Bush signed an executive order lifting the ban on offshore drilling. See:,2933,381761,00.html
for details of the order.

BRAINWASH #3: The mere threat of offshore drilling after Bush signed the executive order resulted in a rapid drop in world petroleum prices to around $120 a barrel and a corresponding drop in gas prices at the pump of more than thirty cents a gallon in just two weeks. That reality certainly puts the lie to their words.

BRAINWASH #4: Americans are still able to read the prices at their local filling stations and actually know this is happening. wrote: Offshore drilling won't fix gas prices or our dependence on foreign oil. There simply isn't enough oil offshore or in the Arctic, and it will take up to a decade to get what little is there. Even then, we would only save 3 or 4 cents a gallon!

BRAINWASH #5: That is a pathetically untrue statement. The amount of recoverable petroleum in offshore deposits and the time required to drill for it is merely an educated guess of known fields. Many times actual drilling finds much more (and sometimes less) than predicted. There is also the probability of finding new, undiscovered fields. We can all see that just the threat of renewed offshore drilling by American oil companies has already resulted in a 30 cents per gallon savings. (see BW #3) Who are they trying to fool? I know that few Americans understand commodity futures markets, but those geniuses certainly should. That price drop was fully predictable in the futures world where oil prices and thus gasoline prices are determined. They just can’t be so stupid they don’t understand that. Maybe it’s just, “Don’t bother me with the facts, my mind’s made up.”

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