The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Card Check bill in Congress

I know a lot of you are extreme liberals, but even you should be up in arms about what labor bosses are trying to ram through Congress.

Wake up Americans! Democrat politicians are about to reward labor unions for their help in the last election by doing away with a basic right of all Americans, the right to a secret ballot for elections. First they said they were bailing out the American auto industry with your billions of dollars. That is pure BS. All they were doing was padding the pay checks of lazy and conniving UAW workers with money from the public treasury. No wonder Toyota, Honda and the other off-shore auto companies are beating the pants off of UAW auto companies with their autos, even those built by American workers in American factories. Their labor costs are about half of what the UAW members get paid for the same work. They have crippled our once great auto industry that will certainly go down the tubes anyway, just like our electronics industry and many others that were highly unionized.

Now the Democrat controlled government is about to demolish the foundation of our Democratic Republic, the secret ballot. The American public should be screaming against this destruction of a basic right. Where is the massive outcry from the third estate? Are the masses just so stupid they can’t see what’s happening? Maybe they just don’t give a damn. It’s beyond my comprehension.

And how about those so called protectors of human rights in the media? They should be haranguing everyone to urge their representatives to throw this evil proposal out. Where are all their calls of “foul?” Perhaps they are over enamored with the “Royals,” now controlling our government. Maybe they’re getting a payoff of some sort to ignore what’s happening. Something is very rotten there and it ain’t in Denmark.

Next the Democrats will be rewriting our election laws and doing away with the secret ballot in public elections. How will you like it when politicians know exactly how you vote? There wouldn’t be any goons using coercion and beatings on those who didn’t vote their way, would there. Of course not! This is America. Americans don’t do those kinds of things. Ha!

The Cook County Democrat machine is, in fact, already doing that in a round about way. They know quite well who votes how in the local precincts and their goons are not shy about punishing those who don’t toe the line. Now we have a product of that corrupt machine as our President. Democrat machine politics with all its intimidation, corruption, payoffs, ballot box stuffing, votes by dead and non existent voters, and associated criminal activities—those machine politics have completed their take over of Washington. I wonder how long it will be before we see Democrats elected by 100% of the vote just like Kim Il Sung was in North Korea.

Newt Gingerich explains what is happening in a much less pointed manner than I do. Here’s what he has to say:

March 11, 2009 | Vol. 4, No. 10

Dancing to Big Labor's Tune
by Newt Gingrich

After spending an astounding $61 million to elect Democrats in the 2008 elections, union bosses are getting their payback this week.

Yesterday, so-called "Card Check" legislation was introduced in both the House and the Senate.

Card Check strips American workers of the right to a secret ballot and gives the federal government the right to impose labor contracts on workers.

The timing of this assault on the freedom of the American workplace could not be worse. A new study shows that for every three workers coerced into joining a union under Card Check, one job will be eliminated by besieged American businesses.

Card Check Could Eliminate 600,000 Jobs In Its First Year

Card Check is a job killer. Even Obama supporter Warren Buffet opposes it, saying "I think the secret ballot is pretty important in the country. I'm against card check." Watch him here.

But as far as Big Labor is concerned, a deal's a deal. Their goal is to get their allies in Washington to ram Card Check through Congress this week, before anyone notices that American workers and businesses are losing fundamental rights.

What's happening in Washington this week is old style, quid-pro-quo politics - the kind President Obama pledged as a candidate to end. Supporters of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (that's their Orwellian name for Card Check - it would more correctly be called the Union-goon authorization-to-bash-your-head-in-if-you-don’t-vote-us-in act.) claim to be all about protecting American workers.

But leave it to Vice President Joe Biden to inadvertently tell the truth.

In a meeting with the AFL-CIO last week, Biden made it clear who's calling the shots when it comes to American workers, businesses and jobs. He told the gathering of union big-wigs:

"You all brought me to the dance a long time ago, and it's time we start dancing."

82% of Democrats Oppose Eliminating the Secret Ballot
For big labor and their allies in Washington, it's time to start dancing - and dancing fast.

Vice President Biden and the union bosses hope to duplicate with Card Check the Obama Administration's success in rushing the mammoth $787 billion stimulus bill through Congress so quickly most members never had time to read it.

The reason they have to act quickly is simply this: The vast majority of Americans - 77 percent of Republicans, 82 percent of Democrats and 79 percent of independents - oppose what they're trying to do.

Not only that, but the latest surveys show that a full 82 percent of Americans say they don't want to belong to a union.

The Stakes Are High This Week

But it's precisely this kind of pro-secret ballot, pro-freedom sentiment among the American people that makes union bosses so eager to pass Card Check.

Under Card Check, union organizers and their enforcers will be able to go into any small business, hospital or construction site and coerce workers into signing cards. If they get 50 percent plus one, the deal's done, and the workers are forced into a union. And if management and the new union fail to reach a negotiated contract, the federal government will just impose one. Coerced unionization allows for what is effectively a new, unaccountable form of forced taxation. Workers will have a portion of their paycheck going to the union to be spent as the bosses (many are convicted extortionists) see fit, including political donations to parties and candidates that the workers may not even support.

Talk about an "offer you can't refuse." There's no vote. No secret ballot. No right to freely negotiate the contract. The workers, the workplace, and a portion of the worker's paychecks are controlled by the union bosses.

For Americans like you and me, the stakes are high this week. Hanging in the balance are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs, not to mention fundamental freedoms like the ability of small businesses to create and sustain jobs, the freedom of American workers to have a say in how their workplace is organized, and the freedom of American workers to freely choose whether they want to give money to politicians and political parties.

Congress Is Holding Hearings This Week
Make Your Voice Heard at

The time to act is now - this week, while Congress holds hearings on Card Check.

You can make your voice heard by the people who matter most by joining in American Solutions' "Freedom Not Fear" campaign.

Freedom Not Fear is grassroots petition drive to preserve American jobs and preserve the right of the secret ballot for American workers. Over 80,000 Americans have already gone to and signed the petition, but we need more help.

Remember the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" campaign from last summer? With your help we were able to change hearts and minds on Capitol Hill about the necessity of using more safe, clean American energy.

We can do the same with Freedom Not Fear. Congress needs to hear from the sweeping majorities of Americans of all political parties who oppose this massive power grab by Big Labor.

The union bosses want to silence the voices of American workers and businesses. Go to today and let them know that we won't go down without a fight.

A response:
This is a balled faced lie! Get your facts straight! Card check does not do away with the secret ballot, it simply offers an alternative. As your Quoted hero Newt proclaims,"the secret of Politics is to Lie, Lie, Lie, and then Lie some more." Have a good misinformed day .

Another response:
You and Newt sure got it right. I was working in a small automotive supplier in Ft. Wayne for many years, right from the git go. Once the company got big enough to be noticed, the UAW moved in. It didn’t take most employees long to realize that if you didn’t support the union, you were in for a bad time. I only lasted about a year until I found a job with Volkswagen in Ohio. It was for a little less money, but the atmosphere was very much better. Everyone worked. We were all part of “the team.” The goon squads and intimidators will love the power the new law will give them. Once the unions come around, extreme coercion will be the norm. Look what they’ve done to the big three as it is.

By way of correcting any misunderstanding, here are some facts and some opinions. Of course, the emotionally intense hatred most liberals express for anyone with whom they disagree causes great confusion on their part as to just which are facts and which are opinions. This makes sensible communication damn near impossible, but I try anyway. Incidentally the first responder did what so many liberals do constantly, quoted Newt out of context. I have searched high and low, but can’t come up with the exact line quoted. The closest is a line given in a speech to a Republican organization in Atlanta, date unknown. In that speech he said, “The secret of liberal politics is to lie and lie, cheat and cheat, and tell the victims of your efforts you are working for them.” But Newt was correctly dubbed as one of my political heroes along with so many who have stood up for independence, freedom and personal responsibility. Men like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and most of our founding fathers as well as Reagan and a few other so often vilified by the left. At least Newt is not trying to destroy what they so masterfully built.

Reality trumps intentions every time. This new law would remove the right of the company to request a secret election, a right they now enjoy. This offers protection to workers who really don’t want a union, but are intimidated to sign the cards. In its place the new law gives that option over to the employees. The law states clearly that only the employees can request a secret ballot election. This gives union goons an open invitation to intimidate employees to sign cards requesting a union and not ask for a secret ballot. They use the same kind of intimidation organized criminals use to intimidate witnesses. I wonder where they learned that? Once more than 50% signed, the union is in, even without an election. I’m sure those disgruntled union members would request a secret ballot election, wouldn’t they. Ha!

I’ve seen the UAW in action unionizing one company started in 1920 in a small town in Indiana. The company and town shall remain nameless to protect the author. It was a small family owned business with about 100 employees that built bodies on Ford and GM truck chassis. Their wage and benefit scale was actually above union standards at the time. The UAW wanted to collect dues and impose their own work rules. During 1948 we were in the plant as part of our engineering studies at Purdue during the time the union began trying to “organize” its employees. None of the employees I spoke with were favorable to the union. Most said the “The old man (the owner) and his boys take good care of us. We don’t need a union.”

We were at the plant several times a week for three weeks. By the time we left things changed and there were some nasty incidents. Employees who spoke out against the union often had an “accident.” Several ended up in the hospital and one died. No one was ever charged. There were three elections several months apart. The union lost in the first two, but won on the third. Within the year the owners decided it was no longer in their best interest to continue operating the plant. Pickets marched in front of the plant as it was shut down and dismantled. The owners shut down their assembly line after finishing the bus contract already underway. They sold their remaining contracts, inventory and machinery to a manufacturer in Tennessee, and all moved to Florida. (There was a rumor that the company in Tennessee belonged to a member of the family, but I have no confirmation of that rumor.)

The small town was devastated as this was one of their largest employers and a sizable portion of the town’s economy. During the year, we studied the effects on the town and determined that there were more than a dozen dependent businesses that soon closed their doors and about 300 people lost there jobs. The fallout undoubtedly left the city’s economy in ruin for a long time. The plant stood empty for many years. I happened by the plant many years later and found a paved parking lot full of weeds, a battered fence and a few empty buildings. I have no idea what became of the owners or their family, but I’m sure they had a good and successful life wherever they went. Maybe they took over that plant in Tennessee. I do know that they remained substantial financial supporters of Purdue University for many years after they closed their Indiana plant. Great job, UAW.

Some of my liberal family and friends constantly vilify me as a Rush Limbaugh worshiping, George Bush loving, far right Republican member of the extreme far right, a Christian fundamentalist homophobe, racial bigot and all that other crap on their long hate list. The truth is they all simply hate anyone who doesn’t go along with their “holy” far left agenda handed down to them from the George Soros crowd and the New York Times. (I wonder why he doesn’t just buy the Times? It’s going broke, you know.) Talking to them is like negotiating with Al Queda or the Taliban. It’s their “holy” way or off with your head. Well, it’s hasn’t come to that quite yet, but one never knows when.

No amount of reason or logic will ever sway their emotional attachment to what they are “supposed” to believe or to “political correctness.” Talk about mind-numbed robots, I realized long ago how fruitless it is to have a rational conversation with any of them about virtually anything with the remotest hint of political content. To me, liberalism is one of the most fundamentalist religions on the planet. It is totally devoid of any rational content, often exuding pure hatred.

One of my very liberal friends was visiting a few years ago and ran across a pamphlet titled, A Real Answer to the Drug Problem laying on our coffee table. He read through it while I was doing something else and asked if I had read it.

When I allowed I had he immediately said, “I think it’s a great idea. I suppose you are very much against it, aren’t you?”

I replied, “Take a look at the back of the pamphlet.” The back of the pamphlet listed seven “solutions” I had developed and written down. It offered pamphlets like the one he held on all of the ideas—my ideas.

“You . . . wrote this?” he asked with great incredulity.

“And all of the others as well.”

“That’s amazing!” he exclaimed. “That sounds more like a liberal idea, than one you would come up with.”

I smiled. “It only goes to show how little you really know about me, doesn’t it? And how little you know about anyone you consider a conservative, or for that matter, anyone who isn’t in side that tight little exclusive box of ideas you virtually worship.”

“Now, don’t get nasty.” he warned.

“By getting nasty I suppose you mean saying anything that doesn’t fit inside your tight little box of ‘liberal’ ideas. It has been my observation that most liberals consider anything proposed or even uttered by a non-liberal that doesn’t fit in that box is considered hate speech.”

“Not really.”

“No? Tell me please, what political proposal that violates any of the holy tenets of liberalism by what Republican politician has not been labeled as hate speech.”

He couldn’t think of any. Incidentally, I wrote the original in 1999 and posted it to my blog in September 2005/ It was updated once in 2008, but still remains essentially as first written down. It’s at Click on it if you’d like to see it.

In light of what is happening near our border with Mexico as I write this, my solution could put an immediate stop to all those murders. I am working on revising my proposal in this light very soon.

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