The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Predictions, an unbelievably sad revelation

Since about 1994 I have been writing political and economic predictions. In 1998 I started writing a book I titled, The Feudals about those political ideologues of the left I saw as taking us down that fatal road to a socialist, communist, marxist, fascist, feudal dictatorship. In that book I included many predictions based on information from my experience and that I had gathered first from the news media and then from other sources that I use to confirm news media stories. It was not a very big surprise to discover how many news media “objective reports” were misleading because they simply left out significant facts or they just pain lied. As a result I have adopted the following rules for collecting data.

1. Believe nothing you hear or read uttered by any politician, media personality, or proponent of any political philosophy. Always use the source person or persons’ proven track record to pass judgement on what ever they say. Believe only what they do, never what they say. In fact, question everything using the tests that follow.

2. Confirm anything you hear or read with sources you trust to be accurate and honest. Just remember that anyone who professes any political or religious philosophy will only provide information favoring their philosophy.

3. Accept as fact only those things that meet the following tests:

. . . . a. All laws of physics, chemistry and/or mathematics must testify to its veracity.

. . . . b. If a physical test is not possible it must still meet your personal belief system and/or be agreed with by several reliable sources, not necessarily sources with which you agree philosophically.

. . . . c. If neither of these is sufficient and it is important, research it from as many confirming sources as necessary before deciding what it means and whether it is true or not

4. Accept no one’s opinion on anything, even those who agree with you. If it doesn’t make sense or seems strange to you keep digging until you are satisfied you have the answer.

5. Refrain totally from believing any political or religious power pronouncements. They are all designed to remove your independent thought from you and replace it with their dogma.

In 1996 I made the following prediction: "The United States will have become a socialist/communist/marxist/fascist/feudal dictatorship---an oligarchy by the year 2030." I wrote that in an introduction to a political book I was writing titled later, The Feudals. I believe that far more now than I did then. I wonder if those believers in far left ideologues will be happy when that comes to pass? As of March of 2010 I believe the destruction of our existing democracy will happen much sooner, possibly within a few months. All the signs are there. The ramming of the left's health care destruction bill through in defiance of the law in our Constitution, will push us over the cliff. Make no mistake, this so called health care bill is actually a huge power grab by leftist despots. Once enacted it will be very difficult to repeal.

In 1998 I predicted the current mortgage system collapse. I wrote that the two government mortgage companies, Fannie May and Freddie Mac were deliberately destroying the mortgage banking system. Earlier that year, a mortgage banker I know very well told me about our government ordering banks to make not just risky, but also noncollectable mortgage loans. With that information it became obvious to me what was happening. I also wrote it was being deliberately orchestrated by leftists in the bureaucracy of our government to do precisely what it did. That was to destroy much of the wealth of the middle class which it certainly accomplished. Not only did it accomplish its unspoken aim, but the architects of the collapse made tons of money personally at taxpayer expense.

Who were those who brought the mortgage collapse about? Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson both walked away from Fannie May with millions in their pockets. Both were far left, unelected government bureaucrats who cooked the books to gain millions in bonuses. Franklin Raines was paid bonuses of $90 million over five years. When that was exposed, he promised to return all of it. So far not one red cent has been returned and no political or media person has once mentioned that fact. Ken Lay of Enron gained far less for his chicanery and was awarded a prison sentence. His crime was penny ante compared with Raines and Johnson who are now both working in the Obama administration. That demonstrates the fairness and policies of the left. They were not the only ones to gain huge sums of money from Fannie May and Freddie Mac. And just who received millions in campaign contributions from those self same government banks? Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and a brand new Senator from Illinois named Obama were the three largest recipients. The only ones to complain about what was going on and try to do something to stop it were those two evil Republicans, George Bush and Dick Cheney. And where were the Democrats in this? They were screaming at Bush and Cheney and calling them names for opposing such a noble effort to provide housing for the poor. Their complaints were echoed loudly by the left’s captive media.

There was another little local Indiana action that I found out about by digging into some sketchy reports in the local media. It seems there was a group of at least six community organizers in Fort Wayne who had a neat little scam going. The group were buying up low value homes in the poor sections of Ft Wayne and turning them into gold mines. Here’s how it worked. They would find a poor family with nothing to lose to work with them. The group would put a few thousand dollars in dolling up one of these old houses and then have one of the bank appraisers they owned value it for say $120,000. They would then apply and get a loan for those people of say $135,000 backed by one of the two government mortgage companies. Once they got the money they would hand $25,000 to the family who would then walk away while they pocketed the balance of $85,000 less their expenses. Not a bad deal, eh? Sometimes the family lived in the home for awhile and a very few even stayed and tried to pay the mortgage—didn’t take the pay off money. Mostly they just walked away without even having seen the place. It didn’t take long for the house strippers to realize the house was empty so by the time the bank foreclosed, the place had been completely stripped of all appliances, fixtures, and even the copper wiring in the walls was pulled and sold for scrap.

I’m sure Ft Wayne was not the only place where this little deal was going on. In Indianapolis the city was paying the same kind of community organizers $500 to $1,000 for every mortgage they wrote. I wonder who set up that marvelous system? Need I tell the name of the parent organization of these community organizers? It seems to me there was another public figure who claimed that title on his resume. Hmmmm!

I wrote down quite a other few predictions about the political and economic future of our nation that have come true including both that Obama would be the candidate and that he would be elected carrying a majority for Democrats into both houses of Congress. Both predictions were written down long before they became actualities. I also wrote predictions about what the Obama administration would be doing and why. Nobody listened or believed me then and I certainly don't expect anyone to listen to me now. After all, what could I know?

I'll say one thing. My Socrates discussion group here in St Augustine have gained and expressed amazement at the accuracy of the predictions I have shared with them in writing during my three year membership. Even those who ridiculed my predictions when I made them now listen when I make them. I personally am terribly disheartened that I was right. I’ll make another really far out prediction about the very near future. I don’t believe the power systems are yet in place to make it happen, but they could be and very well hidden. Here goes.

What would happen nationally if suddenly major riots broke out. Racial or food riots in places like Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, New Orleans, and even Cleveland? Why the Obama administration would have to do something to stop it. Out would come the President’s Civilian National Security Force to deal with the problems under martial law. As he said, "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." It would be just one more step “necessary for the personal safety of the people” for civil liberties to be suspended “until we get things under control.” Of course then elections would have to be suspended until all the rabble rousers were dealt with. Sound familiar? Read you history books as it has all happened before.

That’s actually not a very good prediction for the immediate future because I don’t believe his civilian national security force, CNSF, is quite ready. Of course, I could be wrong about that Maybe he can be stopped before his CNSF has gathered enough power. I certainly hope so. My guess is that under another name like ACORN they already have the personnel, the organization, and the weaponry. I just think they need a lot more training, but I could be wrong about that as well. Could you tell me just what possible need could he have for a separate and independent military force “just as strong, just as well-funded" as our military if he didn’t intend to use them in this way? Give me a break!

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