The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

America's giving heart

Some time back I blogged about how our “friends” in the European news media had castigated America for being so stingy with relief for the tsunami that devastated Indonesia. They pointed out that the American government was fourth or fifth largest financial contributor to that relief effort. That is true, but what they neglected mentioning (deliberately, I am sure), was that Americas private giving totaled more than all of the worlds governments combined. Private Americans and American businesses provided more then half of the total relief effort. Also note that Indonesia is a Muslim nation.

Well, we did it again. From the e-news, Real News and Views comes another story you will not read in the New York Times or other government controlled media—or is it the reverse—media controlled government? Who knows?

May 10, 2011 - Real News and Views:

The recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan have created a tragic humanitarian crisis. Thousands of homes, businesses and lives have been destroyed. The situation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant remains uncertain. Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with the Japanese people in the midst of this terrible tragedy.

Yet, as with most major natural disasters in our time, the tragedy in Japan has once again showcased the amazing generosity of the American people. As aid pours into Japan from around the world, the United States, in keeping with her magnanimous spirit, has led the way.

So far, USAID and the Department of Defense have spent a combined $32,251,844, which includes sending two professional urban search and rescue teams maintained by the counties of Fairfax, Virginia and Los Angeles, California. The U.S. military immediately dispatched the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan to Japan, along with other ships, to assist in relief efforts.

However, private donations to relief efforts from Americans already stand at $161 million or FIVE TIMES AS MUCH as public money - including millions of dollars from U.S. corporations such as Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Walt Disney, and FedEx.

America’s generosity arises not only from the faith and altruistic spirit of her people, but also from the fact that Americans have the means and the freedom to be generous. The means is a direct result of America’s capitalist economic system that allows for free enterprise, competition, and the creation of wealth, which gives Americans the freedom to give generously to others out of their discretionary funds. While some seek to denigrate wealth creation or tax business into oblivion, it is evident that America - her businesses and citizens - are abundantly generous to people facing crisis and disaster, precisely because they have both the heart and the ability to do so!

In the midst of this disaster we have an opportunity to reflect on America’s exceptional spirit, character, and people. Because America was founded on the principle that each person possesses a God-given dignity, her people are always quick to come to the aid of others in their time of need. The American people have always exhibited a great spirit of generosity and concern for the downtrodden, as exemplified now in their outpouring of aid and support to Japan and others at home and around the world. It is in times like these that we should all be particularly proud to be Americans.

End of quote.

I realize you liberals would prefer to take private money by force and use it as you see fit rather than have the American people contribute directly to the needs of their choice. That’s just who you are and what you do; small minded people who are always condemning, but never creating; using problems to build your power, but never solving anything; cursing and calling derogatory names any who oppose your power, but never offering any corrective, constructive ideas. Because you are completely void of any creative, constructive, or realistic ideas, all you can do is label those you oppose with rancid hatred. Your latest idea is to label as racists, anyone and everyone who raises any objections to your lust for power. It’s a cheap shot from mindless boobs who, in truth, are the real racists of America.

I’ll say one thing for you. You really know how to destroy. You have already virtually destroyed America’s education system, America’s inner cities (like Detroit), America’s middle class (the mortgage melt down), America’s once vibrant economy, and much of America’s manufacturing. Right now you are doing everything you can to destroy American free enterprise, discredit American exceptionalism, and move wealth from the middle classes to the most wealthy and elite individuals. (The easier to control it my dear.)

I have news for you idiots. True American exceptionalism, free enterprise genius, and fierce work ethic may just be more than you can handle. Just remember, you may bankrupt the government, but America’s wealth still lies in the hands of individuals, and I’ll wager not even you will be able to change that, not even with your corrupt judges, government bureaucrats, invincible bureaucracy, union thugs, and black militants. There is one single and powerful entity that stands in your way in spite of your efforts to minimize it. That happens to be the US Military. There is another group of real Americans that is growing in numbers and power in spite of all your ridicule and pointed hate speech. That group is the Tea Party. I rest my case. Just once you should try building instead of destroying. I realize just how much harder it is to design and build rather than curse, vilify, and destroy. You’re probably just not up to the effort.

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