The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Today, I read the following report on the Internet. It only goes to prove how stupid the human animal is, individually and collectively. Humans are almost exactly like overgrown lemmings, a plague of death and destruction on their own kind. They are reproducing themselves out of existence.

Reports like the following, almost completely ignore the only realistic, rational, effective way we humans can prevent the coming calamity. I seriously doubt humans have the collective intelligence and will to do the only thing that could possibly prevent the mass starvation, food wars, race riots, religious battles, deliberate exterminations, and other violence certain to accompany a worldwide economic collapse. A sad note is that only one nation on the planet has the brains and will to do something about it. That nation is certainly not the United States. Read and weep. My words are in this serif type font.

The report is in this, non serif font.

According to a study released by researchers at Jay W. Forrester’s institute at MIT, the world is headed for a “global economic collapse” if humans around the planet do not waver in their consumption of natural resource. Not only is global economic collapse imminent at the current rate of resource consumption and population growth, “precipitous population decline” will also occur.

Recent findings published in the study coincide with those of the Limits to Growth which is an academic report from 1972. Smithsonian Magazine wrote about an Australian physicist named Graham Turner who famously said: “The world is on track for disaster.”

According to the report which was produced for The Club of Rome, the researchers conjured a computing model in order to forecast various scenarios based upon the current models of global resource consumption and population growth. A computing model is a mathematical model of a complex process or system which requires conditions for testing.

The majority of the computer scenarios processed indicated imminent economic collapse would occur right around the year 2030. I disagree. I see it as happening much sooner.

Unlimited economic growth potential is still a possibility, however, governments around the world would have to enact policies to limit the expansion of our ecological footprint (human demand on the Earth’s ecosystems) in addition to investing in green technologies.

The only possible way humans can limit or reduce our ecological footprint (the current politically correct term) is to stop our ridiculous population growth. Population growth, barely mentioned in one paragraph in the article, is the absolute singular cause of the events that will lead up to total collapse. All the best efforts at slowing resource consumption are feeble, futile efforts. They will make for only a slight slowing of the devastation sure to come, a delaying tactic.

Twelve million copies of the recently published report were distributed in thirty-seven different languages around the world. While there are those, such as former governor of the Federal Research Board and Yale economist Henry Wallich, who strongly disagree with the findings detailed in both the Limits to Growth as well as the more recent MIT study conveying similar findings. Wallich believed that the regulation of economic growth would be equivalent to “consigning billions to permanent poverty.”

I would revise Wallich’s conclusions and say, economic growth without population control will be equivalent to “consigning billions to permanent poverty, starvation, wars and devastation.” Think the Congo wars and desolation expanded to include the entire Earth.

Do you believe that a global economic collapse is truly imminent by 2030 based on the current rate of consumption and population growth as forecast by MIT’s computing model?

I believe a collapse is not only imminent, but has already begun. The first signs?
1) Food shortages, riots and starvation is growing in the third world.
2) Total world production of food is declining and has been for a number of years.
3) Several ocean fish stocks have collapsed or are being harvested at unsustainable rates.
4) There are many more signs in evidence, but the overpowering reality is that we are depleting all of our resources at an accelerating rate. Since those resources are limited, it is obvious we will run out. That is true no matter how effectively we deal with economic growth. Even if we stopped it entirely, that would only delay the end a small amount, a few years at best.

For a more in depth view of this problem, read:

In my opinion, we could solve this devastating problem, not easily, but effectively. Also, in my opinion, I see us as ignoring it and letting nature take its course to the New Dark Age of Man, whatever that portends.

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