The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Hypocracy of Outspoken Liberals

Liberals and leftists say one thing and do another–surprise!

Best selling author Peter Schweizer tells the real story of how big time liberals talk like liberals, but actually do so many of those hated conservative, capitalists things they so vitriolically decry. When it comes to their personal lives, these liberals are right in there with the worst of those they so condemn.

Just a few extensively documented examples:

John Kerry
The "super-rich" are not paying their fair share of taxes.
Does: Pays less than 15% of income in taxes. Although along with his wife he is worth in excess of $700 million.

Al Franken
Conservatives are racist because they lack diversity and oppose affirmative action.
Does: Has hired less than 1 percent African-American employees over the last fifteen years.

Ralph Nader
Says: Unions are essential to protect worker rights.
Does: Fired his employees and changed the locks when they tried to form a union.

Barbra Streisand
Says: Americans need to cut back on their conspicuous consumption and protect the environment.
Does: Spends $22,000 a year to water her lawn; maintains a 12,000 square-foot air-conditioned barn.

Senator Hillary Clinton
"Thirteen-year-old girls are capable of deciding to have abortions without parental [or paternal] cosent. "
Does: Prevented Chelsea, then 13, from getting her ears pierced because she "wasn’t ready for them."
To see more on the Clintons, Click Here!

George Soros
Says: The wealthy should pay higher, more progressive tax rates.
Does: Holds the bulk of his billions in tax free overseas accounts in Curaco, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. For a flat tax system that would prevent all this special exemptions for the very wealthy Click here!

Nancy Pelosi
I pride myself in being a liberal and fighting for labor unions.
Does: Owns upscale vinyards, restaurants and hotels that hire only non-union workers.

Noam Chomsky
America is the modern NAZI Germany and the Pentagon is the most hideous institution on earth and constitutes a menace to human life.
Does: Signed on with the Research Laboratory of Electronics, funded entirely by the Pentagon and has cashed checks totaling millions from his work there.

Senator Ted Kennedy
I demand that America take immediate action to reduce global warming by shifting to alternative energy sources
Does: In addition to huge personal profits from oil, he fiercely opposed erection of wind turbines off the coast of Massachusetts that would have replaced a polluting coal-fired power plant operating near Boston. His reason? Some of those turbines would be placed in areas where he liked to sail.

Michael Moore
I’ve never owned a share of stock in my life and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
Does: Examination of federal tax forms clearly show that Moore bought and sold shares in Halliburton and a number of other vicious, evil corporations. Click here to read the details.

For more examples in far greater depth, Click here to view Schweizer’s web page and order his book, "Do as I Say, Not as I Do!

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