The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Unbelievable Hypocracy of Liberals and the Maim Stream Media

I am appalled at the main stream media and at liberal Democrats for their constant expressions of hatred and demonstrated hypocracy, especially in things like the Foley case. I have several friends who are gay. Their lives do not revolve around their sexuality any more than mine does. Yes, it is an important part of who they are, but they have families and friends they love and care for just as I do. Sex has nothing to do with those relationships.

The main stream media - ABC, CBS and NBC - have aired about 150 comments and reports on Foley and he has only been accused of sexual comments in private Internet exchanges with an underage individual. From these comments and reports you would think Foley’s sexual activities were the only thing he did or thought about.

The New York Times (Liberal Isvestia) lead the charge in defaming Foley. He then resigns his seat in Congress in shame and continues being the subject of critical reports by the main stream media. The Republican party severely chastised Foley who had not been convicted of anything. The liberal main stream media continue bashing the Republicans with Foley.

Previously, when Democrats do far worse, there is no such flurry in the media. Consider Representative Mel Reynolds of Chicago who in 1995 was convicted of having actual sex, (not Internet sex) with an underage campaign worker and sent to prison. He kept his Congressional seat up until he went to prison. He was treated to a mere twenty reports by NBC, and CBS combined. He was never mentioned by ABC who had earlier in the year touted him as "Person of the Week" and praised him for his work with young people. In 2001 he was pardoned by President Clinton.

The following describes the essence of how liberals treat criminal politicians like Mel Reynolds who spout their agenda:

"Jessie Jackson has added former Chicago democratic congressman Mel Reynolds to Rainbow / PUSH Coalition's payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton's last-minute forgiveness spree.

Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a- half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud and lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious; however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.

This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate, won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate. His new job? .....Youth counselor."

Once again the Main stream media will never report on this because he is a liberal Democrat.

Quite obviously it is much better to be a liberal Democrat if you are a criminal or evil doer. Republicans punish members merely accused of wrong doings. Democrats applaud and support members convicted even of major crimes. Yes! There is a difference.

The blatant efforts by the media to unseat Republicans and replace them with Democrats is obvious to all but the most feeble minded. Recently a report was leaked describing a meeting between media supporters and high ranking Democrats. The purpose of the meeting was to coordinate efforts in the media to aid Democrats and defeat Republicans in the upcoming elections. Doesn't sound like objective reporting to me.

It is obvious Democrats are frequently and effectively promoted by the media while Republicans are lambasted at every opportunity. It is easy for them to do this by repeated reporting of (or creating) Republican negatives and Democrat positives. They also ignore good news about Republicans and bad news about Democrats. Besides things like the Foley incident, look at two others:

1. The economy: Remember "It’s the economy, stupid?" Clinton ran on and was supported in the media for "the best economy ever." Report after report on the booming economy came from the media. Now when virtually every economic indicator shows we truly do have "the best economy ever," with most statistics far better than the best during the Clinton years, the media is noticebly silent about it. Rest assured you will see none of the constant praise for the economy like that heaped on Clinton by his loving media. Any media reports will minimize any and all good economic news, of which there is an overwhelming number at the present. Let a single possibly negative report come out it will be reported and analyzed ad nauseum by the media.

2. Then there is the price of gasoline. Numerous Democrat operatives and candidates are accusing Bush of manipulating gas prices to help Republicans. What partisan chicanery! Does Bush control OPEC or the world prices of crude? Or do the American oil companies? This is complete nonsense, but many of the American electorate are either so stupid or ill informed they believe it.

I wonder how the election would go down if the main stream media actually did report things fairly, objectively and without their obvious prejudice?

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