The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Lou Dobb's new book: "The War on the Middle Class"

Lou Dobbs says about his new book: "The government, big business, big labor and many other special interest groups and politicians from both parties are enriching themselves at our expense. Now more than ever, we're finding ourselves at the mercy of those individuals and organizations that control jobs, provide goods and services, and wield power... The middle class is being picked apart and its future mortgaged for the benefit of a small group of powerful American interests."

More on: "War on the Middle Class"

Through his nightly CNN show, "Lou Dobbs Tonight," his syndicated radio program and his monthly columns in Money magazine and U.S. News and World Report, Dobbs has become one of America's most visible, popular, and respected voices on business and financial matters. With his upcoming book, "War on the Middle Class: How the Government, Big Business, Big labor, Powerful and wealthy professionals and other Special Interest Groups are Waging War on the American Dream by controlling members of both parties. He also describesand How to Fight Back," Dobbs tackles the issues that are on the top of so many American’s minds, including: the deplorable state of our health care and public education systems, corporate outsourcing of jobs, immigration and border patrol, and of course, the state of our nation in general under the current political administration. In particular, Dobbs takes an impassioned and rousing stance on the all-out class war that is turning the American dream into a nightmare, particularly for our dwindling middle class, and proposes a series of measures to resolve each issue he brings to the fore and incite people to preserve their rights and dreams. "War on the Middle Class" is provocative, incendiary, and bound to be widely discussed—the perfect book to establish the terms of debate in this year’s midterm elections.

End of CNN comentary

Words in italics were spoken by Dobbs in a radio interview and added in the comentary.)
In the interview, Lou mentioned several other powerful and influential groups including, government employees, trial lawyers, and the media and entertainment complex along with a few others I can't remember. The common denominator is the billions spent by these groups to get preferential legislative treatment on laws that benefit them. These billions pay for laws advantageous to those providing the money. Powerful examples include

The Enron debacle - the Clinton pardons, especially Mark Rich - the Abramoff scandal - and many others that cut across party lines. Both major parties are being bought and paid for by powerful and wealthy lobbyists.

Then on a smaller scale there are the personal enrichment schemes like Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid who is now being asked to step down from his leadership position right now and undergo a full investigation of his activities. Once again it seems the media is mostly turning a blind eye to what is clearly a probable case of buying influence by kicking back profits to a Senator who pushed legislation and peddled his influence in ways that helped create the profits he received. (Click on the above link for details) The fact the connection between Reid and the land developer he assisted was covered up in an UNDOCUMENTED (and therefore theoretical) business deal is what makes this look like a story of covering up (instead of whatever lame excuse Reid and Brown are trotting out). This type of chicanery is rampant in both parties.

The result is transferring billions from the pockets of ordinary Americans (average yearly income about $30,000) and into the pockets of the increasingly wealthy: professionals, investors, Congressmen, business leaders, union leaders, etc. Make no mistake, this is all supported and implemented by both political parties.

I am working on a book called simply, "Solutions!" which offers a good way out of this destructive practice along with solutions, viable solutions, to a number of other serious problems including the drug problem, income taxes, illegal immigration and personal identity among others. I hear lots of angry denunciations, condemnations, accusations and downright nasty personal attacks, aired and shouted in the present political campaign from members of all sides. I rarely hear any reference to any kind of solutions to the problems cited. Certainly there has been almost no issues dealt with positively.

Apparently, anger, hatred and condemnation reach and influence the American electorate and substantive, rational treatment of issues does not. Add to that the vast lack of knowledge and understanding of all but the most trivial matters that dominates and controls the minds of so many Americans and you have a formula for disaster.

Unfortunately, my "Solutions" would strip politicians of much of the lucrative control they now wield and prompt them to serve those main stream Americans they now so ignore. Powerful monied groups would do their best to stop implementations of any of my "Solutions."

Should you want to read about some of my solutions, click on one the following links:

Drugs - A Real Answer to the Drug Problem - -
Security - Solution to the ID Problem - - - - - -
Taxes - The Johnson Tax Code - - - - - - - - - -

These are excerpts as the full text is in process of being incorporated into my book and will soon be submitted to a publisher.

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