The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Reproduction of an email message and my follow up to one response.

I sent the following email to my entire mailing list of fifty-three immediately after the election. I received a few favorable responses and one unfavorable, probably about the ratio of right leaning and left leaning individuals on my list. I am including this and my response among my rants rather than using email so those who really don’t want to read it won’t be bothered.


Hi All!

Sure, I'm disappointed by the results of the election but I've been quite convinced that was going to happen for at least the last year. I wrote the following shortly after the election while the Senate was still in doubt:

Joyful Democrats: Ah, there's good news for all you leftists, tyrants and Muslim fundamentalists of the world. Nancy Pelosi is wearing a permanent Cheshire cat grin and rubbing her hands together in anticipation. The hated Republicans have lost the US House and your guys are now in control. Liberal Democrats are happy, trial lawyers are happy, European Socialists are happy, Muslim terrorists are happy, Hugo Chavez is happy, Illegal immigrants are happy, bin Laden is happy, Abortionists are happy, atheists are happy, Mexicans are happy, Fidel is happy, and Communists everywhere are happy. (China, Cuba, N Korea, Indonesia, etc.) Are there no sad and solemn faces? Al Queda, Iranian, Shiite and Taliban leaders and mullahs are ecstatic. Members of the coming Caliphate are rubbing their hands in joyful anticipation of our withdrawal (and military defeat) in Iraq.

(Added to this paragraph today for this blog: The amazing thing is that during the days that followed the election there were news reports and quotes from almost all of those mentioned confirming the accuracy of my statement.)

The world is now indeed much safer and in a more compassionate state. The ills of the world caused by those greedy, war mongering capitalists and their buddies in the Bush administration will soon fade into nothing and we can all rely on the US government to fulfill our every need. Our armies will all now lay down their arms and go home, terrorists will become peace loving peasants once more and everyone will live in glorious peace and harmony. Yeah! Right!

What amazes me is that Republicans ever managed to gain control of the legislature in the first place. With the mixture of rampant vote buying, hate speech, class warfare and promises of governmental nanny treatment of all non-wealthy Americans combined with the results of an education system that continues to dumb down America and a main stream media who will report no wrong in liberal Democrats and no right in conservative Republicans, it is a wonder Democrats don't get all the votes.

Now we can see rescinded those evil tax breaks for the wealthy. (According to liberal pundits that's anyone with a job) And what will the Dems do when the effect on our economy finally results in lower tax revenue? Why raise taxes again, of course. Reality is always trumped by ideology in their minds. Our troops will soon be exiting Iraq in defeat and disgrace much as they did Viet Nam. Instead of a wall, an eight lane highway will be constructed into Mexico for illegals and terrorists alike. (I hope that's a symbolic joke and not a prophecy.)

I know it's against liberal law to read anything that doesn't follow the edicts of the New York Times, or view anything not on NBC, CBS, or ABC, but if you would like to read some opinions that you will never see or hear in the highly biased main stream media, try this link - really, it won't hurt - much. Or are you afraid to read something that might pollute your mind?
Click on It's probably as accurate assessment of the situation as I've read. It points out what most conservatives have known for a long time - GW is not a conservative and should have no trouble getting along with the Dems in Congress. The war and tax reduction are about their only points of significant difference. Certainly, spending and government growth is not.

If this seems a bit strident to you or upsets you then you are experiencing the feelings I have when reading or listening to all that PC BC on ABC, NBC & CBS. (If you can't figure out what that means then you are doubtless a true product of our education system.)
Oh yes, someone once told me, "Smile, things could get worse." so I smiled, and sure enough, things got worse. And I am an optimist.


I received a response from a (presumed) liberal source I hold in high esteem and who shall remain nameless. Like many reporters, I will go to prison rather than reveal my sources. Here is my answer to that response:

Dear Anonymous:

I want you to know how much I appreciate your comments - really and deeply appreciate them. I know they come from the heart. I hunger for real opinions different from my own and the opportunity to at least be heard, if only in part. Your mind is far more open than many who share your opinions and philosophy. Please don’t stop communicating.

My Barbara was a liberal Democrat who actually understood and patiently listened to my commentary. We didn’t always agree, but she understood where I was coming from. She was also very disappointed in the preponderance of hate and personal condemnation coming from Democrat politicians and recognized the bias and partiality of the main stream media. We never had a single political argument, believe it or not - disagreements, many, but no arguments. There was no question that I had voted for many more Democrats than she had Republicans.

My new lady, Daphne, is also a liberal Democrat and we seem to be traveling a similar path in political discussions. She has urged me to be less strident in my political rantings and I am trying to do so, particularly where family members are concerned. She and Barb both are of Irish descent and I have commented in jest that the Irish seem to be genetically liberal Democrats. Now I read a report from some British university that says political bias may indeed be partially controlled by our genes. In part of the study of identical twins, the results indicating genetic bias were very specific. I wonder if that’s why one part of our family is so liberal?

I question only one statement in your email, "What amazes me is the volume of assumption and insult that fill this email.",

First of all, that statement precisely describes how I see virtually all verbiage coming from the left, including politicians, supporters, most media commentary and some responses from liberal friends and members of my family. Of course, I would add hatred and downright prevarication to my comments about words from the left.

Secondly, I will admit to frustration, sarcasm, parody and dire prediction, but insult??? Maybe you consider comments that are at odds with your core beliefs as insults of some sort. (not a slam or sarcasm, but a real concern) I fail to see any. Also, one person’s assumption is another person’s opinion and yet still another person’s facts. We all have the right to be right, wrong, or partially both. Or maybe I should say, enjoy the probability of so being. Please remember as well that one’s position in this venue is a very individual thing. - one person’s right can be another’s wrong. My favorite example: Right and wrong have very different meanings for a lion than for a lamb. That’s one place where I find some agreement with liberal philosophy - at least espoused liberal philosophy, the part about right and wrong being quite ephemeral. Absolutes are for the fundamentalists of this world.

Third - Joyful Democrats paragraph: When I wrote that I didn’t realize how accurate it would turn out to be. One look at Nancy Pelosi’s face in media photos confirms my first statement. I even wrote: "(Added to this paragraph today for this blog: The amazing thing is that during the days that followed the election there were news reports and quotes from almost all of those mentioned confirming the accuracy of my statement.)" That is an absolute fact as reported by numerous media sources - Reuters, MSNBC and Associated Press that I know of. The paragraph that follows that was pure parody which, if it came true, (the last part anyway) would bring unbounded joy to myself and all of humanity.

The next paragraph, "What amazes me . . ." Sure! It’s an opinion! But think about this: Where are all the Republicans and their teams of lawyers yelling "vote fraud!" and "recount!" and promising to tie up numerous state and local elections as promised by many Democrats before the election? How about the many big city Democrat machines some of whom even brag about "stealing" elections like "Boss" Daly of Chicago. Some precincts in Cook county and in St Louis actually reported more Democrat votes than they had registered voters. Where are all the investigative reporters hot after these stories? Hmmmmmmmm! "Vote early and often." a common joke around Chicago, may (sadly) be quite true. I voted in Cook County and know how difficult it was (and probably still is) to vote Republican there.

Several comments regarding the paragraph starting about taxes: Rescinding the Bush tax reform is one of the announced priorities of the Democrat Congress. I didn’t say it - Charley Rangle did and he will head that committee in the next congress. No matter how you describe it, doing nothing about the law that will soon expire, is still raising taxes and by a substantial amount at that. This will be done in spite of the overwhelming evidence that lower taxes produces increased tax revenue because of the stimulating effect it has on the economy, Democrats adhering to true party dogma promise to raise taxes by killing the Bush Tax cuts. The real meaning of that dogma? "We can better spend your money than you can" Oh yes, these "tax cuts for the wealthy" when rescinded will raise taxes on the average American family taxpayer by $1,500 to $2,500 per year. Is this what Dems call helping the middle income American? Who’s kidding who? They’ll probably end up blaming Republicans for increasing taxes. It surely wouldn’t be the first time Democrats blamed Republicans for bad things resulting from Democrat actions. This whole scene is obviously the use of active class warfare to create hatred in the hearts of the so called, middle (and lower) income Americans for those who earn more than they.

The very first thing on the agenda of Democrats looks to be to raise the minimum wage. Class warfare comes to the forefront as a tool for this economically destructive policy that costs so many people productive jobs in the poorer sections of our economy and boosts the pressure for illegals to enter our country seeking jobs. Many jobs unskilled illegals take are not covered by the minimum wage. Listen to the arguments of those favoring this. If what they say is true, why not raise the minimum wage to $20.00 per hour - or $50.00? If their rational is correct, that would raise the pay of wage earners well into the "living wage" category and we would all benefit greatly. The real reason is strictly the propaganda value of raising the "partial wage floor," a far more accurate name for the process and to buy votes! To learn more about this and to hear a thoughtful and workable solution, Click Here to see one of my "solutions" to one of our knotty problems. Unlike many politicians of all persuasions, I don’t just condemn or support blindly, I seek to create possible solutions outside party politics. Some of you ought to try that some time - instead of simply belly aching, think about and then write about a solution. Of course, that requires real work and effort and maybe a few less hours in front of the boob tube.

Iraq: Again, Democrats are in a perfect position to do what ever pleases them and blame all the problems on Republicans and the Bush administration. Don’t be too surprised if Democrats directly bring on a withdrawal from Iraq in defeat and disgrace similar to Viet Nam and blame that on Republicans. They cannot afford for Iraq to become a success. They see the same long range benefits for our failure in Iraq as the Muslim terrorists. Oh yes, look for a change in the reporting about Iraq in the main stream media. I predict it will slowly move from negative to positive as Democrats are in control long enough to claim any success there as due to their efforts. They are in a win-win situation. If things go badly, they can and will blame it on Bush and Republicans. If things go well they can and will take credit for success and their media lackeys will affirm whichever position they decide to take. They did it before and will surely do it again. Also, look for them to make nice with the Iranians and possibly bring them in to help our withdrawal from Iraq. Israel will probably soon be dead meat.

The highway to Mexico is of course a parody that predicts the future for Illegal aliens of whatever stripe. If you think we have lots of them now, just wait ‘til the next amnesty. Bankruptcy of Social Security anyone? (I do indeed hope that's a symbolic joke and not a prophecy, but I fear the immigration flood gates are about to be opened.) Will Spanish become our national language in a few decades?

"I know it’s against liberal law . . ." For those who take my words literally, this is a bit of sarcasm with some basis in fact. For those who might not fear a very different view than the highly biased one promoted by the New York Times et al, try It's probably as accurate an assessment of the situation as I've read and is certainly no more right leaning than the Times et al are left leaning. It points out what most conservatives have known for a long time - GW is not a conservative and should have no trouble getting along with the Dems in Congress. The war and tax reduction are about their only points of significant difference. Certainly, spending, illegal immigration and government growth is not.

About all that PC BC on ABC, NBC & CBS. (If you can't figure out what that means then you are doubtless a true product of our education system.) Read John Stossel of ABC, Bernie Goldberg of CBS or several other "liberal media people" who freely admit the liberal bias of their media cohorts. These are not Rush Limbaugh followers, but genuine credentialed liberal media people who have the courage and honesty to describe what most in the media work so feverishly to hide and deny. I applaud them for the courage to admit who they are and that they have biased views. Did you notice that Dan Rather still insists those falsified papers - proven and admitted falsified papers - that he presented as real are actually real! He’s either delusional, demented or living in a very different reality. The sad commentary is that there are actually people who still believe him. Damn the facts, it’s the agenda that counts!

Oh yes, someone once told me, "Smile, things could get worse." So I smiled, and sure enough, things got worse. I note nearly all liberals do not want to be called liberals, (or anything else) they do not want any label describing who and what they are or believe in. They would have you believe they represent the vast majority of "average Americans." Are they in truth hiding their political beliefs? In contrast, most conservatives I know, freely call themselves conservative and like being though of as such. I find myself far too conservative for my liberal friends and family, while at the same time I seem far to liberal for many of my conservative friends.

I stand on predictions I made some time ago in several lectures and the associated papers on the subjects therein. Should you wish to browse through any of these writings click on the followin links with descriptions:

HoJo’s Directories of Blogs by category - List and links to all Blog Directories

All Blogs by groups - List and Links to all HJ Blogs, Listed in groups by type.

All Blogs in alpha - List and Links to all HJ Blogs, Listed alphabetically by Title

Lectures - Listing of Lectures, complete and outline or idea (incomplete)

Political - Listing of all manner of Political Commentary - Straight, Parody, Sarcastic etc.

Solutions - Listing of Suggested Solutions to Many Serious and Menacing Problems.

Writing - Miscellaneous and General Writing including: Entireties, Excerpts, Descriptions and Promotions about Ho Jo’s Books, Novels, Short Stories, Essays and Miscellaneous Writing - fiction and non - Complete and Under Construction - mostly not Listed in the Other Listings.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Joyful Democrats

Ah, there’s good news for all you leftists and Muslim fundamentalists of the world. Nancy Pelosi is wearing a permanent Cheshire cat grin and rubbing her hands together in anticipation. The hated Republicans have lost the US House and your guys are now in control. Liberal Democrats are happy, trial lawyers are happy, European Socialists are happy, Muslim terrorists are happy, Hugo Chavez is happy, Illegal immigrants are happy, bin Laden is happy, Abortionists are happy, atheists are happy, Mexicans are happy, Fidel is happy, and Communists everywhere are happy. (China, Cuba, N Korea, Indonesia, etc.) Are there no sad and solemn faces? Al Queda, Iranian, Shiite and Taliban leaders and mullahs are ecstatic. Members of the coming Caliphate are rubbing their hands in joyful anticipation of our withdrawal (and military defeat) in Iraq.

The world is now indeed much safer and in a more compassionate state. The ills of the world caused by those greedy, war mongering capitalists and their buddies in the Bush administration will soon fade into nothing and we can all rely on the US government to fulfill our every need. Our armies will all now lay down their arms and go home, terrorists will become peace loving peasants once more and everyone will live in glorious peace and harmony. Yeah! Right!


If anyone would like to know why I am not a liberal Democrat (or right wing conservative for that matter) click on I wonder why Liberals almost never say what they are for, only what they are against? Speaking of being for something, I am working on a book called simply, "Solutions!" which offers solutions, viable, creative, innovative solutions, to a number of other serious problems including the drug problem, income taxes, illegal immigration and personal identity among others.

I hear lots of angry denunciations, condemnations, accusations and downright nasty personal attacks, aired and shouted in the present political campaign from members of all sides. I rarely hear any reference to any kind of solutions to the problems cited. Certainly there has been almost no issues dealt with positively. Apparently, anger, hatred and condemnation reach and influence the American electorate and substantive, rational treatment of issues does not. Add to that the vast lack of knowledge and understanding of all but the most trivial matters that dominates and controls the minds of so many Americans and you have a formula for disaster.

Unfortunately, my "Solutions" would strip politicians of much of the lucrative control they now wield and prompt them to serve those main stream Americans they now so ignore. Powerful monied groups, corporate, union and professional, would do their best to stop implementations of many of my "Solutions" because they would rob those groups of much of the money and power they now enjoy because of the problems. (Illegal aliens for instance) It might surprise some of you to know how much I despise these kinds of people in corporations large and small. Of course, the same kinds of individuals in government, labor and trade unions, universities and the professions which I despise equally are considered acceptably decent by the left. Should you want to read about some of my non-partisan solutions, click on one or more of the following links:

Drugs - A Real Answer to the Drug Problem - -
Security - Solution to the ID Problem - - - - - -
Taxes - The Johnson Tax Code - - - - - - - - - -

There are several more in process. These are excerpts as the full text is in process of being incorporated into my book and will soon be submitted to a publisher.

Of course, most of those on the political left would never expose themselves to such new and novel ideas because they know that anything that is not fed to them by fellow leftists must be a plot by the religious right. I know because I have been accused of that very thing (following the extreme fundamentalist Chjristian right in ignorance) by some family members from the left. Apparently, they view any idea or opinion that is not in lock-step with the mantras of the left as being stupid, impossible, useless or even worse, coming from the religious right. If that isn't a demonstration of their being extremely closed minded, what would you call it? One thing most liberals and leftists are definitely not is open minded.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Voted!

Well! I voted! It was an interesting experience considering the contentiousness of this election with The Democrats and their mouthpieces in the main stream media on one side shouting hate and "foul" and the Republicans and their mouthpieces in talk radio on the opposing side shouting "stay the course" and praising the economy. Neither party seemed to have anything to say regarding the issues as character assassination and negative ads crowded the airwaves.

I live in an interesting county and state. You liberal Democrats would be shocked to know that by voting a straight Democrat ticket on the partisan ballot you would only be voting for three candidates out of twenty-three. The first of the three were for house district 3 where my neighbor, Tom Hayhurst, was the Democrat opposing Mark Souder. Mark Ruppel was the Republican running against an unknown Democrat (at least I never heard of him before). The third and last Democrat on the ballot was running for Sheriff

There was no Democrat in the race for the US Senate as Dick Lugar was unopposed. All of the remaining twenty candidates for the state, county and township offices were Republicans running without Democrat opposition. As a matter of interest there were five Libertarian party candidates on the ballot in the state including Dick Lugar’s only opposition. There are, in fact, two Libertarian candidates in the state who have a realistic chance of winning. Both are running against both Republican and Democrat candidates. It rather made voting simple, at least for Republicans.

With most voters offered only a choice between the lesser of two evils and the two media extremes digging up and inventing dirt while calling each other names it is no wonder the country is in a political morass. Such is the testimony to the dwindling intelligence of the American public in this one’s opinion. Also in my opinion, American voters will indeed get what they deserve and that will have virtually nothing to do with what the vast majority of candidates have said during the campaign. Apparently Americans are more likely to be swayed by hate filled damning rhetoric than by even a hint of attention to the huge problems facing our nation. I see us as playing political Russian Roulette and our real enemies have loaded all barrels of the gun.

I’m reminded frequently of the following quote:

When the 13 colonies were still part of England, Professor Alexander Tyler, a Scottish historian, wrote about the fall of the Athenian democracy over 2000 years earlier. "A democracy can not exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates promising them the most money from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been about 200 years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence:

From Bondage to Spiritual Faith
From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage
From Courage to Liberty
From Liberty to Abundance
From Abundance to Selfishness
From Selfishness to Complacency
From Complacency to Apathy
From Apathy to Dependency
From Dependency back to Bondage"

There is no doubt in my mind that Republicans are equally at fault in trying to buy votes by handouts "from the public treasury." They learned to do this from Democrats. We are becoming a nation of self-serving dependents expecting the government to fulfill the extravagant promises of gifts from the public treasury. One blip, probably a major oil crises which I believe will come upon us soon, and our economy will collapse and make the great depression look like a tea party. We are certainly now moving ‘From Apathy to Dependency." Can bondage be far away? I see bondage as a Socialist dictatorship and our nation as much closer to bondage than you can imagine.

I often hear the question asked, "Why so much negative campaigning and character assassination during the campaign?" One quick look at human nature and emotional response provides a very telling answer. It is so very much easier to destroy than build. The emotional release from hating and venting is far more motivating than rational discussions of issues and ideas. There is an old question that asks, What is the difference between the men you would hire to tear down a house and those you would hire to build a new one. 9/11 gives us a dramatic example of this difference. Contrast the very few men who brought down the twin towers, crashed into the Pentagon and were trying to destroy the Capitol all in a few hours, with the huge numbers of men, vast expenditure of capital, and years of effort required to conceive of, design and build those buildings. Years of hard work by many skilled men can be destroyed in a few minutes by a few rough men. Character assassination, even if untrue can move far more voters than the best presentation on issues. The use of class warfare is the constant tool of those inept souls who can and would destroy, but have little skill to build.

Statesmen build! Politicians destroy! The public suffers in ignorant control of their emotions!

I'm trying to soften my words. Will Kennedy, Pelosi, Dean et al soften theirs?

My lady, Daphne, tells me my words in political commentary (HoJo's Rants) sound as if I think I "know it all" and thus elicit anger from those with opposing views. She is probably right. I'm sorry if I come across that way. It is definitely not how I think. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. These are my O P I N I O N S ! Just like all political views of every other person , they are the OPINIONS of those individuals. I believe I have the right to my opinion and also the right to be wrong. Likewise, I believe those who disagree with my opinions also have the right to be wrong. Also, I don't see things as two opposing views - as black and white, right and left, Republican and Democrat. I rather try to view both positives and negatives of each view and make my decision and opinion accordingly. This is quite difficult when views that oppose my basic ideas elicit a strong opposing reaction. I am especially moved in these directions by those who see their opinions as the only proper or correct ones.

I have never verbally abused or questioned the sanity, intelligence or loyalty of those in my family and among my friends, at least not in many years. In contrast I have been cursed and had my sanity, intelligence and religious views called "unbelievable, disastrous, ridiculous, stupid" and a few other choice invectives by those who cannot understand how I can possibly not see things or believe as they do. While I have been told my opinions are not welcome by several who oppose my views, I listen with respect to the words of these same people, mostly without comment, just to prevent angry responses. Mostly, I try to present facts in contrast to the emotionally charged views of others. I try to at least get others to examine all the facts as well as my opinions and consider opposing views.

I have even been accused of supporting and even being a fundamentalist Christian. Anyone who believes this knows very little about who and what I am. I argue against and have little respect for fundamentalism of any kind from as far back as I can remember. That includes political fundamentalism. Eric Hoffer expressed my views about fundamentalism (he didn't call it that, but the similarity is obvious) as well or better than I could myself.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both."

Maybe I should pose my commentaries as questions. Hoffer had something significant to say about that.

"Language was invented to ask questions. Answers may be given by grunts and gestures, but questions must be spoken. Humanness came of age when man asked the first question. Social stagnation results not from a lack of answers but from the absence of the impulse to ask questions."

I have some commentary to add to something my sister sent me. What she sent was quite true and well said. My words are added (in italics) not as a rebuttal, but as an addition, a respectful addition which might indicate a very different perspective. My premise (opinion) for these additions is that fundamentalist Islam presents a menace at least as great as, though quite different from, that the NAZIs did about the time of the Munich agreements. Besides, Islam has more than a millennium of history of death and destruction wherever they went. They clearly express their intentions and back those declarations with action. They've been hacking the heads off of unbelievers for most of their existence. Only now do they have the resources to take on and enslave the world. Why is it so many Americans refuse to see the danger?

It's ludicrous to blame America's actions and presence in the Middle East for the animosity of so many Muslims. That animosity (for Western civilization) has been around for at least a millennium. (I don't see George Bush as having been around that long.)

Certainly I believe my ideas to be right! So do each and every one of you who read these words. We all do that or else abdicate our personal responsibility and self respect. Here's the item from my sister with my comments in italics.


"Make Love Your Aim." 1 Corinthians 14:1

Yesterday 10 more U.S. soldiers were killed, making October one of the deadliest months on record for the U.S. (Only in the Iraq war) We are fast approaching a tragic 3,000 U.S. soldiers dying in the streets and sands of Iraq .

NOTE: Put those statistics in perspective. Between December 19 and January 25 - 37 days - American forces had 81,000 casualties. 24,000 Americans were captured and 19,000 were killed in a forest near Ardennes, France. That was one battle in WW II. How many of those who died in German concentration camps would you blame on the actions of American forces? I have no figures on civilian deaths caused by American forces, but I'm sure there were some. Also, Iwo Jima: 35 days, 26,000 casualties and 6,800 dead. Guadalcanal: 183 days, 19,000 casualties and 7,100 dead. Big as they were, these were only a few of the many battles of WW II.

I know many readers see this current action as minor and no long range threat. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I however, view it as much more. Islam has always been at war with all who believe differently from them. United, even under the leadership of numerous feuding leaders, they could soon control most of the world's petroleum. Certainly you can see they will then do everything in their power to destroy the economies of the Western World. Once Pakistan is under their control there will be two nuclear powers willing and able to loose the atomic genie. Once they do this, the rest should be easy

Last week an independent report revealed that more than 655,000 innocent people have died in Iraq as a result of the U.S. invasion. (Technically correct except that most of those deaths were caused by Islamic terrorists.) Just today the Brookings Institution reported a half-million people have been displaced since February - an estimated 100,000 of them children. One report puts the total number of displaced persons at 800,000. I wonder about the agenda of those making the reports mentioned. Clearly the crisis is spiraling out of all control. Wrong! It is completely under control of the Islamic terrorists, insurrectionists who are being encouraged and emotionally supported by liberal Democrats and the main stream media. That the propaganda from the terrorists is mainly a repeat, often word for word, of things being said by many Democrats in the media, must be obvious to all but the most prejudiced.

Today when asked about the President's reaction to the mounting death toll, the White House Press Secretary responded that "his strategy is to win." Winning, in his terminology means helping create a free, democratic and independent Iraq able to defend itself and take care of its people.

When is winning losing? Jesus asked, "What does it profit them if they gain the whole world, but lose or forfeit themselves?" (Luke 9:25) Most people of faith believe in a different kind of winning. Just as wars kill, words can heal. Just as hate destroys, love strengthens. Bonds of understanding and goodwill ? whether between persons or nations ? are made not with clenched fists, but open hands. Speaking of hate, have you listened to the hate speech of so many powerful Democrats for the last three years?

Our hearts are broken by the violence and our nation diminished by pouring U.S. troops and treasure into the middle of what amounts to a deadly civil war, causing untold misery and fueling the very fire that terrorists have been hoping for. Equally tragic is the fact that the majority of representatives in the U.S. Congress have allowed this to happen. That is why your vote this November is more important than ever. It most certainly is not our efforts that fuels the terrorists as much as does the verbal support and encouragement being given to them from those in our country who seem to want our defeat, humiliation and economic collapse. Apparently, they think they will gain power if this happens.


Some predictions: Should the Democrats gain control of Congress and pull our troops out of Iraq as they want, (Republicans may be forced to do the same thing eventually) I believe the following events will happen, and quite soon:

1. The terrorists (including those in control in Iran, Syria, Somalia and a few other Islamic nations) will soon control the entire Middle East, including Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the rest of the Arabian peninsula.. This eventuality may be delayed as they fight among themselves to find out who will be in charge. Oh yes, during this series of events, Israel will be annihilated and Afghanistan, Pakistan and many other Muslim nations will join rather than fight the fundamentalists.

2. Once in control, they will turn off the oil spigot and watch as the western world economies collapse and burn. Europe, with it's 35% Muslim population will fall first in the following order, Spain, France, The Netherlands, and Germany. England, the Scandinavian countries and Russia will resist the longest but will probably succumb to nuclear blackmail. There will be millions of dead bodies to dispose of.

3. The American and far eastern economies will take the longest to collapse even with several terrorist nuclear attacks. Weakened America will be invaded from the south. China will stand by and cheer as America and Europe go down. They will finally do battle with Muslims with atomic weapons and who knows where that will lead.

I predict this will happen quite rapidly and quite soon - within the next ten or twenty years. I see no way it can be avoided considering the advance comments of those who may soon be in power in this country. And remember, I'm an optimist.

Please remember, I do not feel like a clairvoyant, nor do I see my opinions as unchangeable. These are merely my opinions under the present, known circumstances. Just try to consider these things rationally and not emotionally. I realize it is difficult, (It is for me as well) but rather than close your mind, think about what I have said.