The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Joyful Democrats

Ah, there’s good news for all you leftists and Muslim fundamentalists of the world. Nancy Pelosi is wearing a permanent Cheshire cat grin and rubbing her hands together in anticipation. The hated Republicans have lost the US House and your guys are now in control. Liberal Democrats are happy, trial lawyers are happy, European Socialists are happy, Muslim terrorists are happy, Hugo Chavez is happy, Illegal immigrants are happy, bin Laden is happy, Abortionists are happy, atheists are happy, Mexicans are happy, Fidel is happy, and Communists everywhere are happy. (China, Cuba, N Korea, Indonesia, etc.) Are there no sad and solemn faces? Al Queda, Iranian, Shiite and Taliban leaders and mullahs are ecstatic. Members of the coming Caliphate are rubbing their hands in joyful anticipation of our withdrawal (and military defeat) in Iraq.

The world is now indeed much safer and in a more compassionate state. The ills of the world caused by those greedy, war mongering capitalists and their buddies in the Bush administration will soon fade into nothing and we can all rely on the US government to fulfill our every need. Our armies will all now lay down their arms and go home, terrorists will become peace loving peasants once more and everyone will live in glorious peace and harmony. Yeah! Right!


If anyone would like to know why I am not a liberal Democrat (or right wing conservative for that matter) click on I wonder why Liberals almost never say what they are for, only what they are against? Speaking of being for something, I am working on a book called simply, "Solutions!" which offers solutions, viable, creative, innovative solutions, to a number of other serious problems including the drug problem, income taxes, illegal immigration and personal identity among others.

I hear lots of angry denunciations, condemnations, accusations and downright nasty personal attacks, aired and shouted in the present political campaign from members of all sides. I rarely hear any reference to any kind of solutions to the problems cited. Certainly there has been almost no issues dealt with positively. Apparently, anger, hatred and condemnation reach and influence the American electorate and substantive, rational treatment of issues does not. Add to that the vast lack of knowledge and understanding of all but the most trivial matters that dominates and controls the minds of so many Americans and you have a formula for disaster.

Unfortunately, my "Solutions" would strip politicians of much of the lucrative control they now wield and prompt them to serve those main stream Americans they now so ignore. Powerful monied groups, corporate, union and professional, would do their best to stop implementations of many of my "Solutions" because they would rob those groups of much of the money and power they now enjoy because of the problems. (Illegal aliens for instance) It might surprise some of you to know how much I despise these kinds of people in corporations large and small. Of course, the same kinds of individuals in government, labor and trade unions, universities and the professions which I despise equally are considered acceptably decent by the left. Should you want to read about some of my non-partisan solutions, click on one or more of the following links:

Drugs - A Real Answer to the Drug Problem - -
Security - Solution to the ID Problem - - - - - -
Taxes - The Johnson Tax Code - - - - - - - - - -

There are several more in process. These are excerpts as the full text is in process of being incorporated into my book and will soon be submitted to a publisher.

Of course, most of those on the political left would never expose themselves to such new and novel ideas because they know that anything that is not fed to them by fellow leftists must be a plot by the religious right. I know because I have been accused of that very thing (following the extreme fundamentalist Chjristian right in ignorance) by some family members from the left. Apparently, they view any idea or opinion that is not in lock-step with the mantras of the left as being stupid, impossible, useless or even worse, coming from the religious right. If that isn't a demonstration of their being extremely closed minded, what would you call it? One thing most liberals and leftists are definitely not is open minded.

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