The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another Destroy America Bill?

The mounting expressions of hatred and remarks and efforts I see as anti-American aimed to demean and damage our nation all in the cause of political expediency. Actually, this is just one factor among many self-serving ones that completely ignore the will of the people. Coming from so many politicians and media people, it causes me to seriously wonder about their intelligence, motivation and honesty. Why? The general public is so turned off by this that the President’s approval ratings have sunk to new lows. This is regularly and gleefully reported by the main-stream media (Rush describes them accurately as “the drive-by media”). Of course, that same media somehow neglects to mention that the Democrat controlled Congress has an even lower approval rating and that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have ratings even lower still. Now why would they not want us to know that? Hmmmmmmm?

The impending legislation supposedly aimed to stop illegal immigration is a sad example. Have we reached a point where we write laws and then refuse to enforce them? Why are we turning our border guards into the bad guys while describing illegal aliens, criminals actually, into heros? What is the real motivation of people like Ted Kennedy whose pronouncements about the last amnesty bill were out-and-out lies. (By his own words) Why is this bill actually described by that same Ted Kennedy as, “Too complex for anyone (but we in the Senate) to understand.” To me that is a clear indication that Senators consider themselves and their work as far beyond the understanding of the masses. Apparently we should bow to their superior abilities and do as they want. Or are they merely afraid that the people will discover the mischief they are actually up to.

None of the desires of the vast majority of Americans (by almost any poll numbers you can find) have the remotest chance of being part of that bill. They (The President and Senators) want to ram it down our throats over any and all objections, and without explaining why. I’d certainly like to know the real reason why? What motivates these people who so demean, flaunt and refuse to enforce the desires of such a vast majority of our people. Maybe they just want to bring in more people who hate America and will work to divide and destroy us.

The government refused to enforce the last law and as a result we now have at least four times as many illegal aliens as we had before the last law that was supposed to stop illegal immigration. Of course, all those who so opposed the last immigration law, the majority of Americans, said that it would only encourage more illegal entries. They were absolutely right while Ted Kennedy and his buddies were dead wrong. (I'm sure they knew they were misleading us) As far as I can see this will be a repeat of the last law. The gates will open up to an even greater invasion as illegals take advantage of the provisions in the law that favor them and our government will once more refuse to enforce any of the controls. I believe actions speak much louder than words and what happened after the last law was not enforced will be even worse when the new law goes into effect and its provisions remain unenforced.

That brings up a really big question. Have we reached a point at which criminal law is no longer being adequately enforced? You can find evidence of that everywhere. Statistics show that even hardened criminals including murderers, are only convicted about15% of the time when they are apprehended. Early release of some criminals, even violent ones, has become rampant. Police departments in many cities are now ordered not to apprehend or detain illegal aliens for virtually any reason. No wonder so many now flaunt our laws with impunity. That is becoming a motivator of vigilantism, but of course, such action will be punished with vengeance. Just who is in charge and how far are we now from total anarchy? I wonder! Do you wonder?

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