The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Freemen and G-men

This is a response to the increasing number of specific threats to the freedom of speech and talk radio in particular. Republican Trent Lott has now joined the numerous liberal Democrat voices in calling for muzzling talk radio. So much for freedom of speech.

I am terribly disappointed in our present crop of politicians and main stream media personalities. I am particularly disappointed in the Republican party who’s members seem now to be taking the same kinds of self-serving actions the Democrats have so mastered and practiced for so long, spending and expanding government power and control. Now they are even beginning to appear among the ranks of those who want to shut down talk radio, the one voice of many people, previously without a voice, pointing out the excesses of government– politicians, bureaucrats and other so-called public servants. Is “public servant” ever a misnomer. Many have become self-servants acting as if they were saying, “the public be damned.” It is no wonder they rant against the restraints of our Constitution and twist its meaning beyond recognition– that marvelous document designed specifically to protect the people from them, and would be tyrants like them– those who “know what’s best for the masses.” I lump all these people: Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, Liberals and media personalities, into one group I call “Governmentalists” or “G-men.” They are the G-men (and women) of the current age. They have perverted the old saying about government to, “That government governs best that governs most.” They ultimately admire, support or become Vladimir Lenin, Hugo Chavez, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro or Saddam Hussein. Their answer to virtually every problem is, “The government should do something about that” and then try to devise ways they can use that problem to gain power and money for themselves.

It looks as if the main body of real Americans, those I call “Individualists” or “Freemen”are now restricted mostly to the heartlands. For all intents and purposes, they have been completely rejected, reviled and frequently “dissed” by G-men. They are the self-starters and creative geniuses who built this country and made it a magnet for people from all over the world. I don’t believe I need to repeat the words engraved on the Statue of Liberty here– most of you, except those who graduated from public schools in the last thirty years, know them. Despite a huge invasion of criminals and political efforts to turn us into a gray, socialist state, this is still the safest, freest, most secure country in the world. It is not, as G-men would have you believe, the source of all evils and world problems and is undoubtedly doing more positive environmental effort than any other nation– we do while others discuss. And free enterprise capitalists among freemen do far more for the environment than do government bureaucrats. Sure there are some stinkers and criminals among them who do bad things, but I’ll wager they are a much smaller percentage than stinkers criminals among G-men.

The real evil doers who twist and interpret our Constitution to seem to mean the exact opposite of what it really says and means are found among those who seek to destroy our country– who speak against it at every opportunity. They are the Cindy Sheehans, Michael Moores, Cynthia McKinneys, and even Ted Kennedys among us that the media so loves to quote. They include the PC imposers and others who seek control and call it freedom. They verbally oppose slavery but work to make us all slaves of the state. They give active aid and support to Islamic terrorists and their Islamo-fascist leaders who almost daily announce their determination to exterminate us. I can’t believe those G-men I mentioned do not understand the Islamo-fascists fully intend to exterminate them and probably at the first possible moment.

OK! So maybe I am a bit worked up. I doubt I will live long enough to see my nation destroyed, but my children and grandchildren may and that’s why I’d like to wake up those who’s minds have been clouded by hatred and prejudice for anything or anyone who expressed a differing opinion. Have G-men their own definition of freedom of speech? It seems they believe only speech that supports their agenda should be free.

Here’s a list of what I see as the difference between G-men and Freemen - as defined in the previous paragraphs - at least most of them. Not all people can be painted with such a broad brush so exceptions are many.

● Freemen believe the rest of the world should be more like America.
● G-men believe America should be more like the rest of the world.

● Freemen believe we are fully capable for doing most things for ourselves and making our own decisions.
● G-men believe the government should do many things for us because we can’t take care of ourselves or make our own decisions.

● Freemen believe we are far better at handling our money than is the government.
● G-men believe government bureaucrats (read G-men politicians) are better equipped to handle our money than we are.

● Freemen believe the existing free enterprise capitalistic system is the best system for America and the American economy. (It’s what makes America a world leader and angers the despots of the world.)
● G-men believe European style socialism leading to dictatorship (ala Venezuela) with them in charge is best for them and who cares about Americans or the American economy. Besides America needs to be taken down a notch or two.

● Freeman version of an old Chinese saying: “If you give a man a fish, he has food for a day. If you teach him to fish, he had food from then on.”
● G-man version of the same saying: “If you give a man some fish, he has food for some time. If you continue giving him fish, he will become totally dependent on you. Don’t ever let him learn how to fish.

● Freemen support our military, join our military, respect our military and view them as our guardians against evil countries and despots.
● G-men despise our military, use all means possible to discredit our military and view them only as tools of American imperialism.

● Freemen believe our military is supposed to break things and kill people.
● G-men believe our military is supposed to be a tool for social action and food distribution.

● Freemen believe laws should be enforced and criminals punished.
● G-men believe laws one doesn’t like should not be enforced or obeyed. And that criminals are only misguided victims of troubled childhoods and should not go to jail.

● Freemen attract and support: the successful, the hard-working, the entrepreneurs, capitalists, the privately employed, concerned Americans, and those who value freedom and individual enterprise.
● G-men attract and support: the unemployed, the unemployable, criminals, free loaders, government employees, entertainment world types (celebrity status automatically makes them experts on everything), professional activists, trial attorneys, illegal aliens, Muslim extremists and those who hate America.

● Freeman definition of truth: That which is not false or lies or fabrications. (Almost completely absent from political speech.)
● G-man definition of truth: Any thing that agrees with the G-men agenda regardless of its veracity as long as it is spoken by or agrees with the G-men agenda.

● Freeman definition of false: That which is not true, lies or fabrications.
● G-man definition of false: Any thing that disagrees with the G-men agenda regardless of its veracity as long as it is not spoken by or disagrees with a G-men. Any thing uttered by a Freemen.

● How do Freemen keep from hearing anti Republican, liberal and anti America news? Turn off their TV and listen to talk radio.
● How do G-men keep from hearing the truth about Democrats, Conservatives and America? Turn off their radios and watch TV news.

● Freeman news, anything that’s good about of for America.
● G-man news, anything that’s negative or bad about or for America.

● Freeman definition of freedom of speech: The freedom to express one’s opinion in public regardless of the content. Vulgarity and shouting “Fire” when there is non is frowned upon.
● G-man definition of freedom of speech: The freedom to express ones opinion in public as long as it agrees with the G-men agenda. Speech that disagrees with G-men principles and ideas is strictly forbidden.

● Freeman opinion of the “Fairness Doctrine.” We certainly don’t need it.
● G-man opinion of the “Fairness Doctrine.” We desperately need it to silence talk radio.

● Freeman opinion on illegal aliens. “They should be rounded up and deported, criminals should be prosecuted, A sound registration with ID cards is required. Those who disobey the existing laws should be charged and prosecuted.”
● G-man opinion on illegal aliens. “Open the borders! Let them all in! Let them all vote as we know they will vote for us.”

● Freeman opinion on Islamo-Fascist terrorists. They should be fought and either incarcerated or killed as they pose a serious threat to America and Americans. Witness all the terrorist acts against Americans including 9/11.
● G-man opinion on Muslim “freedom fighters.” They’re merely expressing their religious beliefs and we should respect that. Maybe if we act nice toward them they will leave us alone. Don’t do anything to upset them or they might not like us.

● Freemen heros: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, those who died in our wars.
● G-men heros: Eugene V. Debs, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Dan Rather, and those who dodged the draft and refused to serve in the military.

● Women admired by Freemen: Molly Pitcher, Jacquelyn Cochran, Elizabeth Dole, Condelezza Rice, and Dolly Parton (I don’t even know her politics)
● Women admired by G-men: Eleanor Roosevelt, Princess Di, Helen Gurley Brown, Paris Hilton (I don’t know her politics either) and the smartest, sweetest, kindest, most honest darling of them all, Hillary

● Freeman weather: sunny, bright, warm and pleasant.
● G-man weather: gloomy, gray, cold and unpleasant.

● Organizations supported by Freemen: Churches, Boy and Girl Scouts, Chambers of Commerce, private schools, most pro American organizations.
● Organizations supported by G-men: Mosques, the ACLU, Labor unions, Teachers union, MECHA (look it up), failing public schools, most anti American organizations.

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