The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Global warming - again!

To all you who put up with my sometimes a bit off the wall rants.

Several years ago I joined a group named The Environmental Defense Fund. Since joining I have found them to be a far left wing organization whose true agenda lies quite remote from that which they profess to support. Most of their effort seems to be to scare people about the imminent effects of global warming so that they donate to the organization. What follows is but one example of exchanges we have had continually since I joined. Interestingly, not one of my emails has ever been answered. Apparently all they are interested in is getting donations for their “cause.”


Dear Howard,

2008 could be a turning point in our fight against global warming.
Donate now to double your year end gift and help fight global warming.
Can you feel the tide turning? Last week's historic passage of the Climate Security Act out of a key Senate committee represents a new day for global warming action.
We are now poised to make history in 2008. But we need your help to keep up the pressure.

And to encourage your support, more than 1,000 Environmental Defense members have contributed to a Global Warming Challenge Grant to match your year end gift dollar-for-dollar.

Donate today to our Year-End Global Warming Challenge and double the value of your gift.

Your challengers are everyday people just like you. They care about our future and they helped create the Challenge Grant to help build our campaign to stop global warming.

Here are some of the things these men and woman have had to say:
Environmental Defense goes after the biggest energy problems on earth, working at the highest levels for the most significant changes. Supporting ED's efforts will allow you to have the largest effect possible in the effort to save the earth.
- Kathy R, Cambridge MA

It is our responsibility to do everything we can to save our environment. I always think of the Iroquois proverb, "In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations." What are we leaving behind for our children?
- Marjorie, Iowa City, IA

I am on board with Environmental Defense because I am concerned about my young daughter's future, and because, as a religious leader and person of faith, I can think of no greater sacred responsibility than protecting the future of life on earth. I urge people of all faiths and traditions to join in this holy task.
- Rabbi Steve Folberg, Austin, TX

Contrbuting to Environmental Defense is one of the few ways that an individual can hope to make a difference. If there is any hope to protect our fragile planet from being ravaged by the uncaring and ignorant, Environmental Defense will be in the forefront. We must act as stewards.
- Louise Hodges, Hanford, CA

Donate today to have your gift matched dollar-for-dollar.
In all of my years working on important environmental issues, I cannot recall a mobilization as massive and concerted as the one now underway to fight global warming. And you and I have progress to show for our efforts.

But we can't let up, not for a minute. We can't wait for the results of next year's elections. We can't hope for the sea change within American industries to continue on its own. And we certainly cannot count on Congress to pass an historic cap on global warming pollution without continued grassroots demand.

We now have serious momentum toward the kinds of changes that could lead to major global warming progress.

Please donate today to help us take advantage of this momentum and have your gift matched dollar-for-dollar.

Thanks for all you do.

Sincerely, Fred Krupp
Enviromental Defense


My reply that followed:

Dear Fred:

Global warming as a result of our use of fossil fuels may be a political fact which provides many benefits for those who would control our lives for their own personal benefit, a fact in the news media since it is useful in promoting their agenda, and an economic windfall for many, like yourself, who have jumped on the global warming bandwagon. It is definitely not a scientific fact.

It is a proven fact that there are at least a dozen other causes that could be equally responsible for any global warming caused by the increases of CO2 in the atmosphere. In addition, the continuing destruction of forests, primarily in the undeveloped world, is very possibly responsible for more of the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere than is the combustion of fossil fuels. I would like to see some studies of both how much CO2 is produced by the burning done to clear these forests and the amount of CO2 the destroyed forest no longer removes from the atmosphere. Somewhere I remember reading that a 12% increase in forests in the world would remove all the CO2 produced annually by all the vehicles in the entire world.

I think it unconscionable that the promoters of the "global warming" panic never address these other factors, even those like forest destruction which could be controlled far easier than forcing changes in our vehicles by writing more laws. In spite of this opinion, I have written a book, A Convenient Solution, about how to change our energy system to get us away from fossil fuels and greatly reduce or stop the emission of CO2. It will be published and released within the next few weeks. My reasons for writing the book are about ptoblems and dangers far more challenging than any possible effects of global warming. The overpowering reason is to get us away from dependence on foreign oil and reduce the ponderous drain of billions of dollars presently leaving our country and mostly going to nations that hate us and preach our destruction.

I would even be willing to send you a copy of my book if you would like. Just let me know where. If any of the systems described in my book were to be put in effect the increase of atmospheric CO2 would be stopped and even reversed. These changes would do far more to stop your form of CO2 caused global warming than any of the efforts you are now making no matter how successful are those efforts.

Howard Johnson.

End of email


PLEASE NOTE: The global warming phenomena is an artificially created, politically motivated mass movement—almost a religion—that will rarely if ever make any serious effort to really solve the problem if there indeed is one. That there are now more climate scientists questioning the CO2 greenhouse effect than are caught up in this religious frenzy is becoming more evident. That the media and global warming fanatics completely ignore all these scientists and their evidence is increasingly evident. The reasons are simple and Fred Krup (who is a fund raiser and not a scientist of any sort) is but one example of people who are making a career out "global warming." Those reasons are simply the desire for power and money along with an antibusiness political agenda on the part of those who would use it to increase taxes and gain political control for themselves. I certainly would welcome a serious effort at objective examinations of data pertaining to all of the plausible global warming (and cooling) causes including the “greenhouse gas” effect of CO2 so dear to the hearts of the left, fund raisers, and the media. The data I have seen thus far show that the greenhouse effect of CO2 is no more the likely cause of global warming than at least a dozen other natural systems that we know quite a bit about.

I wonder just how many organizations like are using global warming as a tool to raise money for themselves and for their political aims. I also wonder why it is these organizations have to use strictly emotional appeals and strong arm tactics to obtain their funds and promote their agendas. They capitalize on the ignorance of both the media (who haven’t a clue as to the facts about “global warming”) and the masses of the public who succumb to their rants of fearsome consequences. Everyone knows how the media feeds on pain and misery and will promote anything that gives them fodder for their “woe is me” attitude. In reality, the billions we spend for oil from nations who preach and plot our destruction are part of a very real and present (and rapidly growing) danger that poses a much bigger and more immediate threat to America than does global warming by even the most convoluted scenario any of the global warming crowd could possibly come up with. That is where we ought to be focusing our efforts and expending our resources and energy.

Business isn’t the villain in this case, it’s an enforced victim that the left and their captive media love to use as a whipping boy. Why else do you think they have made profits into a dirty word. The very profits that generate the money the government confiscates as taxes in order to feed the career bureaucrats’ insatiable appetite for money and power. Global warming is merely the current tool used to obtain that power and money. What are these money grubbers going to do if they succeed in destroying American business enterprises? Where will the steadily increasing funds these bureaucrats need to run their unproductive departments come from when profits cease to exist, tax money ceases to exist, and our economy grinds to a halt?

One of my favorite quotes which fits perfectly into the political scene we are now witnessing comes from a Scottish historian, When the 13 colonies were still part of England, Professor Alexander Tyler, a Scottish historian, wrote about the fall of the Athenian democracy over 2000 years earlier.

“A democracy can not exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates promising them the most money from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.”

In other words what is happening is that voters are in the process of killing the geese that lay the golden eggs and politicians, mostly left leaning, are handing them the ax and urging them to use it. Since it is far easier for a mob to destroy than build, that’s what they will do, even though they suffer grievously in the process. They forget that the only way we can all be “equal” is if we all have nothing. As stupid as that is, it seems to be human nature. Eric Hoffer had a real good handle on these individuals and why they do what they do. In one favorite of mine he said.

“Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement (like global warming) offers them unlimited opportunities for both.”

You can read some of his other pertinent quotes at:

For more real information on possible causes of global warming,

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