The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It is impossible for liberal media and politicians to tell the truth

Liberals probably won’t want to read this because these indisputable facts indicate some basic truths that don’t agree with their la la land agenda of non ideas. But, hey! Mr. and Ms. Liberal, you can’t counter the truth by ignoring it.

Liberal politicians and the liberal media are flat-out lying to the public about the effects of taxes and how their tax policy differs from the conservatives. Here are some facts right out of the US Government. After Bill Clinton increased income taxes in 2002, the wealthiest half of taxpayers, the top fifty percent, paid 84% of the income taxes. That meant the bottom half, those with lower incomes paid 16%, right? Liberals and the media kept saying Bush’s tax cuts were “Tax cuts for the wealthy.” Since the Bush tax cuts took effect, guess what! The wealthiest 50% have paid 86% of the income taxes meaning the lower earners, the bottom 50% paid only 14%. And those percentages were of a much larger federal revenue because lowering taxes gave business the incentive to invest in expansion and create jobs. That sure puts the lie to the liberal's mantra, "Tax cuts for the wealthy." According to my math that meant the wealthiest taxpayers had an increase in taxes of 2% while the poorer tax payers paid 2% less. That sure doesn’t sound like “Tax cuts for the wealthy” to me.

The truth is—and you will never hear this from Democrats or the main stream media—lowering taxes and especially capital gains taxes, always generates more jobs, lowers taxes more on the poor than on the wealthy, and increases tax revenue totals. Raising taxes always does the opposite. It makes me wonder, did any liberal ever take basic math in grade school? Does any liberal understand that10 % of $100,000 is a lot more than 20% of $20,000? Does any liberal understand that doubling the capital gains tax will stop a lot of business expansion, cost many jobs, and send more business offshore resulting in major damage to our economy? If the idiot you are trying to put in the Whitehouse gets what he promises, the Jimmy Carter years will look like a bonanza. Of course, who ever accused a liberal of rational thinking or action.

There’s another proposal being pushed in Washington that scares me. It’s called, “The Fairness Doctrine.” Sounds really nice, doesn’t it? Good old fairness. It’s actually a free speech suppression doctrine right out of NAZI Germany in the 1930s. It is designed to silence talk radio, the single strongest voice of dissent against an oppressive and dictatorial American government. Hey you idiot voters! If you don’t like talk radio, TURN IT OFF! No one is forcing you to listen. Of course the left would like to muzzle talk radio. They want to turn it off for everyone permanently since it tells the truth about them. The next thing these NAZI liberals will be doing is burning all the books that disagree with their agenda.

There was an interesting broad spectrum survey of more than a thousand Americans taken about a year ago and one of the questions was something like, “What percentage of Americans do you think are having a hard time financially, are worse off than they were six years previously?” This cross spectrum of Americans answered on average 47%. Remember that number. Another question asked in the survey was are you personally better off, about the same, or worse off than you were six years ago? 55% said they were better off, 30% said they were about the same, and 15% said they were worse off. Think about that! Their perception was that 47% of others were worse off while the reality was only 15% considered themselves worse off. The other interesting question was about job security. The survey showed a whopping 67% thought the average worker was afraid they were going to lose their jobs while only 8% of those questioned thought they were in danger of losing theirs. That is amazing. I think it really demonstrates how the doom and gloom media distorts reality in the minds of the average American. Of course, that’s how they make their money.

People want to hear and see about murders, accidents, disasters, famine, pestilence and all other kinds of human and creature misery. Did you ever see one of those ads soliciting donations to charity showing happy, healthy, well clothed children? Of course not. There might be millions of those, but photographers seek out the sick, starving, disease ridden, dying, little ones to try to get your sympathies and open your wallets. Misery like sex, sells. It’s the stock-in-trade of Hollywood and the entire entertainment world including the news media and the ad writers. That’s in spite of the fact that it portrays a grossly distorted view of virtually everything. Throw in a whole lot class envy and hatred for business and those who provide the vast majority of jobs and you have a real case of making the worst out of a good situation.

I see many of these distortions every day. One murder in a city of millions. What about the 999,999 who made it through the day without getting murdered? Five and a half percent unemployment. That means that 94.5 out of every 100 people that could work actually have a job. Sounds like 94.5% employment to me. With all the media hype about recession and supposed bad economic times it’s a wonder the economy continues to grow. We’ve yet to have a quarter of negative economic growth in spite of all the doom, gloom, and constant recession talk in the media. Looks to me like those imbeciles actually want a recession. At least they are doing a powerful job of selling the idea to the unsuspecting public. I wonder why they didn’t do this when things really were worse during the Clinton years and certainly during the Carter fiasco. Hmmmmm!

And oh yea! Attention all you anti-war people. Did you know there is a war going on right here in America that is rapidly overtaking Iraq and Afghanistan in violence and death? Why aren't you up in arms and protesting this war? Do you even know the war I'm speaking of? Add up the killings and mayhem along our southern border with that in most American cities and you'll find a death toll that is higher than that in both Middle Eatsern wars together, and that toll is rising. Yes, it's a drug war, not a war on drugs. The drug cartels virtually own our neighbor to the south. At least they are able to operate in relative impunity and have complete control of many areas along our border. I'm sure they are waiting impatiently for the opening of the border for Mexican truckers so they can move their operations north into the US. Take a look at one of their drug banks in Mexico. It's shown in my earlier rant of January 14 2008. Scroll down to the rant on that date and see the photos.

I wonder what will happen if the liberals and their champion of unidentified change do end up controlling our government. Well, I can tell you one thing. It will no longer be our government. It will quickly become their government. Government of the people, by the elite, and for the elite. That will give us a real recession or depression which they will promptly blame on the Republicans and George Bush just like every other calamity they have engineered. I have found there was one president who, during his administration, drew more blatant hatred and animosity even than George Bush. So George, don’t sweat the idiots that spew hate at you. You are definitely in pretty great company. The president I mentioned who was hated even more than GW? Abraham Lincoln.


Anonymous said...

Does your ass need more vaseline???? Trying to compare Lincohn with Bush!!!!! What a fucking idiot!!!!

Anonymous said...

As usual, the liberal misses the whole point, has no intelligent or constructive comment to contribute, and can only curse and swing at the air. I hardly need to say so as his or her words clearly demonstrates adolescent playground language (inability to debate anything) or some kind of mental difficiency. Incidently, gutless anonymous, who is Lincohn anyway? I never heard of him, her or it.

Anonymous said...

Well said, HoJo. That numbskull can't read either. You made no comparison of Bush to Lincoln other than that both men were deeply hated by their opponents. Apparently all those liberals can do is curse and hate and tax and spend. They haven't a clue how to run or build anything. The only thing they know how to do is whip up emotional class hatred and they sure do a lot of that.