The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Liberals on eduation

Liberal mecca, Berkeley, California is a perfect example of how liberals tackle problems and demonstrates how they will always make things worse, sometimes catastrophically worse (the mortgage meltdown) when they try to do anything. It’s a small example of why they are doing such a fantastic job of running Amtrak, the Postal Service, Fannie May, Freddie Mac, Medicare, etc. etc. etc. Now they want to take charge of health care? That’s all we need, 60 bureaucrats (all of whom vote Democrat because they know who gave them their jobs) sitting around drinking coffee, playing cards and occasionally approving, or more likely disapproving our requests for critical medical services. But I digress.

The liberal masterminds that run Berkeley found there was a problem with their high school science program, in particular a science lab. It seems that Black (notice the capitalization) and Hispanic students were not doing nearly as well as their white counterparts in this science lab. Well, something had to be done about that. After all, everyone is equal, right? The liberal wizards running things had several options. 1) They could study the problem and take steps to bring the failing students up to the standards of the “white” students. That could take some extra effort, but it has been done successfully elsewhere and certainly could be done in Berkeley with the liberal intelligentsia (an oxymoron) in residence there. 2) They could have researched how other schools were dealing with the problem, learn from their experience and adopt the best of their methods. I’ll not list the several other options, but surely you get my drift!

So what did these geniuses do? Why of course, they aborted the science lab, condemned it to non existence, killed the whole project. Just think of the wonders that kind of progressive thinking could bring to our entire education system. Wait a minute, isn’t that what’s been happening all over the US? Isn’t that the very reason our education system has progressed to it’s present glorious, exemplary state? The logic? If a course, or class, or school has a problem with one or more ethnic/racial groups performing in a far superior manner to other ethnic/racial groups there is a universal solution. CLOSE DOWN THE COURSE, OR CLASS, OR SCHOOL. Problem solved!

Same logic—if there are 500 students of varying abilities, set the curricula to fit the slowest student. It’s the best way to level things out and make everybody equal. Besides, those loyal members of the teachers union who couldn’t teach a starving dog how to eat won’t have to work so hard and strain their gray matter. Of course, should anything fail, those at fault, pardon me, those dedicated educators with a problem not of their making, could fall back on that universal excuse all liberals rely on for everything, GEORGE BUSH. Yeah! Blame it on George. Or maybe Halliburton, or big corporations, or conservatives, or Republicans or . . .

Remember the first law of liberalism, liberals are never to blame for anything! OH, for the good old days!

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