The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some Comments on that utopian marvel, SOCIALISM

The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive.
—Thomas Sowell

The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level.
—Norman Mailer

A government policy to rob Peter to pay Paul can be assured of the support of Paul.
—George Bernard Shaw

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.
—Thomas Sowell

A painful prediction followed by some observations

The United States will be a socialist dictatorship by 2030. At this time those leftist activists will happily extol the joys of socialism as they are being carted off to the salt mines.
—HJ, 2008

Why is it people seem to want to replace a very successful capitalist system with a socialist system that has proven to be a failure and should actually be called feudalism? The American capitalist system where a few are extremely wealthy, a great many more are wealthy, the vast majority live quite comfortably, a small minority are just getting by and a very small number are in poverty, is in the process of being deliberately destroyed so socialism can take over. Socialism which has been proven time and time again to provide power and extreme wealth for the very few in government while the vast majority are in or close to abject poverty. Just look at the nations of the world. There are hundreds of examples—obvious examples—of the failure of socialism. Socialism has inevitably lead to dictatorship where “the meanest SOB in the valley” takes over complete power, just like the “monkey king” of troops of our simian relatives. Just like our current crop of socialists in Congress (who still call themselves Democrats) all these would be totalitariqn tyrants promise anything to get in power, forget those promises when in power, and use that power doing anything to ensure they will always remain in power

Why is it people can’t see the multitudes of failures? I have one opinion that goes to basic human nature. It is easier for have nots to destroy the haves than to work to join them. Class envy whipped into a frenzy is the tool used by those seeking power and control to destroy any who oppose them. It’s the child on the beach who has not the skill or the patience to build a sand castle, but can gleefully destroy it. It’s the men who have neither the skill nor patience to design and build the WTC who destroyed it killing 3,000 human individuals. It’s the thousands of government bureaucrats who daily shuffle papers delaying and preventing benefits promised by the government to individuals who have become desperately dependent on them.

I’ll excuse all you leftists who hate America and think Americans should be punished for working hard and being successful. You are just too stupid, self pitying, and even pathetic to consider seriously. Bluntly put, you prefer destruction and personal injury to construction and cooperative behavior. Unfortunately it is far easier for a few of your depraved idiots to destroy what hard working Americans have built than for those Americans to defend what they have built from a few determined thugs. What’s worse, you are too ignorant and hate filled to realize how wrong it is for all but a very few individuals.

The Saul Alinsky school for the destruction of Americanism/capitalism/individual freedom and the promotion and ascension of Utopianism/socialist dictatorship/slavery.

"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

"Barack Obama is also an Alinskyite.... Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.... Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." (By Richard Poe, 11-27-07)

These are the criminal conspirators that are now running our nation. Realizing that most Americans will catch on to what they are doing within a very short time they are moving as quickly as possible to consolidate their power and never face another election. With massive new taxes announced and unannounced, the powers in Washington are forcing major corporations, banks they do not control, and other economic entities toward economic disaster and destruction. Using this as an excuse “They’re just too big to fail” they took over two of our three major auto companies and gave them to the UAW to run. That figures! The UAW is their constituency and who they take care of, not the American public.

Their end purpose became obvious when they refused even to negotiate the sale of Pontiac, Saab, and/or Saturn divisions to private investors eager to purchase and run them. One famous automotive entrepreneur after making a generous offer for Saturn, withdrew his offer after the government refused to bargain in good faith. His comment, “They obviously prefer to trash the company and get nothing for it than let it become a private company and increase private enterprise and investment”. The pending multi million dollar deals for three of the GM divisions have all been scrapped because of government intransigence. As a result, all three potential buyers are making deals with foreign auto manufacturers to pick up the market being deserted by GM.

With Goldman-Sachs in bed with the administration—they have supplied how many members to the Obama administration? Here’s a report from Global Research:

"For a speech to Goldman Sachs executives, Summers walked away with $135,000. This is substantially more than double the earnings for an entire year of high-seniority auto workers, who have been pilloried by the Obama administration and the media for their supposedly exorbitant and “unsustainable” wages."

A series of articles published over the weekend, based on financial disclosure reports released by the Obama administration last Friday concerning top White House officials, documents the extent to which the administration, in both its personnel and policies, is a political instrument of Wall Street.

Policies that are extraordinarily favorable to the financial elite that were put in place over the past month by the Obama administration have fed a surge in share values on Wall Street. These include the scheme to use hundreds of billions of dollars in public funds to pay hedge funds to buy up the banks’ toxic assets at inflated prices, the Auto Task Force’s rejection of the recovery plans of Chrysler and General Motors and its demand for even more brutal layoffs, wage cuts and attacks on workers’ health benefits and pensions, and the decision by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to weaken “mark-to-market” accounting rules and permit banks to inflate the value of their toxic assets.

Read the entire report at:

JUST KNOW THIS! These people are enemies of free men everywhere. They are on an orchestrated path to the total destruction of free America and the eradication of the economic/political system that created the most wealth for the most people more equally spread among the common folks than any other system in history. It was an excellent demonstration of the wealth that free people working in an open competitive environment with little interference from the dictates of politicians seeking self agrandizement. Their ultimate goal is an America under Soviet style socialist dictatorship where a very few control everything and the common man is a mere slave serving their leaders. They would replace a capitalist system where virtually thousands of organizations under diverse and creative management with a socialist system where there are a very few extremely wealthy and powerful members of the government who can virtually do as they please.

Look at the example already set by the members of the Socialist party in power. Michelle Obama spends huge sums on lavish luncheons on taxpayer’s money. If you don’t think a $400/00+ lobster “snack” is extravagant you belong on another planet. In the Socialist monopoly, one doesn’t have to be personally “wealthy” to be truly wealthy. All that is necessary is access and control of “public” money. “Princess” Hillary spent millions of taxpayers dollars for lavish Senate offices she only used for a few years. She says it was so she could better “serve” her constituents. It was actually an ego trip so she could live “better than those business executives” and have “the most expensive and luxurious office of any Senator.” That huge government expense had little to do with serving constituents.

Another ”princess” in the new socialist royalty, Nancy Pelosi, insists on expensive luxury jet aircraft to whisk her wherever she wants at great and unnecessary expense to the taxpayers. Witness the recent jaunt be she and a number of her faithful to Copenhagen for no conceivable reason. Using a number of expensive military jets, they went on what could accurately be described as a pleasure excursion for themselves and some family members. They had no possible legitimate purpose in taking that trip which cost American taxpayers hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars we could ill afford to spend. Are we going to stand for those greedy, self serving ego maniacal politicians to live like kings and queens on our money (they want all kinds of new and punitive taxes) while we face economic disaster—a very personal disaster—that they have brought upon us?

Just in passing, did you realize that the mortgage meltdown, deliberately engineered by liberals in government, resulted in the largest transfer of wealth out of the hands of individuals in the history of the world? People with moderate homes with normal mortgages consistently lost between 60% to 100% of their home equity. The liberal executives in the government’s Fannie May and Freddie Mac walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars for engineering this debacle which ultimately resulted in the recession. Nothing will ever convince me this wasn’t a deliberate effort to destroy middle America and our capitalist system. Government ownership of virtually all of America’s businesses is the ultimate goal.

As early as 2003 my son-in-law who worked as a mortgage salesman for a bank in Dayton was telling me of extreme government pressure exerted on his bank to make shaky loans. When the bank refused they were cut off from all access to government loan guarantees or referrals. His words, “Howard, I can hardly believe it but our federal government is deliberately inflating the housing bubble which I think will burst with dire consequences in a few years.”

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