The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

An open letter to LaLa Land dwellers

This includes most Democrats from the center to the far left

Dear moderates, Democrats and other leftist supporters of the present administration:

You are all victims of a colossal fraud. Because of your prejudices and fears, you will probably—no—certainly misunderstand the intent of these words. It is my observation that facts and realities have little to do with your opinions and expressions. Emotions driven by LaLa Land hopes, class envy, and illogical hatred of profits and capitalism, will always override any rational thoughts that might come into your heads.

You must be happy as clams with what the anointed one and his followers have accomplished to date in their war against free enterprise. Let’s see:

1) They brought about the biggest destruction of personal wealth for the most middle class people in history. And, yes it was started during the Bush administration, but it was liberals in the government bureaucracy like Raines and Johnson supported by Senators Dodd, Frank, and Obama who deliberately forced it through over the strenuous objections of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Both were called all manner of racists and anti-home owners by the left including the media for trying to prevent the debacle they saw coming. Barney Frank in particular is on record saying Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in excellent shape and that Bush and Cheney were trying to stop a policy that was providing homes for low income families. Ha! Typical of the left it was all condemnation and contrived hate speech with no substance or rational information of any kind. All of this is in the records even if the biased media refused to report it. I think it was a deliberate action designed to do just what it did. It’s all part of Obama’s announced plan to spread the wealth which is really a plan to spread poverty and make everyone dependent on government. Right now I think they are gearing up to do it again—to finish the job of destroying all private wealth of middle Americans and make them dependent on government.

2) They succeeded in severely damaging the greatest machine for spreading the wealth among the most people the world has ever known. Because of the new taxes and controls Obama threatened, along with his soak those nasty wealthy people promises, unemployment exploded and continues to rise. Despite their efforts to hide it, real unemployment has risen steadily to about 17%, far above the nearly 10% that is being reported. While private sector employment plummets, government employment is rising rapidly. Meanwhile our government of change prints money as fast as the presses will run. Question: what do we do when China, Middle Eastern bankers, and the rest of our creditors, decide not to loan us any more money? Or when tax revenue dries up as private businesses and corporations disappear?

3) Their so-called stimulus or porkulous package, a thinly disguised political payoff system, has created few, if any private sector jobs. I do believe it did precisely what it was intended to do, appear as an effort to help the economy while actually providing money to support political activities of a number of leftist support organizations. Doubt me? Just follow the money trail to who ended up with that money. While much of that trail is well hidden, those individuals identified as direct or indirect recipients are all Democrats. You won’t find a single conservative or conservative organization among them.

4) They turned a struggling auto industry over to the UAW for political expediency and as a payoff for support. While the momentum of GM and maybe even Chrysler will keep then going for a while, sooner or later the management style that makes Amtrak and the Postal Service such expensive, poorly run and unprofitable operations will prevail and no amount of public tax dollars will keep them afloat. I certainly wouldn’t buy a car from either of those companies whose raison d’etre is no longer profit, but support for the UAW pensions. Because of their efforts of the last five years, their current models may be excellent, but I sure wouldn’t trust things to stay that way. GM now stands for Government Motors. Remember the East German “peoples car,” the Trabant? The 1975 model was dubbed tops of the list of the 50 worst cars ever built by Time magazine. Is that what we can look forward to from Government Motors when the UAW decides current models are too extravagant? To read the entire article, go to:,28804,1658545_1658533_1658030,00.html

5) Internationally, they have given political recognition, aid, and support to many of our enemies while kicking a few of our loyal friends in the butt. Their UN people sat uncomplaining when that pig-headed idiot, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, called for the destruction of capitalism and a "war without borders" against the West and especially America. This pocket Hitler is about to have possession of atomic bombs and will certainly use them against us as soon as he can. Appeasement never worked against Hitler and I can guarantee it will not work against this petty tyrant.

There are many more, but who cares. If the first five don’t convince you, the next 100 won’t either. I realize many of you could use ignorance or stupidity as an excuse, but that still leaves hope for some of you. Do you know the difference between ignorance and stupidity? - - -Ignorance can be corrected.

For years I have dealt with the reality that many of you who I know personally haven’t a clue who I really am, what I fervently believe, how I conduct my life, the people I respect and honor, why they have earned my respect, or what seems to me to be important and for the greater good of all humanity. Sadly, many from all kinds of political beliefs—individuals that I would call extremists to some degree—refuse to discuss or consider any ideas or even words that do not fit into their ideology. It’s easy to have a friendly, rational discussion with people who agree with you, but it is far more stimulating and instructive to have these types of discussions with people who have different opinions. For this reason I often seek discussion with those of widely differing opinions. My active membership in the Socrates discussion group here in St Augustine is but one example.

I can remember having very few rational, open political conversations with any members of the left, and those only on rare occasions. What I do remember are emotional diatribes verging on hate speech against virtually anything having to do with capitalism, industry, business, corporations, indeed, the whole string of things that are the heart of American success and the major provider of jobs for the vast majority of Americans. I learned long ago to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself when conversing with those on the left most of the time. I try to act thus, even when the most egregious condemnations are made about things those doing the condemning know little or nothing about. The closed mind is far more the devil’s workplace than is the idle mind.

In every single discussion I can remember about virtually any subject with the slightest political content, I have always received the same kind of “You poor thing. You just don’t want to see how right we are.” attitude from virtually every one on the left. I have heard lots of hatred—class hatred, race hatred, religious hatred, hatred of the wealthy, (see definitions of wealthy later in this piece) and lots of condemnation of those not on the left. I also see lots of problems used to blame on those on the right, (mostly conservatives and those hated capitalists), and lots of name calling—racist and other demeaning epithets. Never, let me repeat, NEVER, have I heard any leftist propose any rational solution to any problem. All I hear from the left is condemnation of those they seek to blame for virtually any problem. Their universal solutions are always more government bureaucracy as in “give us money,” or “put us in charge,” or “lets tax it,” or “take money from the wealthy to pay for it,” or “give us control.” That’s virtually all I’ve heard out of Washington since long before the far left Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. It actually dates back to the depression of the 1930s. Even you biased ones on the left should be able to see what has happened since the anointed one took control and began his campaign to economically destroy the middle class and private enterprise, and replace it with government bureaucracy. At the rate things are going, this once free nation will be a socialist dictatorship in a very short time. We may be there already. Events related to the coming election will answer that question. When that happens, the entire nation will soon look like inner Detroit, a bombed-out, third-world country where most are equally dirt poor and the super wealthy, including many elite politicians, have all the wealth. Such will be the triumph of the left. Apparently, that is what you people on the left want. I'll say one thing, it is one way to make us all equal---equal in poverty that is.

A word about the often abused adjective wealthy in our country. A recent opinion study showed that most Americans generally view the wealthy as anyone who has more than twice as much stuff or income as they do. This means a family making $50,000 a year views all families making more than $100,000 a year as wealthy, and those making $200,000 view as wealthy only those making more than $400,000 a year etc. The same study described how people view the source of wealth as good or bad. Most Americans view those who achieved their wealth, even modest wealth, through business investment or the employment of others as bad or even evil, no matter how hard they worked. Strangely, they expressed little negative and mostly positive feelings about those individuals achieving wealth through celebrity, politics, the arts, entertainment, or sports. Those whose wealth was inherited also received mostly positive responses. Even attorneys’ wealth was seen as more positive than negative, better than business people, but less than celebrities.

Successful business people get a bad rap from others for many reasons, but by far the most obvious reason is jealousy and class envy. That’s because it’s far easier to ridicule and use hate speech to demean a person or group than it is to learn and/or earn ones way up to a comparable position. Do those curses and angry condemnations make those on the left feel any better about themselves? I doubt it. But it certainly diverts attention from and provides an excuse for their failures.

It is difficult for me to understand why those who provide the vast majority of jobs and employment in America should be so despised by so many people. Actually, I think it is because of the I hate my boss attitude of so many employees. This is nurtured and fomented by the deliberate hate speech of union activists, Democrat politicians and the main stream media. It probably originated in the sixteenth or seventeenth century with the great disdain the elitist, privileged, upper class held for merchants and trades people. Isn’t that precisely how the elitist leftists treat business people in the present America? This attitude is aggravated by legions of anti boss stories in books, movies, TV, radio, and even professional sports. From Simon Lagree to the Dabny Coleman character in the movie, From Nine to Five, business people or bosses, almost always Caucasian men, are portrayed as evil, stupid, nerdy, or hopelessly ridiculous. Universally they are depicted as the main antagonist to the good, clever, hard working, often oppressed worker, woman, subordinate, or even slave as protagonist. They are right up there, high on the hate scale with all those evil right wingers. They are of course in great contrast to those loving, wonderful left wingers who are incapable of doing anything but good. Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels conducted just such a propaganda campaign against Jews in the early thirties and everyone knows where that led. It could be said the current propaganda campaign in America is against Caucasian men of business and industry, and that would be fairly accurate.

Then there are those wonderful Hollywood geniuses. Those brilliant celebrities who are pampered, worshiped, adored, and emulated by legions of idiot fans because they are either physically beautiful, very sexy, or can play act. (That's faking being someone other than who they are, or, in effect, lying.) Amazingly, fans actually expect these narcissistic, emotional junkies to have something intelligent to say about anything. They hang on their words as if they were meaningful or of value. The trouble is, these caricatures of human beings are so used to following scripts, and doing or saying what promotes their careers or what their publicity agents tell them to say in public, that I doubt they have an opinion or intelligent thought of their own. They merely repeat the mantras provided them by the likes of George Soros and his propagandists.

I belong to an active group of seniors who hold a few holds barred discussion for three hours every Monday afternoon under the auspices of our Council on Aging. There are from twenty to thirty active members at each meeting. They are mostly retired people from many different walks of life equally divided between the sexes.. The group includes several college professors, other members of academia, two politicians, a few corporate employees, truck drivers, housewives and quite a few whose professions and backgrounds are obscure. This diverse group are mostly on the left politically. The only rabid right winger (not me) in the group couldn’t take the heat and left more than a year ago. Even those I see as fundamentalist leftists enter into our open discussions. They have learned that they must back up their many accusations against “big business” and capitalists with referenced facts because they know I will research those with which I disagree and call them to task with cold hard facts that are often far different than their claims.

Among the members who are of the far left are several who constantly demean and condemn business, corporations, Republicans and conservatives. In discussions, we frequently clash, mostly over emotionally held positions where I try to point out practically any known factual data. Example: it is a proven fact that every time federal tax rates have been lowered (the Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush tax cuts), tax revenue increased. Also, every time federal tax rates have been raised, tax revenue went down. That has been true for at least the last fifty years. Then I ask, “Why do Democrats constantly refer to increasing tax rates on the wealthy, but never mention increasing tax revenue for the government? In my opinion, it’s because Democrats are far more interested in punishing the wealthy and successful than in increasing tax revenue. That’s total fiscal nonsense.” When I point this out, they will grumble and say something like, “It’s not that simple.” or “There were other factors at work.” The reason for this is quite obvious to all but the dimmest light bulb or most prejudiced ideologue of the left. None of them will ever acknowledge these proven facts. That to me is ultimate stupidity. A childish, cut off nose to spite face, activity.

One of these leftist members made this comment to me after a particularly spirited discussion, “Howard, I have a hard time figuring out just where you stand on this. One minute you sound like a right wing corporate slave, the next, I hear ideas with which I completely agree.”

I replied, “First of all, there are no corporate slaves, and secondly, I am no slave of any kind, so get real. No corporation, member of any corporation, or individual can force or control an individual or group to do or not to do any activity, legal or illegal. Only government can legally do so, and they can enforce their impositions with guns, handcuffs, and threat of prison. Your “corporate slave” remark is simply meaningless. Furthermore, I am no ideologue of any ism. I owe no allegiance to any political party, faction, union, employer—no group of any kind. I have no peer revue group, membership committee, or board of directors to satisfy. I do not have to pander to any grant committee or government agency for funds. I’m sure this confuses you. To me, you appear to be an ideologue of the far left. This because I hear the mantras of the left repeated virtually verbatim in all of your arguments. Let me read to you from an Op Ed piece I wrote for this group a few months ago.” Here is that piece:

“The populist, anti business attitude and activists who fought the robber barons of a hundred and more years ago are still fighting a long vanquished enemy. Some of these so called titans of industry conspired to control everything. As powerful and hated as many of them were, not all of them were evil, but they were all human. I speak against today’s power hungry robber barons all of whom also are not evil, but are human and would control everything far more than those earlier ones ever dreamt of doing. Today those robber barons sit in the halls of Congress and populate our government bureaucracy. Incredible amounts of legislation has been enacted to blunt the potency of these power-mad individuals in the private sector. So much that most of that power has been taken over by government, the new lair of the robber barons. The big difference is that government has men who can enforce their rules with guns and handcuffs and prisons. That kind of power is extremely easy to abuse. The private sector has no power even close to that. Any person working for any other always has the option to quit and find another job.

“Several of our members have reminded us of President Eisenhower’s warning, “Beware the military/industrial complex.” This statement was made at a time when the government represented less than 3% of our nation’s economy while the private sector was a huge 97%. Now the government has exploded to more than 40% of the economy while the private sector has shrunk to a mere 60% or less. It shows an amazing feat of strength and adaptability in the private sector that the entire 40% of the economy that is government, is paid for by taxes levied on that 60% that is the private sector.

“Also, who owns and controls the military? The government of course. Who controls the procurement of military hardware, including weapons and supplies, and military services including software and electronic processes? Congress. Who decides what weapons are to be used? Congress. Who finances the industries who manufacture those items and services? The major banks. Who now controls the major banks? The government. As a result I think it imperative that we reword Eisenhower’s statement to, “Beware the government/banking complex.”

That evil private sector that generates profits and pays all taxes, is now under direct and devastating attack by a far left government that doesn’t seem to give a damn that it is destroying America’s economy, impoverishing her people, and building an elitist governing class that are becoming the new Lords and Ladies of a Feudal dictatorship. The Sheriff of Nottingham would fit right in with this oppressive class. One of the saddest realities of this situation is that the vast majority of those sworn to expose this evil chicanery are acting as if they are card carrying members of these elitists. That’s most of the media to you slow ones out there.

I have formed many friendships with members of the group in spite of our political differences. I daresay my expressed views have earned me a great deal of respect, even from those with whom I disagree. One member of the group is a retired professor of psychology, Jewish, an atheist, and fairly far to the left. We have become good friends. He is always reminding the group about Eisenhower’s warning, “Beware the military/industrial complex.” In one of our discussions I explained that the military is an arm of the federal government and that industrialists realize far less profit from military procurement than do the big banks which are so obviously in bed with our current administration and Congress. With the government now at more than 40% of the American economy, what we should truly fear is the “Government/banking complex.” Abe begrudgingly agreed I could be right. He then paid me what I consider to be a great compliment. He said, “Howard, you are the only conservative with whom I have ever been able to hold a rational political discussion.”

Incidently, before King Lyndon and his great society came along, the government was less than 4% of our economy, and even then that was too much. At the 40% it is now, we have passed the point where the private sector can pay for government. Good old math tells us it now takes two jobs in the private sector to pay for each government employee. This is why we are going in debt at three times the rate of just a few years ago. As soon as we reach 51%, America will be a committed feudal (socialist, communist, marxist, liberal) dictatorship. I believe only a bloody revolution will stop this dictatorship and that will happen only after the nation has been deeply impoverished. It looks to me as though many European nations are even closer to collapse than we are. The total collapse of cultures, nations, and most organizations happens very quickly. History provides countless examples. If you would like to read about how and why societies and nations collapse, and maybe even some helpful ideas to prevent such a happening, I suggest you read Jared Diamond’s book, Collapse. He’s the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning book, Guns, Germs, and Steel, and also, The Third Chimpanzee. I’ve read all three by this learned professor of geography, physiology, evolutionary biology, and biogeography who cuts across many fields of thought. I respect him and others like him who are realistic idealists, much as I try to be.

Here are some things I would like you to know about me that I’m sure you would not imagine. In my entire political life I have voted for no more than a dozen major candidates. Of those dozen or so, two were Democrats. One of those, Evan Bayh, betrayed his avowed principles and became a liberal Washington insider. I’m certain political ambitions were the driving force that moved this otherwise well intentioned man to adopt the posture of the left. The other Democrat is now a Libertarian and despises what the Democrat party has become.

In the vast majority of elections I find myself choosing the lesser of two or more disasters. Along those lines, I haven’t voted for a president since Ronald Reagan, and before that, Goldwater, and Eisenhower. Had I been old enough I would have voted for Harry Truman, (in spite of my father’s opinions) I missed that election as my 21st birthday was just a few weeks after the election.

I think the vast majority of our elected officials (of all parties) are self-serving egotists, much more interested in money and power for themselves than in serving their constituents. I have read and admired the well turned phrases of Eric Hoffer for many years. Ageless, they are far too numerous to mention here but for a few I must repeat because they fit most politicians so well.

“People unfit for freedom—who cannot do much with it—are hungry for power. The desire for freedom is an attribute of a
have type of self. It says: leave me alone and I shall grow, learn, and realize my capacities. The desire for power is basically an attribute of a have not type of self.”

“Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both.”

There arc so many liberal Democrats now in power who fit those descriptions precisely. That last one reminds me of the words of the then chairman of the Democrat party, Howard Dean, “I hate Republicans, I hate conservatives, and I hate Rush Limbaugh.” Though your party hacks try to label those same three as purveyors of hate, it is almost exclusively Democrats who use volumes of hate speech almost every time they open their mouths. Apparently, any words that disagree with, are negative about, or even poke fun at liberal Democrats and their agendas are labeled hate speech no matter how true they are. Of course, that is merely my opinion.
I would like to call your attention to the major achievements of liberal Democrats in league with labor unions. These are undeniable facts you can see and touch.

1. Take a trip through central Detroit to see what unionism and liberal politics has accomplished there. You’ll see a city literally destroyed. It looks like the bombed out capital of some third world nation. Block after block of destroyed homes, homes that have been looted and many burned, those still standing that is. Many if not most of the neighborhoods in the center of this once vibrant city are totally destroyed. The city has been run by a whole series of corrupt politicians, all liberal Democrats beholden to union power. There are even small sections on the south side of Ft Wayne that look nearly the same for similar reasons.

2. The most liberal states are all reeling in the throes of financial disaster, because liberal politicians spend money (mostly to buy votes) far beyond the states’ ability to generate tax revenue. Michigan, New Jersey, New York, California, and several other liberal states are virtually bankrupt. Businesses and industry that hasn’t already fled, or can’t flee overseas from those states are moving to states and even countries with more business friendly attitudes and tax rates. As they flee, they take revenue and jobs with them. Each of those states is controlled by spendthrift liberal Democrats, has monstrous tax rates, is losing population (at least working population), has a high unemployment rate, and is deeply in debt (and rapidly going deeper). Maybe New Jersey can come out of it now that they have a fiscally responsible Republican at the helm. The state of Indiana is a good example of what can happen under a hard working conservative Republican governor even with a Democrat dominated legislature. The state is one of the very few that are in the black, where private sector employment numbers are growing, and where state revenue is climbing. Businesses and workers are moving to Indiana in droves, many from those liberal states including California. And those on welfare? Many are leaving Indiana for more liberal states with welfare programs easier to scam.

3. The mortgage and then the stock market collapse, certainly engineered by liberals, their policies, and government pressure on banks, resulted in by far the largest destruction and transfer of wealth from middle class Americans. The really wealthy didn’t lose much and the super wealthy, mostly supporters of the left, actually profited from the economic disaster. No one mentions it , but the mortgage melt down wiped out about two thirds of the wealth of the American middle class. Apparently liberals think the way to level the economic playing field is to make everyone (except people in government and unions) as poor as the poorest Americans. It is quite obvious, that the entire financial fiasco was deliberately engineered by liberals (who profited substantially) including Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and the anointed one, our wonderful president. Then there were those bureaucrat leftists like Franklin Raines who used their appointed positions to wield the wrecking ball that demolished the mortgage industry and brought about the economic disaster that followed. In my opinion it was designed to do just exactly what it accomplished, the destruction of much of the personal wealth of the majority of Americans. In the process, the four mentioned, along with quite a few other liberal Democrats, profited greatly, all paid from taxpayer funds while deliberately striking a major blow to America’s financial health, its private sector.

I could list dozens of similar facts, but why bother. Fifty years of liberal action to dumb down the populace by devastating our once top-notch education system, coupled with punitive taxing systems and election processes designed 200 years ago has created a monstrous, bloated government whose sole purpose is to perpetuate itself. Back then it took many days to get from one place to another, even on horseback, and the best and fastest communication was in days or weeks compared with the millisecond transfer of today. Another sign of politically directed education. Few of the younger generation have any idea who their congressman is or why he was elected. Many don’t know who their senators are. Recently (2006) I heard one of those man-on-the-street interviewers asking college seniors who the vice president of the US was and who were their representative and senators. Less than a third of them got any right, and none knew all of them. That’s appalling. That’s also why so few Americans vote.

These are realities, not the pie in the sky or the rosy pronouncements of politicians.
And how about our glorious main stream media? The New York Times, the LA Times, ABC, CBS, NBC and their spin-off cable news services have become the propaganda arm of liberal Democrat government. On a daily basis, they hide all negative news about the government and Democrats while front paging any positive news or spin, even if they have to lie. They have become so blatant in their lopsided, leftist promoting propaganda, they have become a pathetic joke to many, and suspected of chicanery by most Americans. There was even some information leaked about how they were scheming to have Fox news taken off the air along with all right wing radio talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Unable to compete or even discredit these far more truthful and accurate news and opinion sources, they are trying to get their far left cohorts in Congress to force them off the air. That I call dictatorship in action!

In comparison to the success of conservative talk radio and the hosts just mentioned, look at what happened to the most popular left wing talk-radio mouthpiece, Al Franken. All of his programs were disastrous failures. So he decides to run for the Senate in a liberal Democrat state with a political machine that rivals in corruption, that of Cook County, Illinois. In spite of all the tricks Democrats could pull, his Republican opponent bested this clown by between 200 and 700 votes in a close election. During the recount, previously uncounted ballots started appearing from unusual places. Some were even found in the trunk of a poll worker’s car. I predicted (correctly) that while the recount of known ballots would not change things significantly, there would be many new, uncounted ballots found, the vast majority of which would be for Franken. Well, you know the outcome.

Over the years I have received occasional bits of correspondence from leftist friends that were quite critical of what they believe my political beliefs to be, the causes and people they assume I support, and/or almost any person who does not believe as they do. I have received some responses, but those have mostly said they don’t like my writing about controversial subjects, but only those soft warm fuzzies I write about in my short stories during the time when I was growing up. Well, you leftists won’t like what I’ve written in my book, A Convenient Solution, now renamed, Energy, Convenient Solutions, or my latest version of Words from the Lakeside, either. No, they are not filled with hate speech. I leave that up to you folks on the left. They are liberally sprinkled with the words of wise and famous men and women who often point out the folly, greed, anger, and deception, of those on the left. I even include myself in that group as a rational, thinking individual, who does not have a closed mind. The energy book is also filled with information that could lead to solutions to many of our energy related problems. Solutions, that’s a word absent from the vocabulary of the left. Apparently leftists believe that solutions are the last thing they want because a solution usually removes a problem and so removes a destroy and control weapon from the liberal arsenal.

I have come to believe that liberalism, socialism, communism, nazism, and feudalism are all just different names for political totalitarian systems of government. In each of these, the people serve the government rather than the government serving the people as our Constitution outlined. I believe each of these isms to be consummate evils that subjugate free men and, like the kingdoms and sheikdoms of old, place all the power and wealth under the control of a few elitists including, royals, commissars, lords, sheiks, emperors, senators, presidents, (and their appointed czars) etc.

I could fill a book with examples of how stupid our politicians believe the public to be. I will provide just two examples. The first is the Congressional Budget Office, the CBO. During the recent ramming of Obamacare down our throats against major public resistance, Democrats announced gleefully that the CBO numbers on the costs of Obamacare showed it would not add to the nations financial obligations, it was a tax-neutral law. In the past, cost estimates by the CBO averaged about a quarter of what any proposed bill eventually cost. That’s averaged! So you can count on Obamacare to cost at least four times what Congress says it will cost. Oh yes, did you know that one part of the bill no main-stream media person would mention is a heavy tax placed on home sales. That’s right, if you now sell your home you must pay a substantial portion of the sale to the government as a health care tax. That’s one more of the many taxes the federal government levees on everyone, regardless of their financial condition. It will fall disproportionately on middle class and poorer Americans. Did you know that between 20% and 26% of every dollar spent for goods and services goes to the federal government in the form of hidden taxes. Those taxes are paid by everyone, the poorest and the wealthiest, regardless of their income or financial status.

Another example is taxes and federal revenue explained earlier in this article. Apparently those idiots in Congress don’t even believe their own reports on taxes and revenue. In truth, they must think that revenge against the hated wealthy is worth any price the people must pay, usually in higher tax rates and unemployment. The current stagnant economy and unemployment is the direct result of the tax policies and pronouncements of controls made by Democrats and the administration. Of course, since they are the government, they have voted themselves immunity to these problems. In fact, employment in Washington is booming (4.14% unemployment) as government employment grows and private employment continues to sink.

Interesting note: ten years ago there were about 9,500 publicly traded corporations in America. By 2008 that number had shriveled to about 7,000. In January, 2010 we learned it had plummeted to 4,100. The same relative numbers apply to individual enterprises and privately owned corporations. Thanks to the war against business now being waged by our leftist government, small businesses are disappearing at an alarming rate along with the jobs they have provided. For many years, small business has been the creator of most new jobs. It is obvious that our government has become the enemy of business and small business in particular in spite of all the hoopla (BS) about help for small business from the administration. (That so called help comes with many oppressive regulations and hundreds of bureaucrats telling you how to conduct your business.) What I would like to know is who is going to pay for the burgeoning bureaucracy when those 4,100 publicly traded corporations and the remaining millions of small businesses are gone? China anyone?

Oh yes, just the other day, right after our glorious president made remarks about the improving economy, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report that more than half a million private sector jobs were lost during the previous week. That’s the largest number of job losses in more than a year. That’s why I believe nothing our government, or any liberal or leftist says. I merely watch what they do, how they act, and register the results of their efforts. I also take most of what the government controlled media says with a pound or two of salt. It’s not just that they lie, they hide negative news about Democrats and positive news about Republicans while loudly trumpeting the reverse. Unfounded accusations that are splashed all over the front page of the New York Times are routinely recounted or corrected way back in the paper where no one looks.

Speaking of the results of their efforts reminds me of what a friend of mine from racing days told me earlier in the year. We’ve kept in touch off and on since the 1960s when we were competitors in sports car racing. Several years ago I mentioned in an email that I was coming to visit my daughters in the Detroit area. He asked me out to lunch while I was there. During our meeting he asked me questions about Ft Wayne and northern Indiana as he was considering moving his business from Dearborn to a more business friendly location. He manufactures highly specialized construction equipment he sells to distributors and contractors. “I’ve about had it with Michigan taxes and union pressures here.” he told me. “I’ve heard things are much more business friendly in Indiana so fill me in on what you can.”

Among other information I gave him was the name and address of a Republican politician who is currently in charge of new business development in the Ft Wayne area. I told him what I knew about the business climate in Indiana and how there were numerous small manufacturers who had already moved here from Michigan. He thanked me and that’s the last I heard from him until this summer. I was floored when I read his email. He had moved everything possible from his entire business in Dearborn, including more than half of his labor force, about 35 people into a new facility called, I-Park Lemminkäinen, in Kaluga, some 180 km south of Moscow. He moved his entire family along with those 35 employees and their families into an American community near Kaluga. The children will attend English speaking schools that cater to Americans.

He wrote, “I ran across the I-Park developers while searching for a new location in the states. They flew me there and gave me a VIP tour. I was impressed. Then they took me to the American community and I talked with several Americans who had been there for some time. I was amazed. Many familiar names in the automotive and construction fields were already operating there. Business taxes including capital gains are a straight 15% of profits under a plan they call STS. That includes pensions and insurance, less than half comparable costs in the US and the record keeping and reporting is a small fraction of what we did in Dearborn. Since we are now here, it is obvious we took the deal. They way things looked to be going with the mortgage debacle and the looming 2008 election made up our minds. We were not the only ones. There is a big shortage of housing in the developing American section. Homes and apartments (mostly apartments) are being built at an astounding rate. Still, there is a long wait to get a place to live, much longer than when we moved here. More Americans seem to be moving here every day.”

I wonder if those are some of the twice as many talented Americans who moved out of the country in 2009 as did in 2008?

“The business part is better than we expected. Our business has taken off and we still ship to a number of our old customers in the States and Canada. Those American customers still account for more than half our business. The unskilled pay scale is much lower than in the States, but highly technical or skilled personnel are roughly equal to the States, and in short supply. (That’s why they are tapping the American market for skilled and technical people.) With the cost of living mostly much less including housing, and business and personal taxes so much lower, our real business and living costs are little more than half that of Dearborn. There are a few negatives. The quality of goods and services is much lower than we are used to, and some things are just poorly made. There is a concerted effort to change that, but it will take time and some new attitudes among the Russians. Also, personal travel is a red tape nightmare. I think that’s a leftover from the old Soviet Union. Except for travel, personal freedom seems about the same, but not so for criminals. The ACLU would scream. Of course, they would probably soon be in jail. Health care is OK, but wait times are long, and exotic tests and services readily available in the US are simply non existent. I’m sure Obama will soon change that in the US.”

He went on to invite us to visit him if we ever get to Moscow. Oh yes, because of their increase in retained profits they send every employee that wants to go, back to the states for two weeks every year, all at no cost to the employee. The employee doesn’t even have to pay income taxes on the value of the trip. Can you see liberals allowing such a tax evading thing here?

So what does it all add up to? No rational group of people would do what this administration is doing unless their intention was the deliberate and destruction of America. It is impossible for them to do what they are doing out of ignorance. No one is that stupid or ignorant. Therefore it is a deliberate action ensuring destruction of the current Constitutional system of government so they can impose a new and totally different system. Sharia law, anyone? That is the only rational conclusion an intelligent person could come to. Ahmadinejad for president of America, Obama for president of the world under sharia law. Is that what you leftists really want to wake up to some day? Don't think it's impossible.

For several good reasons I now believe our president is a devout and committed Muslim who is not even a legal citizen of this country. That is not because of what others say, but the result of my own intensive research. Even though he won't produce it I believe he has a Hawaiian birth certificate that he purchased just like hundreds of other foreign nationals including a number of Far Eastern leaders, politicians, and wealthy citizens. The reason he won't produce his Hawaiian birth certificate is that it will list the actual location of his live birth. I checked this out from several sources including the Hawaiian statutes that provide for this.

Additionally, there are no hospital records available that show Obama was born there. The group that published this information and the state of Hawaii both testify this to be the truth. Check the following web site which explains how a foreign national can get US citizenship by obtaining a Hawaiian birth certificate..

Obama could easily counter all these claims by 1) producing his Hawaiian birth certificate or 2) unsealing the records of Mombasa Coastal Hospital in Kenya. Neither of these is likely to happen since each would establish his true birthplace as Mombasa Coastal Hospital in Kenya. Even Snopes does not dispute these facts.

The media will not investigate this out of fear of retaliation. I believe the carefully hidden threat of violent retaliation is behind all of this. The New Black Panther Party has been getting a lot of publicity lately. Its Philadelphia leader, King Samir Shabazz was recorded professing his hate for all white people. He specifically called for the murder of “cracker babies”, a racist term referring to white infants. For several weeks, pundits have been hammering the Obama administration for its handling of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case. The main part of the argument is that the Obama administration cancelled a certain conviction because it won’t go after minorities for even the most egregious civil rights violations.

During the presidential election, New Black Pather Party members Jerry Jackson and King Samir Shabazz were accused of making intimidating remarks to both white and black voters as they stood outside a Philadelphia polling place. They were dressed in black military-style uniforms and Shabazz brandished a nightstick, a clear violation of the law. Incredibly, the men asked a camera man why he was taping them. This was caught on video.

The Department of Justice filed a civil action in federal court before Obama took office. The suit accused the two men, as well as the New Black Panther Party and its leader Malik Zulu Shabazz, of engaging in voter intimidation. In typical fashion, none of the defendants responded to the complaint. Then, the Department, under the instructions of Eric Holder, decided to drop its case against all but King Samir Shabazz, the one with the nightstick. The department received an injunction prohibiting Shabazz from displaying a weapon within 100 feet of a Philadelphia polling location until 2012. That was an inconsequential slap on the hand for the New Black Panther Party which will certainly encourage them to ratchet up their plans for intimidation in the next election. Many pundits decried the government's position as outrageously lenient, and evidence of an Obama administration double standard on race issues.

It doesn’t take much of a stretch to think that threats of violence by similar activists could be behind the current rash of Republicans, defeated in their primaries, who are planning to run as independents, mainly to divide the Republican vote and help liberal Democrats. There are already four that have announced such plans and several more that may consider doing so if they lose to Tea Party candidates in upcoming primaries. Poles show there is little chance of any of them garnering enough votes to be serious contenders. Democrats love it since each of these campaigns give them a leg up in areas where otherwise they would have no chance. I smell liberal efforts, hidden promises, and possibly even threats of violence behind these divisive actions.

Remember the movie, The Manchurian Candidate? I firmly believe we are experiencing just such a carefully orchestrated fraud being perpetrated by Islam in their efforts at world domination. They desperately want control of our industry and military and this is one way to get that control while our people sleep at the switch. It is the only way they can counter the growing threat from the Chinese who at present, could easily march through Iran and conquer all of the Middle East including Saudi Arabia. With their growing military and economic power, I doubt either Russia or America would try to stop them as both are terrified of the nuclear war that could ensue. Should Islam succeed in taking over America before the Chinese could act it would be a whole different ball game. They would use nuclear weaponry even if the result was the destruction of all life on Earth. Believe me, the idiot that pressed those final launch buttons would only be thinking about all those virgins.

Islam has one big advantage. They do not care if their actions destroy life on the planet, we, at least most of us in the West, do. Even the Communist Chinese are free of the religious fanaticism that drives Islam with their disdain for all life on the planet. They know the only way to stop Islam is to cripple them economically. That is, of course, what Islam is currently trying desperately to do to us. Why we do not recognize this and even help them by trading huge amounts of cash for oil. Could their agents be behind the mortgage debacle? It’s not an impossible scenario. It certainly fits into the overall picture.

Unless main stream America wakes up very soon and takes effective action, we are looking at a future of extremely violent destruction, far worse than any man has yet experienced. Islam has fomented bloody battles and revolutions against any and all who didn't submit to their brutality since they came on the scene in the seventh century. They don't seem to care how many people they murder, even slaughtering their own to impose their Sharia law. There is no freedom, only submission to a male chauvinist culture that murders women at the slightest provocation and whose males are immune from criminal prosecution for such murders. Nice people.

Personally, my hope is that the Chinese will wake up and wage a major war against Islam, and soon. They did it before and with their awakening power they may be the only force now willing to go against Islam. I can see them going through Iran and Saudi Arabia with a scorched earth invasion and taking control of their oil. They have none of the resistance to taking aggressive action in the face of a major threat that we seem to have. They did it in Tibet when they had far less power, wealth, and military equipment.

Maybe I will write a novel with this reality as the background. I could title it, The Destruction of America.

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