The author is not responsible for emotional distress caused by these words. Political correctness is not one of his favorite things.

Friday, November 19, 2010

How the left twists quotes into falsehoods to serve their agenda of hate.

In his 1953 confirmation hearing for Secretary of Defense in the incoming Eisenhower administration, former General Motors CEO Charles "Engine Charlie" Wilson was asked how he would handle conflicts of interests in the Defense Department's dealings with his old firm. Wilson replied that "for years I thought that what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa."

For decades, Wilson's comment -- misquoted as "What's good for General Motors is good for the country" -- has been paraded by liberals as an example of conservatives putting the concerns of a giant corporation ahead of those of the rest of America. This is typical of how liberals expound bald faced lies through the biased media. It’s but one example of how they “redesign” their quotes of what so many people say into even the exact opposite of what they actually said. NEVER will the main stream media correct these misquotes or even consider apologizing for their grievous lies.

But since GM's multi-billion dollar bailout and government takeover, the misquote from Wilson has become the philosophy of the Obama administration. They are treating the success of the initial public offering of the new GM, which will likely happen this Thursday, as proof positive that that the auto industry rescue and much of the rest of Obama's economic policies must be good for the country. While they loudly (and falsely) proclaim GM has paid back the taxpayer’s loan, they brag about the “new” GM and its profitability.

Consider this quote from John Berlau in The American Spectator,“But what exactly is so remarkable about a company coming back to life after a $65 billion taxpayer bailout, additional billions in tax breaks not available to other companies, (no corporate income taxes for thenexr few years), and even an amazing "sovereign immunity" exemption for this IPO from anti-fraud securities laws and lawsuits? With this massive infusion of government aid and favors, even a company selling ketchup Popsicles to women wearing white gloves would likely show a profitable quarter! (Hat tip for the Popsicle analogy to David Spade in Tommy Boy.”

The sorry reality is that the bulk of the bailout money went to the UAW pension fund at the expense of less well connected pension funds of police and teachers. While GM would certainly have weathered a chapter 11 bankruptcy using a tried and proven system, our government arbitrarily went around the procedures that would have fairly treated all debtors from pension funds to bondholders to stockholders and trade suppliers. They instead simply pushed all private debtors out of the picture, took over the company and gave everything to the UAW which was probably the largest single factor in GM’s financial; plight in the first place. This was a purely political payoff made with $59 billion of taxpayer’s money. It was also a massive transfer of wealth from the private to the public sector. Had GM and Chrysler been able to follow Ford’s lead they would still be in private hands today. Your government does not care how much of your money they spend as long as they gain power and control. Look for this procedure to become a standard in their arsenal of weapons against private business in the future.

Just because there has been a temporary setback in the recent elections does not mean the left will slacken its assault on private business, capitalism, and free enterprise. Remember those millions of anti-business leftist activists still employed by our huge government bureaucracy? Not only are they a huge controlled voting block, (they’re voting to keep their cushy jobs and pensions), but they control much of the day to day operation of our far left government. All of these individuals, groups and departments will work hand-in-hand with leftist politicians to turn our once free nation in a totalitarian state. If you look closely, we’re almost there already. My guess is the left is working on another plan to destroy our free economy. If you think the mortgage debacle they orchestrated was bad, wait ‘til the next shoe drops.

Remember these actual, unedited words of DNC chairman Howard Dean, “I hate Republicans. I hate Conservatives. I hate Rush Limbaugh.” I consider that a mantra of the left, an expression of what every liberal really feels and the hatred they express. If I were to use the left’s standard policy about quotes I would have added, “I hate the stupid common people. I hate everyone who wants to be free. I hate anyone who won’t follow my agenda.” and claimed it was what he intended to say. Incidently, those added words are probably not far off the mark of what he and the rest on the left think. Of course, actions speak far louder than words and it is the actions of the left, and not their words that are driving this once free nation toward totalitarian socialism.

Unless this new Congress does everything it can to fulfill the promises that got them elected, I will stand by my prediction made in 1992 that the United States will be a totalitarian socialist dictatorship by the year 2030. We will then all be equally poor and starving. Except for those in power of course. That’s the left’s way of making everyone “equal.” I am reminded of a sentence from Animal Farm, “We are all equal, but some are more equal than others.”

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